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Controller button assignment problems

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I assigned "fire weapon" to my R1 button on controller. It shoots when I have a gun equipped but doesn't perform melee attack when a melee weapon is equipped, but the mouse button still works for melee attack. I looked through the control assignments and couldn't find any other "attack" commands. Please help.

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im not exactly sure what the problem is...but try looking up a program called xpadder

it makes your computer think your control pad is a keyboard and mouse.

i used it on the mod and now on the sa, and it works fine. can even use the controller on gear menus and stuff, which i found wasnt possible with just the game

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not really a debate on which is better...

but until dayz i have always been a console player, so yeah im used to a controller, and it works well for me

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not really a debate on which is better...

but until dayz i have always been a console player, so yeah im used to a controller, and it works well for me


I prefer a controller on most games on PC but not on Dayz. You should honestly just take a week or two and play heavily with your keyboard and mouse.

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i have tried abit, but cant really adjust

i prefer the mouse movement of course, but i dont like the keyboard for walking etc

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If you want a certain button to do multiple things like the key, you have to bind it for each on the contoller. Just like they had to do setting up the standard controls.  :thumbsup:

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If you have the money to spend and have some trouble with keybinds, I would suggest looking into a gaming mouse to help ease the responsibilities of your left hand so it can concentrate mostly on movement keys. I've had both the Razor Naga and the Logitech G600 mice and can say that they are both very good if not overkill for this job. I had some major problems with the Razor mouse after only about a year of use(double clicking and yes I manually fixed it several times before trashing it) so I would suggest the Logitech over the Naga. There are other mice out there that will help you ease the conversion from controller to keyboard and mouse that wouldn't be as much of an overkill as well. You will most likely struggle with it at first, but with some practice, you will never go back once you learn.

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I assigned "fire weapon" to my R1 button on controller. It shoots when I have a gun equipped but doesn't perform melee attack when a melee weapon is equipped, but the mouse button still works for melee attack. I looked through the control assignments and couldn't find any other "attack" commands. Please help.


I have the same problem. Its an alpa bug I believe.

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Ok thanks for the help everybody. So does xpadder bind controller buttons to keyboard/mouse buttons? Rather than binding a controller button to a specific action? I think that would work so much easier.

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I have xpadder set up now and I've bound "E" key to my right bumper but it's bringing up the map. any advice? 

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check the in game controls aren't set to bring up map by pressing E. also disable controller for the in game options, it causes conflicts

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check the in game controls aren't set to bring up map by pressing E. also disable controller for the in game options, it causes conflicts


you little legend you - have some beans 

My crouch and prone buttons were freaking out too, this has solved that isssue. 



anyone have any experience in improving the sticks? my left stick is always run and I'd like to set a deadzone so that 1-75% is walk and 75-100% is fully run. 


also, my right stick is a little unresponsive, especially for looking up. any tips for xpadder?

Edited by Zeromi

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I assigned "fire weapon" to my R1 button on controller. It shoots when I have a gun equipped but doesn't perform melee attack when a melee weapon is equipped, but the mouse button still works for melee attack. I looked through the control assignments and couldn't find any other "attack" commands. Please help.

Since the latest patch you have to "raise weapon" before you can swing a melee weapon. Before the patch you just had to equip it and hit fire to swing. Maybe this is your problem?

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glad i can help! :D
was it the controller being turn on in-game?


for your walk run speed.....best way i sorted it, which isnt a great way as it contradicts what i said to help last time lol...


but basically enable controller, then go through all the keys, and the main ones are auto assigned to buttons (Which caused your conflict im guessing) so for example you would go the "fire weapon" and hit edit, it should say left mouse button, then below it, gamepad button 5 (something like that) so you click on the gamepad button 5, then click delete, do that for all the controls except WASD.

when you use a gamepad and WASD set up in your in game menu, when you move the stick slowly it will walk, then if you move it all the way it will run (or you can config it to make you sprint instead)

also, i recommend trying out set selectors, as this allows you to get more buttons onto your gamepad without...actually having more buttons lol

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was it the controller being turn on in-game?



I had read that you have to disable the controller in game but i had forgotten that step.

I've just tried to disable it but it won't let me and the I can't open the button config? (I think i saw somewhere that you can't do that in stand alone yet)


So i'm still having the problem with two button presses happening 


I may give up and persevere with the M&KB but I'd much rather have a good control pad set up

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For all the seeming effort here, why not just persevere with the mouse and keyboard?


As already noted once you learn you will never go back to the training wheel setup that is a controller.


