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Why are we making it harder to be friendly??

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Hello everyone,


It's been a while since I have made a post/thread, or even lurked on the DayZ forums.  I was overcome with joy and glee seeing the Official DayZ Alpha launched just before the holidays, which was perfect time for me (as well as others) to test the hell out of the alpha - so I didn't have to quit my job...  ;) 

Now I know that people may scream "ITZ UNLY ALFA" but I am going to list off some things that I strongly recommend DayZ staff to fix, alter or change.  Again, all in IMO so tear downs will be laughed at! Wall of text incoming!! :D :D


A Few Things...



1) The inventory system- needs a bit of a tune up but it's definitely an improvement (props!) - I find especially annoying is accessing Med-Kits/Ammo Boxes/Hard Case Containers by having to drop them... If you could make them accessable from the characters gear menu, i.e. by right clicking, you should be able to open those slots to view and interact with them amongst the rest of your clothing/gear slots.


2) The melee system- still needs work obviously, blocking doesn't seem to do very much and the swinging range seems pretty short for the player.  Taking out/putting away weapons seems glitchy, a lot of it seems to be because of lag but I have found that you shouldn't have to stop when you are crouch running to put away or take out a weapon.  Please fix!


3) Where's all the shotguns?!?  I keep finding Shells but never any shotties.  I wanna see some hunting rifles and shotguns instead of god damn military loot lying around all the time!  This makes me wonder about your intentions Rocket...  :|


4) Enterable Buildings- All seem decent except that apartment building loot spawns is a need to be fix since nothing ever does spawn in those things.


5) Server hopping- is pretty annoying, you should of stuck to forcing people with a new character for every server.  Exploiting it is simple, you just have to relog every 3-4 servers you trust rinse and repeat.  No loss of gear.


6) Blood regeneration- from food seems very minimal.  I imagine that is the intent because once wild game is implemented they should be your major source of raising your lost health?  Cooking I imagine will give you more blood, just at the moment it feels very very minimal.



Now for my main concern: "Why are we making it harder to be friendly??"


For a while now, I've noticed that the overall procedure for giving blood transfusions to your friends adds a "hardcore" layer of realism to giving blood.  Having different types of blood: A, B, AB & O as well as RH+ or RH-, creates a unique character upon every life.  At the moment though as the Alpha stands it is "easier" to just gank players than it is to try and communicate, let alone transfuse a random player (or friend for that matter). It also doesn't help when there is NO SIDECHAT (Another topic that I strongly disagree with not being incorporated even into the Alpha stage... It's ludicrous to believe that people will talk or even type via direct).  I really have to question the blood transfusion procedure and how easily its already turning people away from helping another survivor.  Does this not promote "Killing on Sight" a thousand times more than the previous mod?  Proof is in the gameplay. 


I've put on around 50 hours onto DayZ Alpha and it's been 9/10 people will kill you before even speaking a word.  Why? Lack of communication once again.  Would not happen in real life like it does in DayZ.  There would be some kind of communication, seeing as though your life is precious to you and your group of survivors.  You would not just randomly kill another human without some communication - and this is the problem with DayZ.  You CANNOT force people to take responsibility for their own actions in a video game - people hardly do it IRL. These sort of infuriating losers who find joy in taking DayZ down to "Call of Duty level", are simply trash players and will be the "quick death" that some people rant about on this forum.  For any of this to work there's got to be harsh negative penalties people will endure by killing another human (IMO, add SANITY).  I just want to see the constructive element of DayZ shine through instead of this bland repeat of the mod.  I understand the reasons behind the Blood Transfusions (and its a cool idea Rocket) but it's making it more difficult for people like myself to be helpful...  This is a BIG no no!  There must be another way to implement BT's. > :(



No Sidechat is a big derp.  It should be in the meantime until radios are implemented.  Video games are video games to an extent, you can't expect no KoS when people can't communicate properly until the second they run into each other with modded M4's pointed at each others faces.  This was a let down for me, I liked having the sidechat to get to know people who were actively chatting on the server.  That was the main way I found my DayZ friends that I play with now!!  I am also interested in this humanity system, and what role that will play in the game.


