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Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

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Curious but did you ever had a failed attempt?

Like you went to heal a guy and he laughed and said "jokes on you" and a bunch of guys slaughtered you?

I know I have had a few encounters like this. But honestly it was easy to tell what was going on. Also that was on the mod, so I used to hide my stuff in a tent and so they would not get anything anyway.

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Curious but did you ever had a failed attempt?

Like you went to heal a guy and he laughed and said "jokes on you" and a bunch of guys slaughtered you?

We understand that the way we play puts us at risk, and gear isn't our priority. I like to look at it like we are a neutral party. We don't bandit hunt and we don't discriminate based on play style. A smart bandit will understand he is more likely to get into trouble than most, so having our service available is more valuable than a one time "thrill." Not to mention our bodyguards are damn fine shots, and I don't always tell the patient if there is one around, so it's basically a toss up if they want to reenact Tombstone. Edited by Goose77
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I would like to say thank you MLuminos, you saved my life :D 

This is great! :P

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Want to thank you Guys and Girls again.

Especially Goose for fixing me up and Marijke for forwarding my textmessages to Goose (because of my broken Headset) :)

And sry for the confussion about my position.


They just made me see Colors again! I dont feel like being trapped in a Televisionshow of the 50s anymore.


And thanks for the handy tips too, will follow em.


I really appreciate what you do here, adds alot to the Game.

If i ever can be of any help or if you start to accept donations some day (  ;)  ), i would be happy to support your Team!

Edited by Alegis
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Hey there!

I'm in need of a blood transfusion (nothing not bleeding anymore, thank god!). I'm type A+ and i'm at the Factory area East of Vybor. Willing to pay with food\supplies for you assistance. Already have the neccesery medical equipment for the transfusion, just can't find any people around these parts (and not willing to risk the trip to teh coast line on low blood).

Will appreciate your assistance :)

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urgent, hopper sniped me at north east air field, control tower, unconscious and bleeding

pls PM to get the ip

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urgent, hopper sniped me at north east air field, control tower, unconscious and bleeding

pls PM to get the ip


I'm not available to help you atm, but you can go to the teamspeak and message a medic to get someone to help

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I'm not available to help you atm, but you can go to the teamspeak and message a medic to get someone to help

thank you! someone is helping me :-)

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it wasn't and I am so glad I was saved!

MD even took out the guy who tried to murder me :-)


Had a real good DayZ ... so glad I didn't just respawn, was so much fun afterwards, too

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Well i played as a medic for the last 40 hours. My last character was up 30 hours or even more. I was helping players all around north and south, giving supplies, ammo and meds until i met with my 2 buddies in elektro.

One of my buddies was shot instantly after logging. Me and the second alive friend we narrowed the shooter to the tower in the firestation. We talked to him to lay down the weapon and come out. No harm will come to him if we can get back the stuff of our dead friend.

We waited for his answer having our backs to the wall still scouting the area and then "You are dead".

Either ghosting/cheating. No way someone could sneak upon us because we had both entrances covered.


So the moral of the story - from now on im KOS. Im tired of having my character 30+ hours  medic gunned down for no reason. 


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Well i played as a medic for the last 40 hours. My last character was up 30 hours or even more. I was helping players all around north and south, giving supplies, ammo and meds until i met with my 2 buddies in elektro.

One of my buddies was shot instantly after logging. Me and the second alive friend we narrowed the shooter to the tower in the firestation. We talked to him to lay down the weapon and come out. No harm will come to him if we can get back the stuff of our dead friend.

We waited for his answer having our backs to the wall still scouting the area and then "You are dead".

Either ghosting/cheating. No way someone could sneak upon us because we had both entrances covered.


So the moral of the story - from now on im KOS. Im tired of having my character 30+ hours  medic gunned down for no reason. 

I know the feel... you can't trust anybody :( except these medics here and guys you talk to on steam/teamspeak

hoppers, loggers, scum ("please type I can't hear you" - takes out pistol and shoots you), snipers .... the cool bandits are SO few

today I tried talking to a newly spawn ... he took really long to answer and suddenly I saw another one in the corner of my eye through the window. My gut wrenched a little and I knew something was wrong here. I immediatly shot the guy in front of me, turned around only to see the other guy trying to punch me ... nope! Close one ;)

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Got treatment from these fine folks today. Definatly recommend them and there services. They helped me out and told me the difference between healthy and blood and how to take care of myself. :) Thank you very much!

