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In my opinion, the current compass is an example of over-design.

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There are times when a HUD is the most "realistic" option available. Hunger/Thirst on the HUD made far more sense from a realism standpoint than my character randomly mumbling well nigh unintelligible bullshit about how hungry, thirsty or nauseous he is.


These things are emotions. They are ever-present and ever-accessible. You don't need to think about how hungry you are to know how hungry you are. You just know. Until games can figure out a way to pipe emotions directly into your cerebellum, an on-screen image which indicates a relative hunger or thirst level is absolutely the most "realistic" representation of this.


As for the compass, what's realistic about the current implementation? I have the option of a compass that's too small to see, or one that for some reason obscures my entire field of view (but I can do it while sprinting). I have to choose to "Inspect" it - an action for which there is no real world equivalent. I would be "Inspecting" the thing just by looking at it. It's not like I would have to take it out and then tell my eyeballs "Okay guys, time to go to work!"


The HUD pop-up was a stand-in for a quick glance. Something for which there is currently no in-game equivalent action. You have to go through this silly process of "putting" things in your hand (again, an oddly complex concept for something that in real life basically just involves bending your elbow and grasping) and then, again, "Inspecting" the thing which would already be happening in reality.


Ideally, items which can be "glanced" at like a watch, a compass, a directional GPS arrow, a batter indicator, etc. should be available at a single keystroke to accurately recreate our brains' ability to gather information quickly with a glance without distracting ourselves from all the other things going on around us.

Yea this pretty much nails it

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The things I would do for the compass to glow in the dark, it's practically useless at night because it's pitch black.

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I see what you are saying to an extent, just wait for sundials to replace a watch.


I have no beans brethern..please accept this tin..it smells of spaghetti and will have to suffice for now  :emptycan:



I honestly have no problem with it...


While jogging, hit your hotkey for it, hit space, look down at it, adjust accordingly, hit space again and hit your hotkey again and continue sprinting. You don't even have to stop moving. It's not particularly hard to get used to.



 Not really much i can add, it is easy, quick to pull out and put away, simple to read at a glance..i don't  have a problem with it.

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Then find yourself a vest and keep the compass in your vest readily...  lol...  If you are saying this is too inconvenient then just put the compass on your hot bar and press a button to see the compass if you are too lazy to do that then i suggest playing call of duty or bf4...  I respect your argument,  but I am left confused after reading it because you seem to favor realistic gameplay,  on the other hand it seems like you would rather have a hud...  I think rocket has done great things by making you respect the fact that your character only has two hands and two eyeballs...  Being able to simplify the hud down to the sole character and inventory is something many games have attempted but i think dayz alpha has done it best thus far... 

 Sorry I agree with OP using the compass in 2 hands like your carrying a glass of nitroglycerin is not realistic.

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As a squad player, not being able to use the compass to give my mates a bearing is very frustrating. The compass needs some sort of zoom-in function and a higher resolution texture. Basically, make it work like it did in Arma


you guys wanna be able to hold your compass and shoot pretty much lol. then you guys go on complaining on lack of team work. As former US we had one guy that in charge of navigation, in other words while every body else was 100% on the alert the nav guy was 85% on navigation. And you can hold a weapon and a compass at the same you check if your still in the right way. 

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 Sorry I agree with OP using the compass in 2 hands like your carrying a glass of nitroglycerin is not realistic.


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I have no issue with having to take out my compass to use it but the damn angle they have you hold it at makes reading the barrings a chore.

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Its under designed if it doesn't work well or works inefficiently. The 3D model use is awesome, although it needs to be held more towards you. There is no reason you could program it to do as you say. I'd prefer a one handed use, still able to hold a rifle or something in the other hand but not aimed super well and probably held down.


Too often developers don't take opportunities to incorporate realism and believability into what are supposed to be challenging game mechanics. Un-realistic filter use in Metro: 2033 and LL, not being able to see the results of your selector switch in BF3 in HC mode, driving the ship around with your mouse in Mass Effect 2 and 3 or scanning planets for resources with your mouse when that simple would of course be automated in real life -in an otherwise believable game (at least in the sense that a Star Trek Transporter is believable).

Edited by Thane

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Too often developers don't take opportunities to incorporate realism and believability into what are supposed to be challenging game mechanics.


That's because there's a point at which it ceases to be interesting and becomes ridiculous tedium.


Do you want to have to pull the zipper up on your pants or individually fasten the buttons on your jacket?


Should you have to load bullets one at a time into a magazine, or take your sunglasses off and use your shirt to clean them?

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 Not really much i can add, it is easy, quick to pull out and put away, simple to read at a glance..i don't  have a problem with it.


I don't suppose there's a chance I could convince you to post a short video of this "quick to pull" and "simple to read at a glance" experience?


Preferably a few times in a row while changing direction and terrain type, etc. so we know you didn't just rehearse the one. ;)

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I am going to put this argument to rest...



Press Tab -> Mouse over Compass -> Look at the direction the arrow is pointing on the "Mouse over" icon of the compass



Try it for yourselves...

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Player over there.. where. um hang on..


fumble.. grunt.. fumble.. wipes eyes.. oh that's a can of sardines.. hang on


fumble curse fumble grunt






oh hes gone


hes running




hang on..

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I am going to put this argument to rest...



Press Tab -> Mouse over Compass -> Look at the direction the arrow is pointing on the "Mouse over" icon of the compass



Try it for yourselves...


