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sai (DayZ)

Force mic chat: skype etc.. thru dayz?

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For you maybe. But what about all this stuff about being hardcore and getting super into the game?


Its fine to play like that, I've been known to get properly into DayZ from time to time, but how the hell does hearing random conversations/music/whatever fit into the whole realism/immersion thing. It would totally break it for a lot of people. 


Conclusion: this idea is a ridiculous, privacy invading, immersion ruining, easily bypass-able farce. I'm done here, you seem like you're trolling now rather than making any attempts to respond properly.

Why should I with such seemingly commonsense-less points. I'm not going to explain every single detail down to the atom.

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Can't always be helped. You are playing with you're headphones on, someone in the same room wants to listen to music...

This is like the 4th time I've said it. Noise reduction.



It stops all noises that are not your voice. 


You are just picking at anything and everything. 

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immersion breaking like players communicating via telepathy


Well to be fair you can communicate via hand signals, whispering and radios etc IRL. Seeing as these things aren't in game, you could say that TS or Skype is just a replacement for these missing features. No self-respecting bandit is going to shout his plans out for everyone within a certain distance to hear. You could argue that this proposal is therefore less realistic.


Anyway immersion is not the only deciding factor in the game's features or in this argument. We have privacy concerns, and the fact that having a mic always on is easy to bypass, ergo the disadvantage will be bigger to those who don't use Skype/TS if it is implemented. In other words people will find a way around it, communicate in outside software, whilst being able to hear you and kill you easily.

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Well to be fair you can communicate via hand signals, whispering and radios etc IRL. Seeing as these things aren't in game, you could say that TS or Skype is just a replacement for these missing features. No self-respecting bandit is going to shout his plans out for everyone within a certain distance to hear. You could argue that this proposal is therefore less realistic.


Anyway immersion is not the only deciding factor in the game's features or in this argument. We have privacy concerns, and the fact that having a mic always on is easy to bypass, ergo the disadvantage will be bigger to those who don't use Skype/TS if it is implemented. In other words people will find a way around it, communicate in outside software, whilst being able to hear you and kill you easily.

I'll just say this one last thing, games are an experience, you live in the game world and experience it, the more experiences the better, It's not about getting all the advantages and killing everyone. 

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I think this make it a lot more immersive and realistic but there is no possible way to implement this.

Even if you force direct chat on all the time, people will just specify a different default input for DayZ to use. It will have the opposite effect, people will actually disable their mics for dayz so they can continue to have private chat on TS, Mumble and Skype. DayZ/Arma 2 doesn't support stereo inputs either so some people like myself could connect their mic to the other channel (arma engine only takes one channel) and programs like mumble mixes stereo inputs to mono, so everyone on mumble could still hear them.

Not allowing DayZ to run while these third party applications are running won't work either. Apart from obvious software workarounds, People could use another device. Most people have access to smart phones, tablets. Mic's with a built in mute button are cheap that some people could get for use with dayz.

I think people who want this experience only have the option to play on a private server where this is a rule and you only allow trustworthy players into the community. You will obviously get some breaking the rule, but it will cut it down a lot.

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This is like the 4th time I've said it. Noise reduction.



It stops all noises that are not your voice. 


You are just picking at anything and everything. 


Not everyone has or can afford a good mic.


I am picking at things that make having a mic always on a stupid idea.


Such as the fact that it would be stupidly easy to bypass...

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I would like to see a couple whitelisted veteran servers that make you sign up and assure you aren't going to use out of game devices to aid you in combat.

Maybe when you need to meet up with a friend and you're a newspawn WO walkie talkie though I'd definitely be doing that.

These servers could also be first person only :D

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I'll just say this one last thing, games are an experience, you live in the game world and experience it, the more experiences the better, It's not about getting all the advantages and killing everyone. 


I agree to an extent.


However, mic always on = bigger advantage to people who can easily bypass it against those who chose not to.


