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Shrapnel (DayZ)

Carebear Detection Alarm! *Alarm Sounds*

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Im not sure about the rest of you guys, but my Carebear detection alarm has been driving me crazy.

The suggestion board is filled with: "Make Bandits show up on the map! Punish them!" or "Make NPC Traders that travel!" or "Add more powerful weapons and easier to find!" or Some other random and stupid shit.

I understand that everyone has the right to make a suggestion, but what makes people think that adding bigger guns, asking for God to smite Bandits for killing people, and adding MMORPG features would even be considered?

This is a Hardcore Zombie Apocalypse Simulator, made to be hard, and its Going to get harder.

If any of you carebears are reading this right now, i want you to grow some fucking balls and help improve current game mechanics instead of spitting out ideas that go against the games theme.

TL;DR = This is my rant on idiots posting the most fucking retarded ideas ever, if you post against it, prepare for an argument.

Again, GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS! Or quit and go back to your cookie-cutter games.

EDIT: Since people dont read all the pages, im going to put this in the OP.

Wow' date=' Again people miss the entire point of this thread...

How many more times do i have to say it? Here, ill put it in the OP so you fuckers can read it. Since you obviously cant take the time to skim through the 10 pages.

This thread is the result of the overwhelming stupidity of the players making outlandish suggestions in the suggestion board, You might think that its not a problem, but here is why it IS a problem.

1.) For every Good suggestion, there is about 50 - 100 horrible ones. You really think Rocket has the time time to sift through all that bullshit to find that one good post? No.

People start getting pissed because Rocket is taking longer and longer until an update, forcing him to push an unfinished update, and causing more issues. was an example. 2 hotfixes within 10 hours..? Slow the fuck down.

2.) Duplicates.. Fucking really? There are almost 100 threads PURely about the Bandit Skin, Bandit Punishment, or anything else relating to the Bandit. Not to mention any other major game mechanic people want to change so it makes it easier.

This has gotten way out of hand, people play DayZ and find something, have an epiphany, fly to the forums and dont even bother using the search function, start a new thread about bandit punishment. Thats just plain laziness, and the forum moderators dont do shit about it, maybe a slap on the wrist and 1 warning point. WOODEEFUCKINGDOO! He got a warning point, and yet the thread still exists..

Again that dosnt just apply for Bandit Punishment threads, was just an example.

3.) Troll Suggestions, or not? Theres been a recent spike of these suggestions that have been completely... whats the word... FUCKING STUPID. You want meteor showers every 5 minutes? You want NPC Assasins in white robes to attack you randomly in the woods? You want to be able to rape other players? You want wheelchairs so you can wheel around cherno? You want sports cars? You want EndGame? You want NPC traders? The list goes on...

Honestly these suggestions are one of two things, trolls trying to start shit. Or stupid people wanting stupid things.

These posts are a problem for one simple reason, they drown out the good suggestions, which ties into reason #1.

I hope this opens some of your eyes to the real issue, and the true reason i made this thread.


TL;RD = No, fuck you. If you dont read the OP+EDIT, get the fuck off the thread. Your just going to post something stupid since you didnt read all the pages.

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And why does none of it go in the suggestions forums where we don't have to see it? That place is a cesspool of retardation. +10 points for you sir.

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Hey I'm all for more types of guns, I don't think there is a big enough selection of them. I'm a gun nut, but other than that, I agree completely.

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There needs to be a moderator that has contact with Rocket, sit in that thread with a green "GOOD" Stamp, an orange "BAD" Stamp, and a red "FUCK OFF" Stamp, stamping each thread depending on the type of suggestion.

There are so many stpid suggestions, ive lost trace of all the good Suggestions ive found in the past..

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Needs to be some sort of posting guidelines for suggestions, that way when people suggest that rocket add in AA12's and zomg DEAGLEZZZ they can be banned for it

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Needs to be some sort of posting guidelines for suggestions' date=' that way when people suggest that rocket add in AA12's and zomg DEAGLEZZZ they can be banned for it



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Really? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the idea, tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear' and curse their existence.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.

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Really? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the idea' date=' tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear' and curse their existence.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.


Agreed. Thread starters can't even make a point because all they want to do is flame. They don't even read OP's post and start typing away.

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I sense this thread will be of great interest to me as it will undoubtedly be filled with anger, whining, invalid arguments, illogical statements, poor english, and of course... tears.

P.S. Agree with the OP.

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Rally? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the diea' date=' tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear'.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.


Youve just recently joined the forums, i dont think you have much ground to base your claims on. The last month and a half, the game has gotten harder, and harder, and harder. At the same time, its become more popular, and is reaching Minecraft status as we speak. This will not change, people need to realize that and stop asking for stupid things.

The reason im posting this is because ive noticed an extremely large increase in the amount of suggestions that are completely off-track of where this game is going, my hate is directed at those people, nobody else.