Yeah, that doesn't put the argument to rest at all. I still have to open my inventory, obscuring my view, and then get a picture of the compass that's more difficult to discern than it used to be, yet functions essentially identically to an on-screen icon.


It's a step backwards. Just let me bind compass glance to a key and show the same mouseover window with a more clear picture that doesn't l look like the compass is at the end of a six foot pole and partially under water.

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If you do not see this with your compass in your hand, press space.



Thanks for the ridiculously over-sized information, but that's exactly what we're talking about. Put it in your hands... press space. You're already 5 seconds into what should be a 3000ms process at most.

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Yeah, that doesn't put the argument to rest at all. I still have to open my inventory, obscuring my view, and then get a picture of the compass that's more difficult to discern than it used to be, yet functions essentially identically to an on-screen icon.


It's a step backwards. Just let me bind compass glance to a key and show the same mouseover window with a more clear picture that doesn't l look like the compass is at the end of a six foot pole and partially under water.




Ever tried looking at a compass while you're running over terrain with 50 lbs of gear on your back?


Furthermore, pressing tab takes 0 time at all, and mousing over your compass takes very little time at all.. It's used as a quick reference to make sure you're still on your bearings, or to double check which direction you're facing.. 

Edited by Etherimp

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Ever tried looking at a compass while you're running over terrain


No, but I've stopped and tried to look at one and it doesn't throw an opaque sheet over my head.


 50 lbs of gear on your back?


What does that have to do with anything? It's glancing at a compass.


Furthermore, pressing tab takes 0 time at all


That violates several natural laws so I'm pretty sure it's not true.



It's used as a quick reference to make sure you're still on your bearings, or to double check which direction you're facing.


Thanks Magellan. I know what a compass is for.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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No, but I've stopped and tried to look at one and it doesn't throw an opaque sheet over my head.



What does that have to do with anything? It's glancing at a compass.



That violates several natural laws so I'm pretty sure it's not true.



Thanks Magellan. I know what a compass is for.



1. Compass needles wobble around if you're running.. You can't just jog at a steady clip with 50lbs of gear on your back (I am estimating roughly, probably more.), and be able to discern what the compass reads, AT ALL.


2. The more gear you're carrying the more you're going to bounce when jogging.. Clearly you've never been hiking with a full pack.


3. Pressing tab is pretty much instantaneous... "0 time" was a bit of an  exaggeration, but you get my point.


4. You're welcome, smart ass.. now stop griping about the compass.

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1. Compass needles wobble around if you're running..


Right. Which is why I said stop running, like 6 times.


2. The more gear you're carrying the more you're going to bounce when jogging.. Clearly you've never been hiking with a full pack.


"Clearly" you missed all the times I said I'm not talking about checking it while jogging.


3. Pressing tab is pretty much instantaneous..


Considering the difference between how long it takes to press tab and "instantaneous" is basically infinity percent, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you have some weird definition of "instantaneous" that you're going to have to go ahead and agree to disagree with reality and the laws of time and space about.


4. You're welcome, smart ass.. now stop griping about the compass.


Nobody's griping. I was provide constructive criticism. You know. Like half the point to us playing the fucking Alpha release? The discussion was relatively civil until you showed up to serve up a steaming helping of "shit we already discussed" with a side of pompous dickwhisker.


If this is really how you want to interact with your compass, then surely we can agree this is superior. It's functionally identical, easier to read (i.e., it doesn't look like my eyes are 12 feet away from something that's in my fucking hand), it's accessible via a keystroke and it doesn't arbitrarily obscure my vision for no reason.


In other words, it works exactly like it did in the mod minus glowing in the dark.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Right. Which is why I said stop running, like 6 times.



"Clearly" you missed all the times I said I'm not talking about checking it while jogging.



Considering the difference between how long it takes to press tab and "instantaneous" is basically infinity percent, I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you have some weird definition of "instantaneous" that you're going to have to go ahead and agree to disagree with reality and the laws of time and space about.



Nobody's griping. I was provide constructive criticism. You know. Like half the point to us playing the fucking Alpha release? The discussion was relatively civil until you showed up to serve up a steaming helping of "shit we already discussed" with a side of pompous dickwhisker.


If this is really how you want to interact with your compass, then surely we can agree this is superior. It's functionally identical, easier to read (i.e., it doesn't look like my eyes are 12 feet away from something that's in my fucking hand), it's accessible via a keystroke and it doesn't arbitrarily obscure my vision for no reason.


In other words, it works exactly like it did in the mod minus glowing in the dark.



Yup. Your example looks nice. No doubt. Furthermore, I didn't bother reading 2.5 pages of text about a compass. I just skimmed the topic to see if anyone mentioned viewing the compass from your inventory.. which nobody did.. So I offered some advice, at which point you turned into a dick. Sorry for the misunderstand. 

Edited by Etherimp

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It is a little bit ridiculous. What was wrong with the old compass functionality?




I would really like to see the old compass functionality - or something very similar return - and a similar treatment with items to come in the future which would be used "at a glance" like a watch or certain GPS devices.

Like the old one, you could hold or press a button, one hand comes up holding the compass, let go of the button and the hand lowers.

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I actually don't use it as intended and just when I'm running along I click "inspect" in inventory check my bearing, stop and change direction if needed and then carry on running. I don't lose why gun/axe or whatever then.

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