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While the robbery system is nice it won't work.

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There should be a 30 seconds logout timer when shots are fired nearby. Additionally one shouldn't be able to logout when other players or zombies are around(like 5 meters or so), just like in dayzero. That would already help a lot in my opinion.

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I've been held up by a few people already. Usually if you comply and communicate they don't kill you. A lot of it has to do with your body language. Don't panic and run away, don't draw a weapon, don't sit there motionless like you're about to combat log. Do something like wave and walk slowly towards them, calmly talking on direct. Don't scream "I'm friendly! I'm friendly! Don't kill me!" because they've already made the decision not to kill you. Talk to them like another human being, not like a victim.

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The option to restrain, rob someone without kiling them is there at least. In the mod it was not. Simply the option and the ease of it is better than in the mod, where killing was the best and quickest option to get stuff. Here it is not. 


I guess people kill you after restraining you etc, is because they think they have already pulled something difficult off, start wallowing in their success and take the easy way out, by killing you. Also what Mojo said. It helps to keep calm, and not give away the fact that you are not to be trusted.



Edit: In the future, features like anti-combat logging/server hopping mechanics and character development (i.e skills) that will make you value your life more than your loot, will make you think twice before opening up on 4 heavily armed bandits, who intend to rob you.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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I've been handcuffed thrice and then shot every single time afterwards on multiple different servers.


You're simply delusional if you think the handcuff system is going to work. The game very nearly encourages it not to.

You just got unlucky. Just because that happened doesn't the whole community is like this. Stop being so stubborn. If you think being stripped of all your gear is being equivalent to being a freshspawn then you're missing the point of the game - to survive. It's a survival game.

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I haven't encountered anyone who has tried to restrain me yet - they all shoot on sight for the most part. I, myself, like the idea of restraining and then talking with them, or taking their supplies. At the moment, people are used to just killing to get their equipment. When the damage to items is fine tuned, and people see the benefits of not shooting first, more will do it.


Overall - the life needs to be more important than the gear. That's the point in which the game falls down.

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How effective is restraining someone anyway? Today we tested how to use the handcuffs and for some reason the restrained person was able to break free within seconds even with cuffs in prestine condition. And the cool part is the restrained person didnt even press a single key. Now i wonder was this a bug? If not how do all these people in this forum cuff someone and take all thier gear off in such a short time?

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I've been handcuffed thrice and then shot every single time afterwards on multiple different servers.


You're simply delusional if you think the handcuff system is going to work. The game very nearly encourages it not to.


lolol. its so much fun!!

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I don't understand the even need for this discussion really it's like guns do we really need guns? if we didn't have guns we wouldn't shoot each other guys! :P It's there it doesn't have to affect anyone and those that do like it can use it.

Someone tried to cuff me yest told me to freeze i did he came at me so i bludgeoned him and legged it, then he shot me but i survived hid patched up waited for him to pass and ran off, i like the handcuffs as it adds to the game and gives us more choices and i think that's always good.

Simply if you don't like them don't comply just run, shoot or bash just as you would if they didn't have cuffs.

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I think that this, and many of the other items and tools in DayZ depend on the player base that uses them. Already I've made the decision that when the radio system is applied and the mechanics are worked out that I'm going to become a paramedic, the decision was made when I saw how complex and interesting the medical mechanics will be and how tough it will be to stay healthy without someone on the server who is dedicated to having the right supplies and knowing how to use them. As for combat, I'm willing to play the pacifist, only being armed enough to defend myself from ambush and zombie attack. In short, I'm willing to play the role.


And I think that's the best approach to DayZ in general. The only reason to play this game is because of the exciting interactions between players, that could mean murder, betrayal, companionship, spying, unhealthy alliances, solid friendships, mutual interests and all out war. The only thing that separates this from any other deathmatch is the size of the map and the experiences with other survivors. I'm willing to play up to being robbed if only to provoke an exciting interation, in some ways it's more fun than a 30 second shootout.

This is what more people need to do. I was robbed a few times and not killed (once they never even took anything), which is MUCH better than starting with absolutely nothing on the coast.  If you're robbing ppl for loot that you need (i.e. saline, bandages, etc) then you leave the prisoner alive, it leads to some really interesting human interactions. Of course if the victim gets mouthy or is being uncooperative, feel free to force feed him some disinfectant or rotten fruit lol

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Some day, in one of these topics that generates so much e-pissing, somebody is going to realise that this game is a sandbox full of tools and the result is ONLY what the players make of it.