I haven't lost faith in this game completely as others have because of being impatient - the biggest factor for me now is how much you guys will support KoS.  If you're going to make it harder for the "Hero" players and easier for the "Bandit" players, it really will be like every other type of game out there.  I can't stress enough how this will break the gameplay for hundreds and thousands of players who want a purer DayZ.  Sometimes you have to trade some realism aspects for better gameplay otherwise as stated above, people exploit and ruin it.



That's my two cents,


Cheers :beans:



Edited by Lidskjalf
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Sidechat is never coming back man, its radios now. And sidechat was just plain shit. Everyone on the server could see your text, and it was full of asshole spammers. Just no to this idea.

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The large text is not necessary, and just makes quoting harder, but I digress. I'll address each point individually


1) I agree, the inventory could use some cleaning up, but it's still a significant improvement over the mod's inventory which was designed for ArmA 2's gameplay.


2) Yeah, I think most of this come's from melee not having a lot of development time and the alpha. I agree.


3) The shells have been implemented, while no shotguns are working/ready to be added. The only guns in for now are to test their current systems; attachments, animations, storage etc.

Soon there will be many guns, including a double-barrel IZH-43 and a Remington 870. There will probably be more.


4) Yeah, it's again to them releasing the alpha before a lot of things have been finalized.


5) Server-hopping is definitely a problem.


6) Probably due to the current foods not being balanced or maybe because better foods are planned. Dunno.


I mostly agree, though.

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Sidechat kills immersion tbh, If you need friends in Dayz is best to join one of the multiple clans that advertise on these forums.


Im a lonewolf mainly because a group of people chatting over comms while we play makes it feel more like CoD than Dayz.


Way more immersive playing solo :)


Each to their own i guess tho :)

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I'm just going to comment on your first concern about medkits and ammo boxes:


The reason why it's not as convenient is because it's more realistic to put the box in your hands in order to see what's inside. It's supposed to be a tradeoff. You get more inventory slots taking up less space in your backpack but it takes an extra step in order to get to those items. I think it's a good mechanic personally.

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Sidechat is never coming back man, its radios now. And sidechat was just plain shit. Everyone on the server could see your text, and it was full of asshole spammers. Just no to this idea.


Bandit skin please, or something subtler preferably!


Worst idea Rocket ever had was them dumb bandit/hero skins, turned the game into a game more like Warz with that crap

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Rocket wants the game to be realistic (and I believe that at least 80% of the players want this too, after all it is a survival game), and in real life you wouldn't be able to say something that the whole world could hear. That's why there's no sidechat, I guess.


I won't make walls of text so I'll just say that what Rocket did to take all the communication thing away, is probably what makes me shake and get nervous everytime I see someone out of nowhere. It makes me realize I'm in a hard situation to deal with, because it is a gamble: is he a bandit? will he kill me? or will he help me? THIS is DayZ, the paranoia, it is necessary to the game.


So, concluding, I don't think there is anything wrong to the communication changes at all.

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Aaargh... The Comic Sans... It hurts...

quite an eyesore indeed lol..

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Authentic he said not realistic :P

 Sorry if I was wrong :X   but it doesn't change the fact that sidechat would break the immersion, I guess.

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You can also hold containers in your hands to access them, you don't have to drop them on the ground.

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Put containers in your hand, add/take items like weapon attachments.

Edited by Applejaxc

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Sidechat is never coming back man, its radios now. And sidechat was just plain shit. Everyone on the server could see your text, and it was full of asshole spammers. Just no to this idea.


Yes, I can agree on that.  I forgot that radios were in the process of being implemented.  My bad.  It's just aggravating seeing someone then "oop, dead".  *Insert facepalm*


Rocket wants the game to be realistic (and I believe that at least 80% of the players want this too, after all it is a survival game), and in real life you wouldn't be able to say something that the whole world could hear. That's why there's no sidechat, I guess.


