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jOKe (DayZ)

A few things regarding ammo

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So, as the title suggests there are a few things I want to talk about regarding ammunition in DayZ Standalone as it is.


I know some of these points have been mentioned before and I am also aware that this game is currently in Alpha and that things will change and/or be fixed. So here are my discussion points:


1 - Let's start with a bug/ exploit first. Currently 5.56mm ammo can be stacked up to 30 in a single inventory space. Using magazines that take more than 30 rounds then "emptying" them can create a stack of ammunition larger than 30. (Either 40 for the extended mag or 60 for the coupled mag). A simple fix would obviously be to create multiple stacks when large mags are emptied, optionally the max of 30 for 5.56 could instead be increased, though I think it's fine how it is currently.


2 - This leads me onto my second bug. When emptying a magazine while it's not on your person (i.e. on the ground in the vicinity tab) the ammo is simply lost. Obviously either this option shouldn't be available while the mag isn't in your character's inventory, or the ammo should simply spawn in a neat pile of it's own on the floor beside the empty mag.

(Edit. I think I have only tried this with a full inventory so maybe if I had spaces in my bag the ammo would jump straight into it.)


3 - On a similar note, though not necessarily related to ammo, I don't like the current way of splitting stacks. Why half? What if I only want 1 item separated? What if I want three equal stacks and not two? I would personally like to see an interface that allows all of these, such as a scroll-down menu going from 1 to the number in the stack. I'd like to hear other ideas in how to solve this (or at least what I think is a ...) problem.


4 - Moving back onto ammo. I don't like how at the moment magazine's always spawn with full clips. Not only is it not very realistic, it also means there's WAY too much ammo in the game. (Again, I know this will change, but I'd like to discuss the direction of this change.)  My solution would be spawning a third of the magazine's empty, a third of them with a random amount of ammo (preferably closer to 0) and the other third as they are, completely full.


5 - Finally I'd like to discuss other types of 5.56mm ammunition. For example, BLANK rounds that would look/ sound like the real thing but would do no damage (at least not past 2-3 meters). These would be next to useless, however they'd make do in a situation where scaring an enemy away/ attracting zombies is all that's required. These bullets would be a little less common than the ordinary rounds and may add a bit of excitement to gun fights. "Are they firing real bullets at me or just blanks?". Blank rounds are fairly common in the real world, why wouldn't they exist here too.


     Two other candidates for extra ammunition for the M4 could be TRACER rounds and armour piercing (maybe when vehicles come into SA anyway). I love the idea of at least having rare tracer bullets. They'd look AWESOME at night and could be used for signalling, targeting and just general sexiness. These rounds would obviously be rare and I'm not sure whether the game's physics engine would allow for such tracking of bullets. (though considering it does allow dropping of bullets etc I'm sure it's not far off being a possibility).



That's it from me. I hope I wasn't too boring. By the way I love the current build and the way DayZ is heading. I know there are problems with my ideas but would love to discuss them and your alternative solutions & suggestions.


Thankies :3,


Edited by jOKe

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Loading blanks in your gun is about as useful as putting the barrel in your mouth. Sooner or later you'll run into someone else with a gun and they'll be shooting real bullets at you, meanwhile you'll have what, a cap gun? No thanks. Seems like a waste of development time.


The other issues you mentioned are legit, and I'm sure the dev team is aware of them.

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I was thinking more along the lines of, blanks would be better than nothing. Obviously you won't want them but it'd be better than nothing in certain situations. I for one also have a ton of mags when I play DayZ. I'd love the day I could load different mags into my M4 depending on the "mission".


Fair enough though, at least I now know how you feel about that one point, what are your views on the other rounds and things mentioned in this post.

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I like tracers, armor piercing ammo would have to be incredibly rare. All the glitches you posted I have also noticed, and yes I would like to be able to separate stacks more easily.


Also, not only would tracers look cool, but tracers work both ways. It might actually help players defend themselves more easily by being able to tell where they are being shot from.

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Definitely. I'm very much guided by the mentality that every good feature of an item/ feature in a game like this should be counter-balanced by an annoyance/ con. Can't currently think of one of armour-piercing ammo other than it being potentially slightly heavier, which is a little lame and probably would make little to no difference.

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Im sure the release will have endless amounts of custimization like this.  Hopefully.  They are working on some pretty interesting stuff for this game.  Cant wait!

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the only real ill of armour piercing would be it would be almost impossible to find and you would want to keep it away hidden so you dont accidentally start using it on bambi characters running around in tshirt and jeans.. Oh the misery of having spent 3 days looking for armour piercing and i just wasted it all in a stupid shoot out that only needed standard rounds at best ....

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Another issue I have been having is ammo boxs disappearing from my inventory. I load them full and when I rejoin the server they are no longer in my backpack. The first time this happened I had just normal stacks or 30 rounds and the second time these were stacks of 60... thus 600 rounds lost!


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