In other words it will achieve the opposite of what you want. Ergo leave it as it is.

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Not everyone has or can afford a good mic.


I am picking at things that make having a mic always on a stupid idea.


Such as the fact that it would be stupidly easy to bypass...

I'm not talking about software in a mic. You don't need a good mic to uses noisereduction. It can be put in the game. The game will set your mic to the right level. and so on. 



I agree to an extent.


However, mic always on = bigger advantage to people who can easily bypass it against those who chose not to.


In other words it will achieve the opposite of what you want. Ergo leave it as it is.

Then lets get the night time out of the game, because it's in the same situation. 
Edited by sai

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This is like the 4th time I've said it. Noise reduction.



It stops all noises that are not your voice. 


You are just picking at anything and everything. 


How could noise cancelling stop that? It is not just magic that can single out one audio source (your voice) and mute everything else. If your playing music through speakers, chances are they are relatively loud, so your mic would pick it up. So, it would have trouble distinguishing between voice and vocals (and generally everything) coming out your speakers. 


If it can do this, this would likely need a good PC to run the software or a good server to run the software or a expensive mic to do it. Two of these require expensive hardware on the players part and the other requires a good server plus would prevent all the server power to be directed to important parts of the game.

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Well to be fair you can communicate via hand signals, whispering and radios etc IRL. Seeing as these things aren't in game, you could say that TS or Skype is just a replacement for these missing features. No self-respecting bandit is going to shout his plans out for everyone within a certain distance to hear. You could argue that this proposal is therefore less realistic.


Anyway immersion is not the only deciding factor in the game's features or in this argument. We have privacy concerns, and the fact that having a mic always on is easy to bypass, ergo the disadvantage will be bigger to those who don't use Skype/TS if it is implemented. In other words people will find a way around it, communicate in outside software, whilst being able to hear you and kill you easily.

I think we will get radios, but I get the feeling no one will use them. I really don't want DayZ to become the dream that never was...

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How could noise cancelling stop that? It is not just magic that can single out one audio source (your voice) and mute everything else. If your playing music through speakers, chances are they are relatively loud, so your mic would pick it up. So, it would have trouble distinguishing between voice and vocals (and generally everything) coming out your speakers. 


If it can do this, this would likely need a good PC to run the software or a good server to run the software or a expensive mic to do it. Two of these require expensive hardware on the players part and the other requires a good server plus would prevent all the server power to be directed to important parts of the game.

It picks up voice because it has relatively low oscillation and is close to the mic. It can easily pick out voice over most background noises. And would only be sent when the persons talking. This kinda thing is used with online voice a lot. you must of encountered it.  Even on xbox live I think they have it. 

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I think we will get radios, but I get the feeling no one will use them. I really don't want DayZ to become the dream that never was...

I wouldn't mind whisper and shout direct options.

Whisper = 1/4 of normal direct range, maybe shout is 4x Normal direct range?

If you have shout you could use some sort of simple improvised code.

have a nickname for a person (whitey) maybe he enters a firestation (hot).

This could translate to whitey is getting hot.

Whitey would have no clue they're even talking about an in game event... But both his watchers would know exactly where whitey is hiding from a couple hundred metres apart.

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Mics always on with no option to turn it off works.


Broadcasts your voice in game and it would more intuitive also making communication with other players seemless.

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I wouldn't mind whisper and shout direct options.

Whisper = 1/4 of normal direct range, maybe shout is 4x Normal direct range?

If you have shout you could use some sort of simple improvised code.

have a nickname for a person (whitey) maybe he enters a firestation (hot).

This could translate to whitey is getting hot.

Whitey would have no clue they're even talking about an in game event... But both his watchers would know exactly where whitey is hiding from a couple hundred metres apart.

I think there could be a lot of cool dynamic situations if people would use the ingame systems. radios sound like a lot of fun. but yeah, people would rather speak directly with a 3rd party program, then try to code their conversation because someone could be listening

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You havent read the topic, There's this thing called noise cancellation. 