I won't make walls of text so I'll just say that what Rocket did to take all the communication thing away, is probably what makes me shake and get nervous everytime I see someone out of nowhere. It makes me realize I'm in a hard situation to deal with, because it is a gamble: is he a bandit? will he kill me? or will he help me? THIS is DayZ, the paranoia, it is necessary to the game.


So, concluding, I don't think there is anything wrong to the communication changes at all.


Yeah I understand, as stated above it's just a aggravating seeing people not even giving an effort to communication.  I guess that's what the M4 is for <_<


Put containers in your hand, add/take items like weapon attachments.


Makes sense in hindsight... Derp lol. :thumbsup:

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Worst idea Rocket ever had was them dumb bandit/hero skins, turned the game into a game more like Warz with that crap


I agree, I wouldn't want skins in the SA I just believe there has to be a way to penialize KoS.

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Side chat's removal is great. Sure in the downtime you may feel a sense of loneliness, but to me that's a huge part of the DayZ experience.


You have to understand, as it is currently there is no reason to even work together. These is no necessity of teamwork. There is no true Zombie threat yet, and as result, once you get geared - there is little to do but kill people. Add the unbelievable stubbornness of people never leaving the coast, and bingo you've got a grade A clusterfuck inbound to your location.


Check out my new Balota Bandit Video Guys, HaHaHa, it's so fucking epic, okay, watch, haha, I'm in a bush, hahaha, OH I SO SNIPER GOOD, LOL ONLY TOOK ME THREE SHOTS THIS TIME, HAHAHAHAHA (Direct Chat): 'HAHAHA BITCH, I AM YOUR GAWD'


Why be friendly? What's the point? As it stands currently there isn't one. That's the problem. It's not like you need random people to come together to loot a major town. I don't think even a fresh spawn who understands the mechanics of the game will have trouble with the like-four zombies total in the town. I personally feel until there is an adequate zombie presence, as-in, Rocket's desired numbers (like hundreds in a single city), we can't truly grasp how the game will be played at that stage. Until that point, you have to just expect the death matching to continue and even escalate. I don't think side chat is something that would decrease the KoS trend.


Player1497: Anyone friendly in Cherno?

Player1497 is dead.


Side Chat? No, glad it is gone.

Comic Sans? No, May it pass through the Nine Gates to Hell.

Edited by Knightmare

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The large text is not necessary, and just makes quoting harder, but I digress. I'll address each point individually


1) I agree, the inventory could use some cleaning up, but it's still a significant improvement over the mod's inventory which was designed for ArmA 2's gameplay.


2) Yeah, I think most of this come's from melee not having a lot of development time and the alpha. I agree.


3) The shells have been implemented, while no shotguns are working/ready to be added. The only guns in for now are to test their current systems; attachments, animations, storage etc.

Soon there will be many guns, including a double-barrel IZH-43 and a Remington 870. There will probably be more.


4) Yeah, it's again to them releasing the alpha before a lot of things have been finalized.


5) Server-hopping is definitely a problem.


6) Probably due to the current foods not being balanced or maybe because better foods are planned. Dunno.


I mostly agree, though.


I downsized text lol :P

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 You can always create an option to turn off side chat if you don't want it. I like it sometimes, sometimes not.

Worst idea Rocket ever had was them dumb bandit/hero skins, turned the game into a game more like Warz with that crap

You sure you just don't like being a target as a bandit, like we survivors are now?  We survivors want some gun play too and its way too damn difficult to find "legitimate" reasons for doing some vigilante work. You can't look at a town and know if a player is there or even nearby from spawned zombies. If there is a player there, expect to spend up to 20 minutes staring at a mid-sized town before you see the player because of interiors. Player draw distance has been reduced so players disappear well within ranges you could see them before.


This and other reasons make PVP'ing bandits more bored than they used to be, KOSing more often and making it even harder for us survivors to find, let alone identify bandits/murderers.


Lazy quote: "I personally thought a little subtle blood on the hands was a good choice, or clothes if they have gloves on Only viewable from fairly close, say 100 meters, or with binoculars. If you were a survivor just defending yourself from another survivor and got blood on your hands/clothes, then you could work it off by killing bandits.