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So the moral of the story - from now on im KOS. Im tired of having my character 30+ hours  medic gunned down for no reason. 


Playing as a medic to random people you meet along the road is extremely dangerous, much less so if they come into voice chat first and you meet on your terms. It is also a very bad idea to go into Elektro right now, because with the new spawn locations Elektro is a bloodbath.


Don't give up the good fight, playing as a medic will always be more rewarding than being a bandit :)

Edited by Knar
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Yeah I plan on starting a video series of some kind where I go around meeting people at random to see if i get gunned down or am giving the opportunity to aid others with their medic needs.

Edited by cattasraafe

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Was skeptic at first of how all this was laid out but Rondango from TMW helped my buddies and I last night with our blood and sickness problems. We got into a small Mexican standoff at Gvodzno because one of our pal was held hostage. Unfortunately all his gears were lost due to a server reset and was sick from forced alcohol. I have to give credit to Rondango for having to run from elektro and hope he wasn't annoyed with our chatter too much. Although he did seem to enjoy the company while running. He requested us to be patient and gave us some intro about TMW but heck at this situation we needed help bad anyways but the chatter helped pass the time seeminglessly.

Once he got here he treated 3 of us with blood bags and helped Josh with his sickness and even gave him an extra vest with canned goods which was pretty nice of you to do cause he was pretty devastated after the gear lost.

After the treatments, he told us about these videos about health and nutrition stuff that his fellow clan mate, Merino, had made. Seemed interesting and learned stuff we didn't know about before.

On behalf of us, thank you Rondango and TMW.

The fact you guys as a whole helping out players is astonishing, from video guides to verbally helping out random players is something unique in a open world game like this.

I recommend TMW especially for new players as they are well "Trusted" Medics

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We really need arm badges in this game.

If I see someone running around with a Red Cross on their arm id think twice about shooting them. It could really be bad for me as they could be a sneaky bandit but it could really save some medics.

Also it would just look cool IMO.

Maybe some skull or camo arm bands too.

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We really need arm badges in this game.

If I see someone running around with a Red Cross on their arm id think twice about shooting them. It could really be bad for me as they could be a sneaky bandit but it could really save some medics.

Also it would just look cool IMO.

Maybe some skull or camo arm bands too.

well, people would still just shoot ... they're like that

and if for some short period of time people would not shoot someone with a medic hat/vest, then the scum would soon wear medic hats/vests and shoot on sight themselves, so in turn everyone would again shoot medic hats/vests, too

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A. LuckyDog

B. Saline or Bloodtransfusion. Found a defibulator you can have, and extra morphine. Blood is O+.  

C. Berezino Hospital, staircase.

D. Female, Dark skin with hoodie, cargopants. Mosin and Fireaxe on back. Sitting down.


Seen to :)

Edited by LuckyDog

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well, people would still just shoot ... they're like that

and if for some short period of time people would not shoot someone with a medic hat/vest, then the scum would soon wear medic hats/vests and shoot on sight themselves, so in turn everyone would again shoot medic hats/vests, too

Not if it was something like the 'Hero' or 'Bandit' Skin, which had set requirments

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Not if it was something like the 'Hero' or 'Bandit' Skin, which had set requirments

I've been shot on sight by Heroes while being one myself ... people would actually spend time go get a hero skin with their bandit buddies just to fool people who thought like you (and me before he started shooting at me ... I finished shooting at him, btw I want the shotgun back :D)

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I'd love to see some hero only stuff, but you're right, people do game the system a bit. Unfortunate, but ultimately unavoidable risk. I think that a lot of "KOSrs" also just shoot out of fear, not just plain old sociopathy.

Edited by Goose77

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didn't read the whole thread, but did u guys ever went into a trap by another player? if yes, how did it end - medics needed a medic?

Edited by Guest

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