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server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

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need to leave game for phone call or toilet business want to come back straight away after?


no problem for you :thumbsup:  :)


click on 'PLAY' and you going back to same server is instant thing ;)


what that you saying? you want to go to different server meet friend?


ok no problem, for ONE TIME ONLY YOU CHANGE SERVER IS INSTANT FOR YOU :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


what that you saying? you need to change again server 2nd time? 3rd time? 400th FUCKING TIME??? :o


unlucky for you because now is 15 minute delay on join new server >:(


ok so in summary for you


zero delay return to last server :thumbsup:


zero delay change one time server :thumbsup:


but after this you wait 15 minute if you try change 2nd time in one hour :P



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This often works. But for a few times for me, it has sent me back to the selection, and the history tab isnt working just yet

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Make that 30 minutes and I'm in! :)


But yes, your system would be the perfect solution


Although this might have been suggested previously (my me for instance ;-) )

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need to leave game for phone call or toilet business want to come back straight away after?


no problem for you :thumbsup:  :)


click on 'PLAY' and you going back to same server is instant thing ;)


what that you saying? you want to go to different server meet friend?


ok no problem, for ONE TIME ONLY YOU CHANGE SERVER IS INSTANT FOR YOU :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


what that you saying? you need to change again server 2nd time? 3rd time? 400th FUCKING TIME??? :o


unlucky for you because now is 15 minute delay on join new server > :(


ok so in summary for you


zero delay return to last server :thumbsup:


zero delay change one time server :thumbsup:


but after this you wait 15 minute if you try change 2nd time in one hour :P

Probably one of the most sensible ideas yet. I like it 

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How come this solution hasn't been implemented yet?  It's such a basic idea that works perfectly.

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Totaly agree.


It'd be even better if time was added on each change


Like from 1st server to 2nd you get no delay

From 2nd to 3d you get 15 minutes

From 3d to 4th you get 20 minutes, then 25,30, etc


The only possible problem I see is people joining a server that restarts soon, but that can easily be solved by joining the same server with no time cost UNLESS you alt-f4'd as soon as it's up

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How come this solution hasn't been implemented yet?  It's such a basic idea that works perfectly.

Server crashes? Bad lag stream sniping etc.. Randomise loot spawns and block the return to a server for x amount of time to stop ghosting. So much easier.

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Make that 30 minutes and I'm in! :)


But yes, your system would be the perfect solution


Although this might have been suggested previously (my me for instance ;-) )

30 minute is better for me also :)

point is make it too much time for make sense doing for loot farm or ghost for kill ;)

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What if I change server to meet my friends, then the server I joined suddenly crashed/lost connection?


Just reconnect. The timer only takes effect when connecting to a new server. So timeouts or restarts won't be a problem :)

Edited by Weparo
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Just reconnect. The timer only takes effect when connecting to a new server. So timeouts or restarts won't be a problem :)


Maybe you didn't read it carefully. I said what if the server crashed? Then I will be forced to change server and wait for the timer.

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Maybe you didn't read it carefully. I said what if the server crashed? Then I will be forced to change server and wait for the timer.


you are aware that servers go back up after a couple minutes...? Besides, nothing hinders you from swiching servers.

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 Besides, nothing hinders you from swiching servers.


What OP suggests is to added a waiting timer for the 2nd server change (in one day? I hope)

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What OP suggests is to added a waiting timer for the 2nd server change (in one day? I hope)

what I suggest is...

you don't have timer for first server change

so is possible leave server you playing join friends whatever no penalty ;)

now if you try again change server IN NEXT HOUR is 15 minute timer for this :P

if you stay same server for one hour don't try to server hop you can go where you want instant and rules apply again like I saying, every hour you get free server hop so guys can join with friend :)

server hop, loot farm ghosting bullshit is big problem for dayz >:(

this idea make simple fair solution for this issue :thumbsup:  :)

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or maybe the way they done it in the mod, where you cannot log out when another player is close by. Do the same when you are trying to switch servers - you would be held in the lobby until the other player is out of range (couple meters).

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A simple solution that would solve most problems with this--including unintentionally logging in on top of other players--is to not let players spawn within, say, 200m of other players.  The game could simply pop up a box that says, "Your character is currently within 200m of another player.  You may choose to wait until the other player moves, or you may choose another server."  There, no more problems with people "beaming down" into the building you're carefully watching the entrance to.

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A simple solution that would solve most problems with this--including unintentionally logging in on top of other players--is to not let players spawn within, say, 200m of other players.  The game could simply pop up a box that says, "Your character is currently within 200m of another player.  You may choose to wait until the other player moves, or you may choose another server."  There, no more problems with people "beaming down" into the building you're carefully watching the entrance to.


Why not allow ghosting straight away?

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To address the issue regarding a server crashing (and staying crashed) immediately after you switch to it, how about a server delay list system?