Something turns out to be a prime source of asshattery?  That's because there be asshats aboard a-plenty.  The world is full of them and none of them think they are.


It's not rocket science ... because it's Rocket science.

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I think it's important to think less of these as systems and more as mechanics. DayZ's development strikes me as being more about providing players with items that don't work in a single way but provide the means to use them in ways that promote interesting experiences. Robberies might not go your way every time, they might make for an interesting tool in other ways.

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The only painstaking difference is the fact that no one gets on DayZ to play Suzy Homemaker and wash kids or cook food for a camp while people go on loot runs.  That's not what DayZ is, never was, never will be.


But that's what it needs to be! I'am perfectly fine with cooking for a camp, or being a "medic" considering I have before and it was fun. We just all need to embrace this idea

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Why are you complaining, just don't use them? Simple as that. At least it gives people a chance and can create some variety of experiences for the game. I see nothing wrong with that

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It depends on how you define "work." Some people are handcuffing, and enjoying it. It also proves to be a safer way to harvest blood from "volunteers." It that sense it works.

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Are the handcuffs in DayZ made of plastic? Cause it takes literally 10 seconds to break free.

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Yeah, there should be separate types with different timers. Zip ties vs metal, etc.

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I'm nor sure how the restraint system works, I assume the person has to surrender or be unconsious?

Seems the way to make it actually work would be letting you restrain someone if you can get within x yards of them and aren't in combat. Also adding an option to "leave them the key" when you're done, so they can work on removing their restraints while giving you time to vanish.

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Well that's just you. You can't judge all the players and what actions they may take.

Absoluteness.. Just because someone has a bad time in some situations with this game they think things(e.g handcuffs) are a bad idea.. most forget the items are there so these situations can happen more than the reason for "its pointless and to hard" I like how the the dude complaining above about the handcuffs has been handcuffed multiple times and the situation ended badly :P 


The thing is, the people you took all the loot from may as well be dead anyway, since they're the equivalent of a fresh spawn now.


Being robbed is essentially the same thing as being killed, and location isn't exactly a big deal since Balota is by far the best place to camp and server hop for loot.

I disagree with the whole " you are basically dead" when you lose your loot idea, this may sound airy fairy but its an RPG game in a strong sence... the consensus seems to be most think losing all your stuff is the next worst thing to death where others are not bothered to much by losing their gear and are playing for the "story" feel rather than " HEY BRAH GOT ALL THIS MAD SHIT" I my self am in the second category.. I play to make the story not the gear... alot of people still dont seem to follow this same mind set, which is a shame because I think we are having alot more fun than the "I Lost all my shit may as well be dead" players -- :D  

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The only painstaking difference is the fact that no one gets on DayZ to play Suzy Homemaker and wash kids or cook food for a camp while people go on loot runs.


In the MOD a server ran a colony and that's pretty much what I did. I sat around the colony, cooking food, organizing the tents, welcoming the new guys, little bit of hunting and gathering, filling canteens at the pond out back, and generally just shooting the shit with the guys on guard duty or running supplies to them & giving medical attention. Some of my fondest memories of DayZ came from that colony. Don't knock it until you've tried it.


Edited by bad_mojo
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Walking up behind someone and going "Hands on your head, try something and I shoot you." is pretty effective considering how hard it is to get off the coast right now with food being so scarce, takes longer to get off the coast now than it did to get fully geared in the mod.


And nothing is funner than getting karma'd for robbing someone. Last night as I was holding someone up a man ran up behind me screaming "LEAVE HER ALOOOOONE" punched me in the head once and knocked my ass out, cuffed me, and took all my stuff. That doesn't happen if you just pop people off from 500+ meters with your rifle.

Edited by Pandema
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In the MOD a server ran a colony and that's pretty much what I did. I sat around the colony, cooking food, organizing the tents, welcoming the new guys, little bit of hunting and gathering, filling canteens at the pond out back, and generally just shooting the shit with the guys on guard duty or running supplies to them & giving medical attention. Some of my fondest memories of DayZ came from that colony. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

I fucking adore this. I hope to start a colony or join one some time eventually :D have beans

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The only time anyone is going to get a chance to handcuff me is when I am an unarmed fresh spawn. At which if they tell me to cooperate I am going to laugh loudly as I simply walk away.

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I was handcuffed once, they took a blood sample from me and then released me without any harm involved.


It's interesting to see that human bean juice, especially one with a high compatability, is a sought after commodity.

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