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About strykeraid

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  1. 1. Admins don't spawn us anything and we don't have any advantages 2. I wouldn't accuse any one of glitching if I were you since YOUR group was known for wall glitching into bases. Hell, your group members tried wall glitching into our base. 3. The building that we built our base in isn't the only one on the map. I know of at least 2 other locations with the same building. You couldve easily taken over the same building in another place, we just chose to be in cherno. We were up all night constructing, and moving our shit over to the new base. We received no help from any admin. 4. You weren't successful, you just blew up the building and no one died. The stuff in our safes were still untouched. No vehicles were blown up either. It's more like a failed attempt. 5. Tough luck, everyone is fair game and thermal vision vehicles are easy to get. Anyone can get one in a matter of a few hours. 6. Speak for yourself. Players receive help if they request it. 7. The average server pop. has been going up, get your facts straight. Take your shitty trash-talking, glitch-abusing group to another server, thanks for playing
  2. I had many gg's on this server. Admin does his job and is fair. Have a good one
  3. Pretty good server, the admins were helpful and fun to play with. The custom buildings are cool and this server has potential to be great.
  4. strykeraid

    Gun Lasers and Lights?

    SA-58 acog/cco has laser that can only be seen with NV
  5. strykeraid

    So, I broke down and bought the game...question

    Search for "No pvp" servers
  6. strykeraid

    More realistic animations. [Details in topic]

    Hold down ALT while you run and look down. You should see your weapon moving, Last time I checked, people don't hold guns in front of their face while they run full speed.
  7. strykeraid

    Locking Car Doors

    You should be able to lock car doors so that car theft would be harder. Making car doors locked permanently would be a bad thing so make a crowbars unlock car doors (very slowly). This is makes crowbars not a useless piece of crap and makes it more of a challenge for others to steal your vehicle. A car would be owned by the last person that entered the vehicle; the owner doesnt have to keep using the crowbar to unlock their car door.
  8. strykeraid

    Looking for some laid back/fun loving people to play with.

    Pm me, lets have a good game :D
  9. Im 19 years old living on the east coast, I can play regularly throughout the week. My preferred playstyle is stealth/tactical unlike some people I know who play Day Z like if it's Call of Duty. I prefer playing Day Z with a group instead of soloing (gets pretty boring) and I like the idea of being organized.. PM me.