Id like to point out the recent post Rocket made stating that there is only one direction this mod is heading, and thats the one he made when he started writing the very first line of code.

As for the newbies wanting some help? Its called guides, youtube and asking friends to team up. This is survival, only the smart and fit survive. If you cant adapt to the harsh environment, your shit out of luck.

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I couldn't agree more. I was on the verge of making a thread of my own bashing these carebears, but luckily you saved me the hard work :P

What I find most strange of all is that there are actually players that think the main idea of the game is to find PHAT LEWT. It's not, it's about survival. The rare loot just helps you survive better. Making suggestions that helps you survive but will make survival for other players harder, such as the number 1 retarded suggestion I've heard so far (bandits being marked on maps), will not be put into the game.

If you don't like it you better leave this mod now since it's only going to get tougher from here on out.

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Really? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the idea' date=' tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear' and curse their existence.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.


Imagine having the greatest gaming experience in the world for a solid 2-3 weeks, then a bunch of slightly autistic drooling mongoloids come flooding in the door and blow fecal matter out of their ass like chili filled shotguns all over everything and then tell us how we should clean it up.

Then you'll understand our aggravation.

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Imagine having the greatest gaming experience in the world for a solid 2-3 weeks' date=' then a bunch of slightly autistic drooling mongoloids come flooding in the door and blow fecal matter out of their ass like chili filled shotguns all over everything and then tell us how we should clean it up.

Then you'll understand our aggravation.


Oh fuck, how i laughed.

+1 Interwebz for you dude, that was fucking funny.

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The game is easy enough for new players. This is NOT a game by itself, but a MOD. That means you should learn to play the game first. If everyone plays basic Arma II for a few days first that will eliminate a good half of the problems that all new players have. Once they know the game itself and what to do, they can attempt to play the mod.

If they are not smart enough to stay out of sight of zombies while avoiding players, flares, gun shots, and so on, then they will quickly learn. If they do not, then they do not possess sufficient IQ or likely age to play.

Gathering loot itself is easy enough if they have played Arma II and know how the game works. Meaning they can effectively sneak and know how to equip and use guns. Loot obviously spawns in buildings, again requiring a minimum IQ, and when you find a building you loot it. Guns and basic gear is not very hard to find if you can play the game and sneak.

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Imagine having the greatest gaming experience in the world for a solid 2-3 weeks' date=' then a bunch of slightly autistic drooling mongoloids come flooding in the door and blow fecal matter out of their ass like chili filled shotguns all over everything and then tell us how we should clean it up.

Then you'll understand our aggravation.


LMFAO!! I knew this thread was worth watching, gawd I wish I could sig this quote. :P

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The quality of suggestions is going way the fuck down. I agree 100%. Before there were actual BENEFICIAL suggestions, not optional pvp settings and bandit skins being brought back.. The real problem is that these fucking threads make quality suggestions receive much lower traffic.

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*Douchebag who thinks his opinion matters alarm*

That said after only playing for 2 days even I can see some of these "ideas" are fucking retarted.

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Rally? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the diea' date=' tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear'.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.


Youve just recently joined the forums, i dont think you have much ground to base your claims on. The last month and a half, the game has gotten harder, and harder, and harder. At the same time, its become more popular, and is reaching Minecraft status as we speak. This will not change, people need to realize that and stop asking for stupid things.

Yes you are quite right, I have recently officially joined the forums (about an hour or two ago). This is due to the fact that while I was constantly scrolling through them I never really found much reason to join-in on a discussion until recently when I have found that the constant berating of the new players by the hardcore players was getting entirely out of hand, however let it be known that I have been passively going through here for a decent time now prior.

The reason im posting this is because ive noticed an extremely large increase in the amount of suggestions that are completely off-track of where this game is going' date=' my hate is directed at those people, nobody else.

Id like to point out the recent post Rocket made stating that there is only one direction this mod is heading, and thats the one he made when he started writing the very first line of code.

As for the newbies wanting some help? Its called guides, youtube and asking friends to team up. This is survival, only the smart and fit survive. If you cant adapt to the harsh environment, your shit out of luck.


This isn't about newbies simply asking for help but rather the complete shut-down of any opinion presented other than that of the hardcore group. I recall a forum post where a new player was wondering if they would ever change the fact zombies could go through door/barricades, this player was flamed massively for coming up with such a 'stupid' suggestion as it would make the game easier. Realistically? It makes sense, why the hell should zombies be able to phase through barricades? Gameplay mechanic wise? Also makes sense; gives players some reason for sandbags and give them some semblance of a base should they gather the resources to make it happen.

But not one person cared about these little details, as the hardcore group cares for nothing but making this game a tedious chore that only the selected minority can enjoy.

