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Third person view removal from SA discussion

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why some of you want to force other players to play it "your" way?

make it a server setting and everybody is happy.

That's what I thought. Though I personally prefer first person only, I couldn't care less about people wanting to keep third person.

There seem to be a reasonable amount of people on both the pro-third-person and con-third-person side of the discussion and I can see an equally balanced amount of servers with both third-person on and off when this gets turned into a server option.

Make it optional for the server admin, then both sides get their way. It's that easy!

On the other hand, should we NEVER get the server option to turn it off, then we'll need to talk!  >:(

But seriously, all power to the players. Give choice wherever possible!

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As it stands third person view is completely broken.


While in a perfect world I would love the option of third person view included in the game it just is not possible at the moment.


What they can do is remove it from all servers until they fix third person view.


They can fix it in one of several ways such as changing the position of the camera, adjusting the zoom in tpv, locking in the camera in tpv to prevent peeking around corners.


any number of fixes can be done.

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Personally, Id hate to loose either, as I use both often. I switch back and forth regularly. To lose one would totally suck, man! As I understand it, everyone has the option of quick-switching between them, right? So who has the advantage? 

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It should be one or the other not both.


Third person view you aim in third person view and dont have first person.


on first person servers only  first person view.

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I think it should just be 1st person for everything, fix mouse control settings, and you already have a head bob setting which I remove completely.  

Where can I see patch or updates notes?  I tried looking for the threads but came up short.  

Edited by twinturbonet

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why some of you want to force other players to play it "your" way?

make it a server setting and everybody is happy.


Because sometimes force is necessary to make it better for everybody. That's why in any other sport or game certain rules are enforced. Especially if it is competitive. For example the offside rule in soccer/football or whatever other ballgame. The game would be quite different without it and not better. That's why it's there and nobody with any sense is disputing it.


First person only or not is a server setting in the mod. Didn't help shit. Players gravitate to 3rd person enabled servers for several reasons, none of them having a better or more fair PvP experience. Most don't even realize the difference in combat between 3rd person enabled and not. They just want the comfort of having 3rd person and crosshairs and whatnot crooks made for beginners of a single player game there have been made available for this so called hardcore survival simulator.

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Personally, Id hate to loose either, as I use both often. I switch back and forth regularly. To lose one would totally suck, man! As I understand it, everyone has the option of quick-switching between them, right? So who has the advantage? 

I use both to if available. Has it's perks and is comfortable in many situations. I'd gladly give that comfort up for a better combat experience.

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Just find a server forcing 1st person, I tbh don't care, but I like 3d person to view my character and animations... :)

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Remove 3rd person.


If you want to play an easy game, please just play COD. I know this is a bad argument, I just rage myself why everybody wants 3rd person ( this is obvious the easy way to play, nothing else ).


Everyone complains about realismn, but now you want a 3rd person.

Edited by TimM1983

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If this game is such a 'simulator' like the 1stP peeps keep saying, then wouldn't third person just simulate me having a car mirror or any other mirror bound to a stick and me looking over a wall? Or even bound to my gun so I could line up where I would need to aim?

Not everybody who likes using third person use it to simulate this 'mirror stick' the same as not everyone who uses the 'mirror stick' wants to pee veee pee, at every opportunity.

For every fact/opinion/argument against third person wrecking immersion, or giving unfair advantage or what ever I can think of one for first person.

And if you want to remove the 'unfair' advantage then you're on the right track. Remove 1st person then everybody has the same advantage, rendering it a non-issue.

I played 1st for about a month after hiring a server and forcing first. For the month I saw 7 other people on the server, and met one. 2 of them I saw more then once. If 1st only is implemented then if dip into it every now and then but it just doesn't work for me.

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this .....but taking a weapon should instantly force you into first person. 


Ok this is actually quite brilliant its an idea that I think both sides would agree with.


Having a weapon on your hands locks you in to fpv.


Having a weapon on your back allows for third person view with a delay for both.

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When there are servers with 1st person only I am gonna play it to not have to worry about roof campers ever again.

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Just find a server forcing 1st person, I tbh don't care, but I like 3d person to view my character and animations... :)


Dude, read! There are virtually no 1st person only servers left to play on. That's because the gravity of choice sucked them dry. If it would be that easy nobody would complain.

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Because sometimes force is necessary to make it better for everybody.


yeah, well, that's just like... your opinion man.


why would you...or ANYBODY... bother about 3rd-person when you are playing on a 1st-person only server?

don't be so stubborn.


making it a server setting is the best solution.

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People like 3rd person because of fov, less motion sickness, game looks prettier, you can see your character and because it feels more realistic. My suggestion is that make 3rd person view only show you zombies, items and players that you would see on 1st person view. That way 3rd person players get ALL those benefits they want without having advantage over 1st person users. 3rd person view doesn't need to be removed and there's no need for separate servers. It just needs some tweaking to make it even more realistic. I cannot think a single good argument why you should be able to see behind corners magically in a realistic survival game that is DayZ.

 Personally, I don't even know what the 3rd person button is in DayZ. I haven't used it once and I'm not planning to. I like the thrill of not knowing if there's someone behind a corner. I bet it would be a thrill for 3rd person users, too.

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I really don't get the 1st person argument. It makes me sick. It doesn't make the game more real either. A lot more to complain about than 1st person.

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yeah, well, that's just like... your opinion man.


why would you...or ANYBODY... bother about 3rd-person when you are playing on a 1st-person only server?

don't be so stubborn.


making it a server setting is the best solution.


yeah...well...da fuck learn to read! Your so called argument has been answered to like a million times.

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People like 3rd person because of fov, less motion sickness, game looks prettier, you can see your character and because it feels more realistic.


3rd person makes things more realistic? Who's reality are you talking about?

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i only use third person to check myself out as i sprint through the woods. 


yes ladies, i look good. ron burgandy good.

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yeah...well...da fuck learn to read! Your so called argument has been answered to like a million times.

it's useless to discuss with you :D

you are too stibborn and all you do is flame and rage against other opinions.

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I really don't get the 1st person argument. It makes me sick. It doesn't make the game more real either. A lot more to complain about than 1st person.


If it makes you sick then perhaps dayz is not for you. Perhaps fps are not your cup of tea.


Also try the following and you should not get sick.


Increase fov

Remove head bob and post processing.

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If it makes you sick then perhaps dayz is not for you. Perhaps fps are not your cup of tea.


Also try the following and you should not get sick.


Increase fov

Remove head bob and post processing.


ehm sorry? there was never a dayz without 3rd person view. so i don't get the point "you can't handle 1st person? then dayz is is not for you".

that's just bullsh*t.


3rd person view was always a part of the game and that shouldn't change just because some stibborns like you don't like it.

if you play on a (future) 3pv only server, you know what's coming and nobody can complain about advantages.


i don't know why this thread is still open. it's just a war between two groups.

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