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M4 and fresh spawns

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So I am really fucking pissed off right now. I was back at Kamenka and this fresh spawn rushed at me with his fire axe. I shot 20+ fucking bullets in the guy and he didn't die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He swinged his axe at me once and I'm dead : | . What the fuck game?? Really? Fucking fresh spawn, no gear no kevlar and it takes that many bullets to kill them? Realistic my ass. And almost forgot. This piece of shit is inacurate as fuck. If I start shooting a target at 50 meters plus from a prone position or crouch half the bullets don't even hit . They either go way off target or the ones that hit are not enough to kill him. Devs need to increase the damage for this weapon its ridiculous. I shot a guy fully geared in elektro with my pistols and took me 8 bullets to kill him. But it takes more than 20 to kill a fresh spawn? fuck this..

Edited by raynor009
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Either shitty aim, or a bug, or desync, or all of the previous.


I know it sucks :( But it's an alpha and you should expect that.

Edited by Weparo
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welcome to dayz, welcome to alpha, welcome to a fps

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Don't tell me about shitty aim, I'm not stupid. I always aim down my sights and I rarely shoot from the hip. And I am 100% sure all the bullets hit him as I was seeing blood every time he got hit.

Edited by raynor009

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1. Deinstall

2. Getting the sand out of your vagina

3. Realizing it's an alpha

4. Waiting for the release

5. Repeat step 1 to 4

6. ???

7. Profit

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1. Deinstall

2. Getting the sand out of your vagina

3. Realizing it's an alpha

4. Waiting for the release

5. Repeat step 1 to 4

6. ???

7. Profit



Don't tell me about shitty aim, I'm not stupid. I always aim down my sights and I rarely shoot from the hip. And I am 100% sure all the bullets hit him as I was seeing blood every time he got hit.


That's not what I meant. If your weapon is not pristine, it might just be plain unaccurate. I'm saying it's either a bug (yes, there is one) or desync.

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@ "Khad" shut your trap bitch, and go troll somewhere else.


@ cadeudo


No FPS drops man. Game runs smooth and I was also in Kamenka, so not that many buildigs too. I get constant 30 FPS in all citys and 60+ outside in the wilderness


@ Weparo


Weapon was almost fully pristine apart from some parts that were worn. I don't know if it's desync or not but the damage for this weapon really needs a boost. It's pathetic whats happening.

Edited by raynor009

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1. Deinstall

2. Getting the sand out of your vagina

3. Realizing it's an alpha

4. Waiting for the release

5. Repeat step 1 to 4

6. ???

7. Profit


Made me laugh so hard I woke up my parents at 2:00 AM



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So I am really fucking pissed off right now. I was back at Kamenka and this fresh spawn rushed at me with his fire axe. I shot 20+ fucking bullets in the guy and he didn't die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He swinged his axe at me once and I'm dead : | . What the fuck game?? Really? Fucking fresh spawn, no gear no kevlar and it takes that many bullets to kill them? Realistic my ass. And almost forgot. This piece of shit is inacurate as fuck. If I start shooting a target at 50 meters plus from a prone position or crouch half the bullets don't even hit . They either go way off target or the ones that hit are not enough to kill him. Devs need to increase the damage for this weapon its ridiculous. I shot a guy fully geared in elektro with my pistols and took me 8 bullets to kill him. But it takes more than 20 to kill a fresh spawn? fuck this..



Don't tell me about shitty aim, I'm not stupid. I always aim down my sights and I rarely shoot from the hip. And I am 100% sure all the bullets hit him as I was seeing blood every time he got hit.

he was hacking. all hacking threads get deleted. steam anti hack is a failure.



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Made me laugh so hard I woke up my parents at 2:00 AM



Same :D



@ Weparo


Weapon was almost fully pristine apart from some parts that were worn. I don't know if it's desync or not but the damage for this weapon really needs a boost. It's pathetic whats happening.


I'm guessing it's the bug where people are immortal :/

You'll just have to hope that it get's fixed though, I'm sure it's a major to do on their list.


