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If you could pick a piece of existing music to play at Main Menu

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I like the idea of not having music in the game like there is in the mod. I mean, everyone just turns it off anyway.


But I am not opposed to having some title music so I thought this would be a fun thread to see what everyone thinks this game should sound like musically. 


As for me, I can only think of one musical group who provides a perfect sound for this kind of game. 


My pick would be a song by Godspeed You! Black Emperor called "09-15-00 (cont.)"




In this song, pressure mounts, but spirits never rise. I think that is DayZ in a nutshell. 


How about you guys? 


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  On 12/27/2013 at 2:22 AM, Doctor Zed said:

 I mean, everyone just turns it off anyway.



One of my mates love the background music on the main menus on most games...


As for me it drives me fucking insane ;)

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I've heard some really cool dude on Youtube named Apple Jaxc makes some awesome techno music. Maybe some of that.

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Judge and Jury by Audiomachine. Fits the game well.

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OR, the original soundtrack for the original DayZ trailer, "The Survivors"

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Edited by Inception.
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Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls.




Edit: After some thought, I'd like to add that this is subject to change when/if all the "new" coastal players get bored and move on.

Edited by creature
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I would defintely say to add some sort of piano melody.


I like the Mad World Instrumental by Gary Jules


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Or something more orchestral

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Edited by Paradux
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The only other song I would pick would be "Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima" by Krzysztof Penderecki, otherwise known as "that music from The Shining."

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Most people don't like new Metallica however if it were MY CHOICE? I would choose All Nightmare Long

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Still the best.



However, Masami Ueda remains the mack-daddy of video game composers of all time.

Edited by Ozelot

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  On 12/27/2013 at 2:50 AM, Ozelot said:


Still the best.



However, Masami Ueda remains the mack-daddy of video game composers of all time.


Yasunori Mitsuda would like to have a word with you. 

Edited by Doctor Zed

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Hm, interesting idea.


I'm feeling dark ambient or something orchestral....

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I guess there's two trains of thought here, in game ambiance and 'titles that suit' or would be a good backing track for an action packed Dayz Video..

As I turn all in game music off I'll just suggest my choices for the latter.

Please bear in mind that I'm probably one of the oldest here too, and my choices reflect that, but hey as my 13 y/o now knows, old doesn't mean shit!

Warriors of the wasteland - F. G. T. H

Troops of tomorrow - The Exploited

Total Invasion - Killing Joke

Be quick or be dead - Iron Maiden

Run to the hills - Iron Maiden

Take this life - In Flames

Killers - Motorhead

Prolly think of some more at some point..

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There is a reason why Clutch-Songs are as well in Left4Dead2 and The Walking Dead. That dirty Stoner is just too fitting for the post-apocalyptic setting.


Clutch - The Regulator (The Walking Dead Season 2 finale)



Clutch - Drink to the Dead



Clutch - Electric Worry (Left 4 Dead 2)




Also one of the greatest bands you will ever be able to see live :)

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EndEffeKt, I saw them supporting Motorhead and few years back. Didn't do much for me tbh, but hey each to their own of course.

I like Hot Chocolate but you prolly don't :D

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"When there is no room in Hell... the dead will walk the Earth."

Edited by Etherimp

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  On 12/28/2013 at 11:11 AM, aodqw97 said:

EndEffeKt, I saw them supporting Motorhead and few years back. Didn't do much for me tbh, but hey each to their own of course.

I like Hot Chocolate but you prolly don't :D


Everybody loves hot chocolate! I saw them in May in a very tiny club here in Germany. 300 people and the house was full. Pure insanity, the crowd went ape-shit. At the end of the evening me and my girl were dripping of beer and other mens sweat. I love the band and am listening to their whole discography ever since. I think its an absolute difference in atmosphere if you see a band as support and if you see them in front of a crowd that actually is only there for them.

Edited by EndEffeKt

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I'd go with some classical or ambient stuff with a darkish edge



Boards of Canada - Even the video is a bit DayZ(ish) already - love it when the 80's synth comes in after 2mins, reminds me of Dawn of the Dead's original soundtrack

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