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when did being friendly become bieng a sucker

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oh i know being a good guy is hard hell i did'nt shoot a guy in the face just to have his friends handcuff me and shoot me which as i've read isn't anything new and it did'nt piss me off that much i actually laughed i was surprised. anyway lets get to the heart of this thing. i would like to see the friendlies work together more i know communication right now is non-existent but once radios come into action we need to join together and wipe these( i can't even call these types of players bandits cause at least bandits have class) worthless murderers off the face of chenarus and send them home back to there double xp extravaganza. i mean really if there was a community on a server with good communication and a few friendlies on these guys would not stand a chance. remeber i'm not talking about bandits they are savvy. i mean i used to have cats try and bait me saying they need help and it was great mind versus mind. sometimes i feel like i'm against two types of zeds.both stupid and need to be shot just an opinion and a false hope in that heroes will come back to save some folks from utter demise.  by the way i know i spelled being wrong

Edited by gannon46

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There are quite a few groups who play that way; knock off bad guys help others. You should post here if your'e looking to group up with like minded individuals.

There is TS and other third party voice over net options.




and yes you do get played from time to time but trust your gut, if something doesn't feel right, run away, a dead good guys no good to anyone (except you get to do it all again of course 8D .

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There are quite a few groups who play that way; knock off bad guys help others. You should post here if your'e looking to group up with like minded individuals.

There is TS and other third party voice over net options.




and yes you do get played from time to time but trust your gut, if something doesn't feel right, run away, a dead good guys no good to anyone (except you get to do it all again of course 8D .

thanks i usually try and meet folks randomly in the game but it seems i need a more proactive approach thanks for the lookout sir

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We tell people that we are friendly and have food/water/gear if they want it, then we poison them or lethal inject them with blood or axe them when they bend over or just shoot them. 


We are required to make sacrifices to the death god. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain
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We tell people that we are friendly and have food/water/gear if they want it, then we poison them or lethal inject them with blood or axe them when they bend over or just shoot them. 


We are required to make sacrifices to the death god. 

I would take my beans from you If I could. This behavior is the kind of stuff that drives me up the wall. Can you not take advantage of a friendly nature please? kthxbye

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I would take my beans from you If I could. This behavior is the kind of stuff that drives me up the wall. Can you not take advantage of a friendly nature please? kthxbye


Don't sweat this guy. His group is constantly posting troll comments like that, just looking to get a rise out of people.

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As it is now (player life being worthless) you will not likely make friends or team with players that you randomly meet in game.


Only option now is some pre-made team on skype/teamspeak.

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Don't sweat this guy. His group is constantly posting troll comments like that, just looking to get a rise out of people.


These are not troll comments, these are true accounts of actual events. 


The only thing we do on the SA is get geared up and then pick a town to camp for fresh spawns. We always pick somewhere near a well, because its the perfect place to lead people back to. We call it an "altar of hell" and it's where we make our sacrifices. It's very easy to convince people to drink alcohol or windex when they are drinking from the well, and they are usually too preoccupied with drinking to notice that they're being given stuff. 


I ask people if they have taken antibiotics since they've spawned, and then when they say no, I tell them you can get an infection from the well water unless you are disinfected...


Once they have drunk the windex or alcohol or eaten rotten fruit, it's the ballgame. Even if they figure out what's going on and change servers, they'll still succumb to it. 


We finally had someone refuse the disinfectant today, he said "HEY WAIT< YOU"RE TRYING TO FEED ME SPRAY!" so we shot him right then and there. 




We keep them around by telling them another guy with gear for them is "coming down from the mountain." 


Once they start getting sick we sometimes say we need to clean their blood to heal them, so one of us takes a blood bag from them and another one administers another random bag, to see what happens. 


Sometimes we just all blood bag them at once so they go unconscious from blood loss, and sometimes we just axe or shoot them while chanting "we sacrifice you to the god of death, burn in hell, burn in hell."


Very stoked about the revolvers coming, we plan to use those exclusively to shoot the sacrificial offerings once they are included. 


I checked the talley and we're up to 105 kills since we started playing. At least half of those have been at the altar of hell. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain
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This thread is about friendliness in the game. He shared his experience and I just want to share mine. He's asking if it's a sucker's bet to be friendly, and in my opinion it is. It isn't stupid to kill people when you can. Every person you kill near Balota or another source of weapons is someone that won't be an armed danger to you. You can't know peoples intentions, so you can only judge them based on their capabilities. 


We don't have a "kill on sight clan." We don't kill on sight, we do a series of activities with people before we kill them. We do some serious role playing and provide compelling and original game content to the people we meet.


 We don't seek conflict with other armed groups or clans. We have a job to do, a mission to depopulate the coast, and we try not to get sidetracked. We don't try to kill or harass other armed groups, we prefer to remain concealed and live to fight- and more importantly to do our work - another day. 


We plan to be at the forefront of experimenting with new content in the game, especially when crafting and cooking come out. The game doesn't have much documentation right now, and we aim to document the effects of all sorts of things on players.

