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"In Pain" Sounds should be Grunts / etc only.

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"FUK TAT HURTSSSSS" in an accent I don't think my character has and "AWH SHETTTT" is not entertaining when my character is in pain. Grunts, groans, and the shhhhhhhhsh thingy is good, but hearing the same lines of monologue about how much this shit hurts isn't fun.


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"FUK TAT HURTSSSSS" in an accent I don't think my character has and "AWH SHETTTT" is not entertaining when my character is in pain. Grunts, groans, and the shhhhhhhhsh thingy is good, but hearing the same lines of monologue about how much this shit hurts isn't fun.

Pretty sure you would say the same thing man. 

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Those are from ArmA 2 as far as I know. I've thought of them as placeholders, considering females use them too if I'm not mistaken, but I agree I'd rather it just be grunts and moans.

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Especially when you're a black female, the russian accents and manly grunts dont seem to fit...

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