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Chernarus Police Department

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Well in case the dumbasses in this thread didn't notice yet, the "Police" title was sarcastic... lol, kids sometimes.

You can't exactly read text and know if what was written sarcastic or serious. And if this truly was the case, how come you responded to everyone else by saying, "butt hurt" and "kids?" The only true way to differentiate sarcasm from any other normality on the internet is if you know the person's character or there's text to imply the sarcasm with irony or other diction. It's also a bit hard to hear what you're saying since the music is louder than your voice in some parts.

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Some police department! Shooting someone because he wouldn't stop moving from getting his face ripped off from a Zed.  :rolleyes:


Just looked like a KOSfest from what I saw.


If you didn't want our "Shit comments" why the hell did you post up the vid? Kinda counter intuitive, yeah?

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I think the music made the video.  I can't say I play like that, but if people didn't then it would all be happy fun time considering the zombies are underwhelming and beyond easily avoidable.  Personally I think if the handcuffs and the like were put in to stop KoS then that was a bad attempt.  People who KoS will always KoS unless there is a consequence.  If we really want to stop KoS then zombies should be much more dangerous and highly over the top be attracted to gunshots even if they are chasing someone already.  That way it's a bad idea to shoot a gun in a city or town.  But even with alot more zombies it's not going to change anything, they just simply aren't threatening.


So overall, I'm not a fan of what you do, but I'm not against what you do either.  It is what it is and it's a part of DayZ.  Although, forcing people to do bad things would be more entertaining, atleast to those of us watching.

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Psychopathic axemurderes, bandits that capture people and let them fight to death or feed them with rotten stuff, bandit squads robbing and killing people during a firefight , even cannibals or ex army snipers on chrystal meth...all this belongs to this game and makes it unique and exciting...but this vid only shows the stupid gameplay of a probably only 14 years old kid 


this really sucks



PS:  deleted the part about  littles penises

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Love how everyone noticed how shit this guys video is, and he just started basically calling us all "Losers" because we gave our opinions.

Do you even real life bro?

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we need to handcuff this guy, poke him with a rusty syringe filled with bleach, THEN take turns beating him. IN GAME OF COURSE :D

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How old is this guy, if very important to him show to as this "strange" video - killing unnarmed people :D? Thats the point of video? Its funny? Hmm, i dont think so.

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this vid only shows the stupid gameplay of a probably only 14 years old kid 


Yes. I am /DEFENITLY/ 14 years old.



And to all the other butthurt persons, I changed the title of my video so you won't have jackshit to complaint about now. >: )

Edited by K9Alex

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Says the kid with a Minecraft picture as is avatar.

I would bet real money I am older than your dad.

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Stop with this Balota Bandits title. You are insulting real bandits. And just leave this Alex dude alone. He will grow up one day ( hopefully ).

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What an arrogant little child; constantly with the "butthurt" and "losers" statements, with the insults because of avatars.


Grow up Alex, you are the "butthurt" one; not us.

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Well yer 19 years old so I don't think you can be calling ppl kids, when yer one yerself.


The video would have been better imo if you took that daft music out, and also like some other ppl suggested, play around with yer victims next time, don't be the typical every day bandit, I don't mind bandits, but when banditry is shown like that it makes me think, why not go play COD if yer just gonna kill them.


But none the less the video was ok.


Take some criticism and make a better video. 


Happy Hunting.

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I would bet real money I am older than your dad.

He's dead.

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Well yer 19 years old so I don't think you can be calling ppl kids, when yer one yerself.


The video would have been better imo if you took that daft music out, and also like some other ppl suggested, play around with yer victims next time, don't be the typical every day bandit, I don't mind bandits, but when banditry is shown like that it makes me think, why not go play COD if yer just gonna kill them.


But none the less the video was ok.


Take some criticism and make a better video. 


Happy Hunting.

95% of DayZ community is younger than me, pretty sure you are too.

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95% of DayZ community is younger than me, pretty sure you are too.

Those are some pretty big numbers... I don't necessarily believe you...


That is, unless you are in your late 50's, then I could believe you.

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Those are some pretty big numbers... I don't necessarily believe you...


That is, unless you are in your late 50's, then I could believe you.

DayZ's player base is around 11 to 16 years old.

Bunch of kids.

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Yet another Balota Ass Bandit.

I know right?


Hey why did you kill the Mosin guy at the end? He did everything you asked him.

Because I fucking felt like it.


Seems like a lot of people in this thread are pretty frustrated / mad.


A lot of jimmies are rustled.

I'm starting to think most of them were featured in my video or something.

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