I think i'd like to see a sort of story form with sides taken, where the military has quarantined all affected areas, such as Chernerus, and are killing everyone as a safety measure. Then made a deal with certain civilians to become mercenaries and kill everyone they encountered in exchange for guaranteeing proper living quarters, food, etc within a compound to be setup at a later date inside the affected areas. So you'd have certain military uniforms on some people at the outset and you'd have mercenaries in regular clothes vs. a civilian population of survivors all wearing red band around there arm or something. I wouldn't even mind one bit if the military guys got to start with a rifle, i say that as a never-shoot-first survivor."

Edited by Thane

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I can agree with people that the KoS way of thinking does make the game more like BF or CoD.  I know it became all my clan did.  If we died who cares, we would never wipe so we would just hold the position or take our chopper and pick the person up and boom, he has his stuff again.  It was cool at first but it got SO incredibly boring because it was way to easy.  In real life (at least from my prospective, traveling to different countries, different states, meeting all types of people) that there would be a lot of random panic killings because well, most people are not prepared to starve to death.  There are a lot of people who I am glad I am friends with because I KNOW they would just killed people they didn't like because there was no more law.  So KoS does have its place in the realism of this game.  But, that being said, I believe there is TOO MUCH KoS in DayZ.  It's not realistic but at least in real life (and I use real life as the example since I assume most people prefer this game to be a survival/horror simulator not an arcade shooter) the chance of dying actually means something.  You wouldn't necessarily just open fire on someone just for the pure simple fact you don't know who they might be with or if they have back up.  It would be a bit insane unless you yourself had large numbers and were organized.  Even still, is it worth the huge chance of dying?  We all know there has never really been a good punishment for people who strictly KoS.  Though I like one of the above ideas about "Sanity".  Picture this, you KoS person after person.  The more people you KoS you lose your sanity.  The lower the "sanity" the more nightmares you see/have.  You start to see players and zombies that are not there.  Causing you to shoot at non existent targets, thus giving your position.  You get random head aches that make it extremely hard to see, kind of like when you are low on blood except some awesome pulsing blurring to your screen.  Basically, it makes it much harder for you to play.  I doesn't mean you can't play and still be a KoS player, but you will eventually put yourself at a huge disadvantage.  To regain humanity/sanity stop KoSing for XX amount of time (server decided I suppose).  It would be just based on time in game to.  No logging then coming back later and being fine.  No blood bagging a friend 20 times.  No killing zombies.  Just time.  So if you want to play the game and have even more fun, you would be more.....selective with you KoSing.   Just a thought.  I like my style of, let people do what they are doing unless they see me.  If they see me I run/KoS depending lol. 

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I don't like KOS, Punish them.


That's all you had to say. And no. KOS is here to stay. Deal with it one way or another.

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Getting rid of the public hive in dayzmod killed it for me and most people i speak to.


I hope they ignore everything you have said and never get rid of it.

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You don't regenerate blood from eating food, you get energy from eating food, once you have 3500 energy, then you start to regenerate your blood. There is no indication of your energy level, so just keep eating if you aren't healthy.

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Hi there...I agree with the points that made this member :thumbsup:

The large text is not necessary, and just makes quoting harder, but I digress. I'll address each point individually


1) I agree, the inventory could use some cleaning up, but it's still a significant improvement over the mod's inventory which was designed for ArmA 2's gameplay.


2) Yeah, I think most of this come's from melee not having a lot of development time and the alpha. I agree.


3) The shells have been implemented, while no shotguns are working/ready to be added. The only guns in for now are to test their current systems; attachments, animations, storage etc.

Soon there will be many guns, including a double-barrel IZH-43 and a Remington 870. There will probably be more.


4) Yeah, it's again to them releasing the alpha before a lot of things have been finalized.


5) Server-hopping is definitely a problem.


6) Probably due to the current foods not being balanced or maybe because better foods are planned. Dunno.


I mostly agree, though.

About the food and health system...i dont think that eating gives you blood(dont really know so)...but what i know is that if you stayed well fed and hydrated...youll get natural healing that does restore your blood over time...

Sidechat is gone for ever... now we have radios...

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