Edited by HCHellCaptain
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To preface, I have no problem with how anyone decides how to play the game, bandit, hero, kill everyone, in-between, whatever...but the hype for the Standalone (deserved of course) has attracted a certain crowd of people.


There are actually idiots on the youtubes bragging about their KDRs in DayZ.  I mean...lol.  That's just hilarious.

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This thread is about friendliness in the game. He shared his experience and I just want to share mine. He's asking if it's a sucker's bet to be friendly, and in my opinion it is. It isn't stupid to kill people when you can. Every person you kill near Balota or another source of weapons is someone that won't be an armed danger to you. You can't know peoples intentions, so you can only judge them based on their capabilities. 


We don't have a "kill on sight clan." We don't kill on sight, we do a series of activities with people before we kill them. We do some serious role playing and provide compelling and original game content to the people we meet.


 We don't seek conflict with other armed groups or clans. We have a job to do, a mission to depopulate the coast, and we try not to get sidetracked. We don't try to kill or harass other armed groups, we prefer to remain concealed and live to fight- and more importantly to do our work - another day. 


We plan to be at the forefront of experimenting with new content in the game, especially when crafting and cooking come out. The game doesn't have much documentation right now, and we aim to document the effects of all sorts of things on players.


That's a real contribution to the thread, thanks. :)

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I can only agree about the armed sources part. I tend to camp an area aswell, military area fairly high traffic and just kill everyone. Simple beacause, 1: They zeds not doing their job! 2: Stop people running in fields (IDIOTS!) 3: Make it an accomplishment for people there. 4: Eliminate any server hoppers (easy to spot, dude spawning in a bush with prime gear). 


To point out, i dont server hop. But am just trying to make a contribution to make it more immersive. Build a paranoia. Just to point out. Zelenogorsk is my groups hunting ground. 



As for being friendly. Complete phreshis i am nice to. But fuck the rest!

And i must correct i dont kill everyone. Only people being stupid. Standing still in the courtyard. Running in fields. People being cautious i dont kill. Only scare ;)

Edited by FroztyReaper

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I agree with Hell Captain.  Being friendly has little to no reward and a ridiculously high level of risk.  How many times have you read a thread where someone talks about having a scavenging buddy only to be killed by them once they come across a firearm?  Your best bet is to avoid all contact with other players, unless you are playing with a group on Skype or TS3.  The moment you come across another player/group and they win your trust, they have won your life.


To expand upon what Hell Captain said, we actually have to do a serious amount of RP'ing to make this work.  We have to come across friendly, helpful, and professional.  Some people are upset when we conduct medical experiments on them, others think it is hilarious.  But coming back to being friendly, it is a losing proposition.


If anyone thinks about being friendly, I can only leave them with these words:  You cannot trust people to do the right thing, so you must prevent them from doing the wrong thing.  


How you prevent them from doing that is entirely up to you.  :)

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You can be friendly as long as you keep the helped guy at gunpoint. If you really want to see if some1 is friendly, then hide your good gear, drop a pistol and ammo nearby, team up with a bambi, let him find the pistol and see if you get shot on the back :D

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Approaching people and stating 'friendly' is a bad idea, bandits and heroes universally agree.

If I ever feel confident / bored enough to go play hero, I'd do it like this: Patrol an area where unfair killings take place (let's say the coast)
If I hear a gunshot from not far away, chances are that a bandit just murdered a bambi. I'd approach stealthily and try to take him out while he's looting, his guard let down, imagining the gunshots scared away most folks. And boom, i shoot him.

While this tactic doesn't save the victims, it ensures one less bandit being around these parts (until he gears up again)

Be a vigilante today.

Do you ever saw Batman approaching Gotham city's thugs and yelling 'friendy'?

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I think its all about being friendly, but having no trust to begin with.


What do I mean by that? Is that not a contradiction?


Well what I mean is, help people out, but do so with them restrained, whilst looking at them down the barrel of a gun. If they are compliant and come across as trustworthy then you can begin to let your guard down (a little bit). 

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When did being friendly become being a sucker?


Ever since the term bandit was invented ;)

Edited by Aussie Bogan

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oh i know being a good guy is hard hell i did'nt shoot a guy in the face just to have his friends handcuff me and shoot me which as i've read isn't anything new and it did'nt piss me off that much i actually laughed i was surprised. anyway lets get to the heart of this thing. i would like to see the friendlies work together more i know communication right now is non-existent but once radios come into action we need to join together and wipe these( i can't even call these types of players bandits cause at least bandits have class) worthless murderers off the face of chenarus and send them home back to there double xp extravaganza. i mean really if there was a community on a server with good communication and a few friendlies on these guys would not stand a chance. remeber i'm not talking about bandits they are savvy. i mean i used to have cats try and bait me saying they need help and it was great mind versus mind. sometimes i feel like i'm against two types of zeds.both stupid and need to be shot just an opinion and a false hope in that heroes will come back to save some folks from utter demise.  by the way i know i spelled being wrong



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These are not troll comments, these are true accounts of actual events. 


