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Always night time?

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I have played several hours at different intervals and I always seem to be on night time servers. I've had a brief 30 min period of sunlight and that was it. What is going on?

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Tis time zones, as it is in real life. If you play at night, its gonna be night in dayZ. If ya rly hate it I just join an EU server :D.

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There are plenty of servers not bound to the real day/night cycle. You just have to look for them.

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I'm EST, I played at 10:30 this morning, at noon and around 3pm, it was dark all the time. So what am I supposed to do because this is getting annoying?

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I'm EST, I played at 10:30 this morning, at noon and around 3pm, it was dark all the time. So what am I supposed to do because this is getting annoying?


Then you will be playing at the servers where it is daytime when you're playing.


If you want to play at 10:30 in the morning you pick an american server. They are usually marked something pretty obvious like LA for Los Angeles.


If you want to play later, let's say at 10 in the evening, you want to play on, say an Austalian server.


That's how I do it :) I hope it helps.

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Topic has been covered and commented on a multitude of times... Search function use is a must.


Anyway, one thread is Here and the problem is, hosters having issues with setting their server boxes with the proper GMT value.

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