Join a new server? No delay.

Take a break, and rejoin the same server without joining another one first? No delay.

Leave the server you're on and join a new one? No delay.

Try to go back to a server you left (after joining a new one) less than 30 minutes ago? You have to wait until 30 minutes after the time you left it.

Server you're on crashes? Treated same as rejoining the same one after taking a break.



Basically whenever you join a server, its IP gets tacked onto your character in the hive. Rejoining the same server means that the timer and blocking effect hasn't been activated yet and its IP address remains tacked onto your character file. Should you join a new server, the new one's IP gets tacked onto your character, and the previous server's IP starts it's 30 minute timer and join bocking effect. After the 30 minute timer expires, that IP address is dropped from your character file in the hive.


For most players they'll have at most 2 IP addresses appended to their file. You'd have to be majorly server hopping to grow the list but eventually the timers will still run out and those excess IPA's will drop off the file leaving only the address of the last server you were/are on.


In this way you are not impeded from joining any new servers, but you are prevented from joining back into a server that you've recently left (and have joined a new server).

Edited by Land Squid

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Why not allow ghosting straight away?

Huh?  The idea is that the connecting player is informed with a dialog box that has two buttons: WAIT and CHOOSE ANOTHER SERVER.  That's all he sees.  He doesn't get to see anything in the game world.  All he knows is that there is one or more player(s) on this server within 200m of the last location his character was in.  If he really wants to be on that server, he can wait until they move on.  If he doesn't care, he can pick another server and spawn in immediately.


This would have the side effect of encouraging people to log off in the woods rather than in towns.

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Huh?  The idea is that the connecting player is informed with a dialog box that has two buttons: WAIT and CHOOSE ANOTHER SERVER.  That's all he sees.  He doesn't get to see anything in the game world.  All he knows is that there is one or more player(s) on this server within 200m of the last location his character was in.  If he really wants to be on that server, he can wait until they move on.  If he doesn't care, he can pick another server and spawn in immediately.


This would have the side effect of encouraging people to log off in the woods rather than in towns.

Problems: What if you log off with friends? Trying to join a server with a lot of people, can't join simply because you happen to be in range of someone else? OR whats worse, you get the message, so you join another server, run in some direction for a bit, then log back into the other server, you KNOW there is another player nearby, that player doesn't know you're coming, even if you still have to actually locate where he is.


Not a suitable suggestion, many flaws, I applaud the effort however.


There is 3 main problems with logging right now:


Combat Logging


Server Hopping


Combat logging is fairly straight forward, if you're considered in combat(proximity to players is not "in combat"), the simplest and potentially the best way is to have a hard limit of say, 1 minute, as soon as you are no longer considered "in combat", the timer will count down, obviously resetting if that changes, during that time, your character is forced to be locked to that server, even if you log off normally or alt+f4 or get disconnected, your character will remain where they were when it happened, and you cannot join any other server during that time(you can rejoin the one you were on however).

If your character dies, you become unlocked and can then rejoin any server, but obviously as a fresh spawn, this will resolve the combat logging and prevent item duping(from being able to log in to another server and having someone kill and loot you on the old server).


Ghosting is also fairly easy, even though the solution to combat logging above can somewhat limit this, to entirely eliminate ghosting, we can just add a 15min or whatever timer once you leave a server, if you join another server during that time, you will be locked out from rejoining that server for the duration, so not only do you risk getting killed by the combat logging mechanic, and have to wait a minute before joining any other server anyway, you also have a 15 minute time to prevent you ghosting, and if the other player is still around after that 15 minutes, then they probably deserve to be killed.


Server hopping a more complicated task, but I think the idea of having a multiplying timer each time you join a new server is a good idea, 1 hop - no timer, 2 hops - 60 seconds, 3 hops - 120 seconds, 4 hops - 240 seconds.

The time you start with and the time you multiply by(60 and by 2 in this example) can be tweaked.

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There is 3 main problems with logging right now:


Combat Logging


Server Hopping


Combat logging is fairly straight forward, if you're considered in combat(proximity to players is not "in combat"), the simplest and potentially the best way is to have a hard limit of say, 1 minute, as soon as you are no longer considered "in combat", the timer will count down, obviously resetting if that changes, during that time, your character is forced to be locked to that server, even if you log off normally or alt+f4 or get disconnected, your character will remain where they were when it happened, and you cannot join any other server during that time(you can rejoin the one you were on however).


This is basicly the EVE Online solution and in that game it works like a charm. For a number of years the disconnect trick got exploited there aswell in pvp until they implemented the exact same solution and now combat logging is a thing of the past.


I agree with this solution.

Edited by Grumpy Monkey

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I think there are better solutions, but this is the best i have come across for sure

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What about two people playing in the same area in two different servers. One spots enemy, relays enemy location to other person, other person relocates to ideal ghosting spawn spot, then logs into the other server.

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