It is a rough transition but great once proficient.

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id say stick with what you think is best, i used to use a keyboard and mouse back in the days of counter-strike 1.6, and although i adjusted then i didnt feel i was playing as good as i should. my problem lies more with the keyboard than the mouse, i like the precision of the mouse, so when it came to dayz, i already had a bit of practice with xpadder for fallout, so i roughly matched my config to that



zeromi, did you try going into each individual control and removing the assignment for the in game menu? that way the controller is still considered "active" by the game, but isnt programmed to do anything.  so you go to controls, then infantry options, then select fire weapon (as an example) hit edit, and you should see:
left mouse click
gamepad button 10


or something along those lines, then you click gamepad button then, then the onscreen delete option. I did that for every control, except WASD movement, as it allowed walk-run sensitivity on the analog

ill be on later tonight so il see if i can get a more accurate description, maybe a screenshot if i knew how to upload it to here lol

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For all the seeming effort here, why not just persevere with the mouse and keyboard?


As already noted once you learn you will never go back to the training wheel setup that is a controller.


It is a rough transition but great once proficient.


i just dont like it. it feels clunky and unnatural after 20+ years of control pad gaming.

besides: that's just, like, your opinion, man



I managed to deactivate the control pad setting in the menu but it completely deactivated. I dont know if i didnt save my xpadder profile because when i first set it up i could control the desktop mouse with the right stick and the triggers were left/right click. that doesnt happen now

I dont think i was using the standard setup as my right stick was inverted so it seems that xpadder was working when the controller was activated in the game menu but it stoped working when i deactivated it

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okay - to save anyone new to dayz and xpadder some of the stress i went through, please read the following short guide on xpadder and some suggested dayz control setup. 

I used my xbox 360 controller but this can obviously be easily adapted for PS3 or other pads.


using the toggle and "hold zone" functions I've managed to get a pretty smooth control setup. Using one button for two or three functions has freed up many of my buttons and I'm playing the game without the need for different "sets" of buttons (so far but i think that may change when i get to vehicles. Luckily, with the setup I have now i actually have 3 buttons left unused which could later be used as set selectors)


ignoring the movement of the sticks (as if you can't figure that out then give up now), here's my layout:

(I'll explain how to setup button holds and toggles below)


X - Tap to jump/vault     (Hold to reload)

Y - (so far unassigned)

A - open doors/pick up items

B - Tap to go prone - (Hold for half a second to crouch) - (Hold for one second to stand)

Start - raise weapon

Back - inventory (Hold for map)

D-pad up - hands up (friendly signal) - (hold to kneel)

D-pad left - hot bar left

D-pad right - hot bar right

D-pad down (so far unassigned)

LB - toggle lean left

RB - toggle lean right

Left thumb stick click - free look

Right thumb stick click - (so far unassigned)

Left trigger - aim

right trigger - shoot



to enable the "hold" and "toggle" function - left click the button you want to add multiple functions to - go to advanced (bottom left) 

there are tabs for toggle/set selector/assignments etc, assignments is to assign button holds.


press the first key (EG Z for prone) then click add hold zone

press the next key you want to add to the same button (eg X for crouch"  then add hold zone again

press the final key (eg C to stand) 


I added 50ms to each hold function but that's personal preference 

(it should show as 0.50s)


I'm trying to learn how to add 'double tap' to a botton so i can add further functionality to one button but i' having too much fun exploring just now


I'm also looking into adding multiple button presses to one key. (so holding left trigger to aim would change the up and down D pad to zeroing while aiming)


Make sure you go into the devices and deactivate the control pad in the in-game menu. highlight the pad then click disable. As xpadder will be handling the instructions, the in game emulation would conflict and you'll end up with all kinds of weird things happening 


I hope this is of some help to some of you


please no "you're wasting your time, M&KB are superior". save it

I'll remind you of rule three of the forum which i'm sure you're familiar with (pfff)


Mods, if this is too long, let me know and I'll add spoiler tabs.




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really good guide, you have learned the program well


now i have questions for you...lol

how well do your hold zones work? I couldn't get it configured right, i just added one button, then hold zone, then the next button, i tried tweaking the timing alot, but all i got was either my character would random crouch or prone when pressed, or a different tweak means if i hold it, i crouch then prone straight after when pressed


also what do you mean by hot bar left and hot bar right?

the way i set up my hot bar is while holding the left bumper (set selector), i press the corresponding buttons on my d-pad for 1 to 4, back and start are 5 and 6, and a,b,x,y is 7 to 0

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