EDIT : @Piffkush: what makes you think that?

Edited by Weparo
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I like how they added fucking books and pens and fucking paper so you can write down your whole fucking life in game and even the fucking Bible is there. I really hope they add more books and the ability to wipe your ass with them because I can't fucking wait to wipe the shit off my ass with the holy book after eating 3 cans of beans. Please focus on adding more books, I hope with the next update I will find Red Riding Hood too because yeah, why the fuck not.

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You know zeroing?


edit: you saw blood, forget it.

Edited by NoCheats

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LMAO Why are you getting so mad at an Alpha that pre and forewarned you shit like this would happen?


Calm the fuck down or go play another game that isnt alpha.

Control yourself.

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Don't tell me about shitty aim, I'm not stupid. I always aim down my sights and I rarely shoot from the hip. And I am 100% sure all the bullets hit him as I was seeing blood every time he got hit.

I don't think people are trying to insult your gameplay bud. They are just spitting out ideas to help you figure out what went wrong. I fired an M4 at someone a few days ago, and didn't do hardly any damage to the player. Just sent him running away. It will all get fixed in due time. No reason to get upset.

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Don't tell me about shitty aim, I'm not stupid. I always aim down my sights and I rarely shoot from the hip. And I am 100% sure all the bullets hit him as I was seeing blood every time he got hit.



If you go full auto, there will be more bullet spread. Try shots in bursts for better accuracy.


But there could've been some desync and that is why you weren't able to hit him.

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I like how they added fucking books and pens and fucking paper so you can write down your whole fucking life in game and even the fucking Bible is there. I really hope they add more books and the ability to wipe your ass with them because I can't fucking wait to wipe the shit off my ass with the holy book after eating 3 cans of beans. Please focus on adding more books, I hope with the next update I will find Red Riding Hood too because yeah, why the fuck not.


You're a very angry person. You're also someone who doesn't seem to understand that this is an alpha and you probably shouldn't have bought it.


There's a difference between reporting issues and acting like a petulant child, I'm sure its obvious even to you which category you fall under. Take a deep breath, and consider coming back when the game is in a better state. I'm sure you'll have more enjoyment then.

Edited by Hells High
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LMAO Why are you getting so mad at an Alpha that pre and forewarned you shit like this would happen?


Calm the fuck down or go play another game that isnt alpha.

Control yourself.


I know it's an alpha, I got almost 50 hours in game, I enjoy it a lot. I am complaining about the priorities they had when they made the game. Really? Books? The Bible? Couldn't this have waited? I really want to know from you  who even read more than 2-3 pages in a book. They should have fixed shit like immortality and make VAC actually work instead.

Edited by raynor009
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There is no way you didn't fuck up somehow unless there was some insane lag. I sprayed 4 people at green mountain the other day without ADS. It never takes more than 3 shots to kill someone with the M4 from my experience.

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i had a guy in balota rush me in a house i seen the door open so i was prone and down the iron sights .. put a good 10 rounds into him he kept coming he put 3-4 maybe more into me and killed me ... yet the same weapon i could drop zeds with burst from the hip ...would you assume that its desync ... but no yellow or red chain ... i havent managed to have a pristine m4 maybe it makes a difference ... i guess i could rage like a jerk and that should solve the issue ... 

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Say, anyone tell you it's an alpha yet? Oh shit really? Welcome to DAYZ and everyone's favorite excuse now and for the past 1.5 years.

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I know it's an alpha, I got almost 50 hours in game, I enjoy it a lot. I am complaining about the priorities they had when they made the game. Really? Books? The Bible? Couldn't this have waited? I really want to know from you  who even read more than 2-3 pages in a book. They should have fixed shit like immortality and make VAC actually work instead.



50 hours in the standalone and you haven''t worked out the aim mechanics. There is a big difference in the way you hold the weapons in this game, be it a bug or intentional. I worked it out within 20 mins of finding my first M4. 

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