Are alot of the suggestion off-track? Yes. Then tell them. Don't hate someone for not understanding the situation and trying to make a suggestion with limited knowledge. Inform them about rather than coming up with names to call them (seriously what are we twelve?) in a vain attempt to make it as if their opinions do not matter. Also thoroughly consider a suggestion rather than outright dismissal, the situation above is a prime example of what kind of irrational hate has overtaken the community. If you want the game to improve and succeed as a whole it is better to unite the community rather than split it in a hate filled flame war.

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*Douchebag who thinks his opinion matters alarm*

That said after only playing for 2 days even I can see some of these "ideas" are fucking retarted.

What do you mean? It isn't opinion' date=' it's fact


Broviet_Chaz, like OP stated, this thread isn't directed at the new players making good suggestions. I agree, zombies just walking straight through baricades and doors need to be fixed, not because it'll be easier, but it's annoying since they can spawn inside houses now, so walking up to a house you think is safe only to have a zombie walk straight through the closed door isn't nice.

This is a hate thread to those that think their stupid suggestions to make the game easier for them and no one else because they are butthurt about being killed, nobody else

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Rally? My because I am finding my douchebag detection alarm is frequently going off as well. Perhaps there is a connection? I frequently scroll though these forums and find nothing but rage-filled hate messages directed at any player who dares suggest anything that could possibly make the game the slightest bit easier on the newbies. I mean I can get your point about marking bandits on the map or something like that but just because an idea is stupid does not mean everyone has to act like an immature ass about it. Discuss the diea' date=' tell them why you think its wrong, don't just sit there and cry about them being a 'carebear'.

I swear the community to this game is awful. There is no room for discussing game-mechanic changes because the only result will be immediate flaming.


Youve just recently joined the forums, i dont think you have much ground to base your claims on. The last month and a half, the game has gotten harder, and harder, and harder. At the same time, its become more popular, and is reaching Minecraft status as we speak. This will not change, people need to realize that and stop asking for stupid things.

Yes you are quite right, I have recently officially joined the forums (about an hour or two ago). This is due to the fact that while I was constantly scrolling through them I never really found much reason to join-in on a discussion until recently when I have found that the constant berating of the new players by the hardcore players was getting entirely out of hand, however let it be known that I have been passively going through here for a decent time now prior.

The reason im posting this is because ive noticed an extremely large increase in the amount of suggestions that are completely off-track of where this game is going' date=' my hate is directed at those people, nobody else.

Id like to point out the recent post Rocket made stating that there is only one direction this mod is heading, and thats the one he made when he started writing the very first line of code.

As for the newbies wanting some help? Its called guides, youtube and asking friends to team up. This is survival, only the smart and fit survive. If you cant adapt to the harsh environment, your shit out of luck.


This isn't about newbies simply asking for help but rather the complete shut-down of any opinion presented other than that of the hardcore group. I recall a forum post where a new player was wondering if they would ever change the fact zombies could go through door/barricades, this player was flamed massively for coming up with such a 'stupid' suggestion as it would make the game easier. Realistically? It makes sense, why the hell should zombies be able to phase through barricades? Gameplay mechanic wise? Also makes sense; gives players some reason for sandbags and give them some semblance of a base should they gather the resources to make it happen.

But not one person cared about these little details, as the hardcore group cares for nothing but making this game a tedious chore that only the selected minority can enjoy.

Are alot of the suggestion off-track? Yes. Then tell them. Don't hate someone for not understanding the situation and trying to make a suggestion with limited knowledge. Inform them about rather than coming up with names to call them (seriously what are we twelve?) in a vain attempt to make it as if their opinions do not matter.

Some posts slip through the cracks, it's the nature of the forums. If there was a way to base post listing on user submitted rankings, i'd be all for that idea. Do some new people make good suggestions? Yes, here and there they do. But for every one of those, we get 200 of the ones that make us want to bludgeon them through the screen with a tack hammer.

But saying it's our responsibility to hold their hand and tell them why their stupid idea is stupid, no sir I don't agree with that notion at all.

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You completely missed the point on this thread, My hate is directed at the people who post suggestions that would derail the game, make it a typical 'cookie-cutter' game, or just plain post a troll suggestion just to piss people off.

Your argument is about me and the rest of the hardcore lovers shutting down suggestions that fit the description of the above said.

So you either didn't pay attention to anything ive said, or your attempting to defend the idiots.

What i want to be done about it, is make a guideline people must follow when making a suggestion, posts that dont follow the guideline receive warnings, and/or bans from that board.

Also, i was not joking about the forum moderator with the stamps, good suggestions must be sorted from the shitty posts so people can find, improve on, or change details within a good suggestion.

What makes a Good Suggestion you ask? Simple: If its related to a CURRENT game mechanic issue or change, its a good suggestion, if its a reasonable suggestion about a new mechanic that could be added later, it could be sorted as a good suggestion, allowing players to refine the idea.

The sorting would also help Rocket save time instead of digging through all the shit to get to the good ideas.

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