The only thing we do on the SA is get geared up and then pick a town to camp for fresh spawns. We always pick somewhere near a well, because its the perfect place to lead people back to. We call it an "altar of hell" and it's where we make our sacrifices. It's very easy to convince people to drink alcohol or windex when they are drinking from the well, and they are usually too preoccupied with drinking to notice that they're being given stuff. 


I ask people if they have taken antibiotics since they've spawned, and then when they say no, I tell them you can get an infection from the well water unless you are disinfected...


Once they have drunk the windex or alcohol or eaten rotten fruit, it's the ballgame. Even if they figure out what's going on and change servers, they'll still succumb to it. 


We finally had someone refuse the disinfectant today, he said "HEY WAIT< YOU"RE TRYING TO FEED ME SPRAY!" so we shot him right then and there. 




We keep them around by telling them another guy with gear for them is "coming down from the mountain." 


Once they start getting sick we sometimes say we need to clean their blood to heal them, so one of us takes a blood bag from them and another one administers another random bag, to see what happens. 


Sometimes we just all blood bag them at once so they go unconscious from blood loss, and sometimes we just axe or shoot them while chanting "we sacrifice you to the god of death, burn in hell, burn in hell."


Very stoked about the revolvers coming, we plan to use those exclusively to shoot the sacrificial offerings once they are included. 


I checked the talley and we're up to 105 kills since we started playing. At least half of those have been at the altar of hell. 

Dude, that's some dark, evil stuff. Would actually laugh at dying as a sacrifice rather than shot to death. You play as like the pshyco's of dayz, kinda like the werid pshycos in Dead Rising that sacrfice people for something.

Not calling you a pshyco or bad person or anything. But pretty fun story non-the-less, brings some spice to the world of Dayz I would say

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This thread is about friendliness in the game. He shared his experience and I just want to share mine. He's asking if it's a sucker's bet to be friendly, and in my opinion it is. It isn't stupid to kill people when you can. Every person you kill near Balota or another source of weapons is someone that won't be an armed danger to you. You can't know peoples intentions, so you can only judge them based on their capabilities. 


We don't have a "kill on sight clan." We don't kill on sight, we do a series of activities with people before we kill them. We do some serious role playing and provide compelling and original game content to the people we meet.


 We don't seek conflict with other armed groups or clans. We have a job to do, a mission to depopulate the coast, and we try not to get sidetracked. We don't try to kill or harass other armed groups, we prefer to remain concealed and live to fight- and more importantly to do our work - another day. 


We plan to be at the forefront of experimenting with new content in the game, especially when crafting and cooking come out. The game doesn't have much documentation right now, and we aim to document the effects of all sorts of things on players.

only thing i find wrong with your nazi gestapo squad is you don't fight other clans or groups you farm new spawn and folks in towns. you guys are wimps go fight a group and see if you get as many kills this is why i was saying we need to organize and wipe these fascists from these servers .

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Hey HC you can sacrifice me anytime. Because when I have died and need to restart in DayZ I usually take a break. My break consists of usually sleeping with my beautiful wife and playing with my dogs on the trails. I'm pretty sure your mentaility will garnish you neither luxury in real life. Enjoy your claim to DayZ fame asshat.

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oh i know being a good guy is hard hell i did'nt shoot a guy in the face just to have his friends handcuff me and shoot me which as i've read isn't anything new and it did'nt piss me off that much i actually laughed i was surprised. anyway lets get to the heart of this thing. i would like to see the friendlies work together more i know communication right now is non-existent but once radios come into action we need to join together and wipe these( i can't even call these types of players bandits cause at least bandits have class) worthless murderers off the face of chenarus and send them home back to there double xp extravaganza. i mean really if there was a community on a server with good communication and a few friendlies on these guys would not stand a chance. remeber i'm not talking about bandits they are savvy. i mean i used to have cats try and bait me saying they need help and it was great mind versus mind. sometimes i feel like i'm against two types of zeds.both stupid and need to be shot just an opinion and a false hope in that heroes will come back to save some folks from utter demise.  by the way i know i spelled being wrong


give the radios channels with ciphering, and only give the password key to the channel decoding algorithms to good guys!

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Hey HC you can sacrifice me anytime. Because when I have died and need to restart in DayZ I usually take a break. My break consists of usually sleeping with my beautiful wife and playing with my dogs on the trails. I'm pretty sure your mentaility will garnish you neither luxury in real life. Enjoy your claim to DayZ fame asshat.


Sensitive thugs, they all need hugs.

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only thing i find wrong with your nazi gestapo squad is you don't fight other clans or groups you farm new spawn and folks in towns. you guys are wimps go fight a group and see if you get as many kills this is why i was saying we need to organize and wipe these fascists from these servers .


That's sort of the crux of it, We are roleplaying a death squad. Our mission is to exterminate the population in the area. 

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