You don't know how noise cancellation works.  It's not magic.  It can't distinguish between the human voice and every other possible sound.


But that's not even the point.  The point is that you cannot prevent anyone from using out-of-band comms unless you physically restrain them.  I think Rocket is a bit too busy to go door-to-door enforcing rules on random people around the world.


Let it go, dude.  Let it go.  Breathe.

Edited by Junos

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This would make for an incredibly fun server, but not necessarily a fun game (if it was a global thing)'


I have always wanted to have a server like that where the players agree to just not use other VOIP and jsut use ingame, maybe increase the radio spawns a little once they are implemented


it would be epic, so much more planning, coordination, practice.


I think it would be cool as fuck

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Ill say it again


Rocket would NEVER be stupid enough to spend time implementing a system that can't be enforced and can be very easily bypassed. And no you don't have to be smart to bypass it, the smart people will just make tutorials on how to bypass it that are easy to follow


The idea will never be added regardless of support. It'll just be ignored if added.

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It picks up voice because it has relatively low oscillation and is close to the mic. It can easily pick out voice over most background noises. And would only be sent when the persons talking. This kinda thing is used with online voice a lot. you must of encountered it.  Even on xbox live I think they have it. 

As he said, it is relatively useless against filtering out people speaking in the background, music in the background. Non omnidirection mics and quiet rooms are most likely what you are hearing, noise canceling only works up to a point. The more aggressive it is, the more it cuts from the sounds you actually want the mic to be picking up.

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I think we will get radios, but I get the feeling no one will use them. I really don't want DayZ to become the dream that never was...


God, why do so many people think DayZ should be how they want it to be? The only way you'll get a game exactly how you make it is by making your own one.


What you really mean is; "I really don't want DayZ to be a game that turns out differently to how I want it". 


When it comes to competitive games, people exploit things that give them the edge, its just the way it goes. Things such as communicating via another program have no fix.


The only thing you can do is make it more of an advantage to use in-game communication---which would be difficult as hell to achieve. Forcing people's mics to be always on will never work. Why? Because I could unplug my mic, and use my phone to skype people whilst playing. I can hear everyone else and no one can hear me..... I have a massive advantage and no one can stop me.

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The only dayz i want is the one dean mathafaki rocket hall is developing for us! Nuffsaid if they implement system like that i will live with it and keep on playing!

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No, that is an awful idea. It is one surefire way to piss off many members of the community. Let people have private conversations, I will play the game but if it removes my privacy then it can fuck itself.

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God, why do so many people think DayZ should be how they want it to be? The only way you'll get a game exactly how you make it is by making your own one.


What you really mean is; "I really don't want DayZ to be a game that turns out differently to how I want it". 


When it comes to competitive games, people exploit things that give them the edge, its just the way it goes. Things such as communicating via another program have no fix.


The only thing you can do is make it more of an advantage to use in-game communication---which would be difficult as hell to achieve. Forcing people's mics to be always on will never work. Why? Because I could unplug my mic, and use my phone to skype people whilst playing. I can hear everyone else and no one can hear me..... I have a massive advantage and no one can stop me.

can rocket think DayZ should be how he wants it to be? if he puts radios in the game, I assume he wants us to use them. at some point it's like someone using skype while playing ACRE. why can't people just stick to Arma 2 if they want to circumvent everything that makes DayZ a separate game?

I don't think this idea of open mics will work either. but in the meantime, these "you'll never stop me, muhahaha" responses are disturbing

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Exactly how are you going to do that? I can use Skype on my phone with a tiny earbud in under my normal headphones and no game in the world will ever be able to tell it is happening. Since my phone hooks into the wireless router there is no cost to doing it. At best it is inconvenient but I would have an advantage on everyone else. Basically it is unenforceable. 


In theory, it could if the game enforced an always active 'Live Mic'. Meaning there is no possible way while in the game to mute your mic, and it was always transmitting.

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