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What's some famous last words in Dayz?

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Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Bang!     X.X

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"Just take off your pants and i wont shoot..no, dont run away, just..."

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In Teamspeak/Mumble etc "Is that you?"

Edited by St. Jimmy

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Someone did take me hostage, when he wasnt really paying attention I did shout "someone behind you" then he turned around asked where and then I just replied "Oh its me" while knocking him out with my fire extinguisher.

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We normally never kill fresh spawners but this guy we were talking too was just 'shoot me, I don't want to spawn here'. So yeah, we assisted. 

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"Retreat, we dont know how much they are"

It happened to me and a friend of mine while entering the city near NEAF after hours of scouting. We got killed while trying to avoid to get killed in vain. Now I ask myself "was it the right choice?"

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True story...


40 players on server, we (My buddy and I) spawn into the server just outside of NWAF, fully geared. I go to Sniper Hill, check the Airfield.. nothing.. Buddy is sitting at "tent city" on the north end of the airfield, and I move over to meet up with him.. We take everything nice and slow.. We decide that now that we're grouped, we move down the side of the airfield.. As we're moving, I'm saying something along these lines:


"I can't believe airfield is absolutely dead with 40 players online.. Like, I CAN'T believe it, there has to be someone here.."


5 seconds later, we step out of the tree line and into a field where we go to cross behind the Hangers, I spin my 3rd person camera around to check behind me, and spot a player in a tree.. I holler to my friend in teamspeak there's someone behind him, and I fire off 1-2 shots at the guy in the tree, and spot another guy to the right, I snap my aim over to him and hit him about 4 times in the chest.. My friend dies, and I die shortly after.


So, famous last words? 


"I can't believe airfield is absolutely dead with 40 players online.. Like, I CAN'T believe it, there has to be someone here.."



Lesson learned from this? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is..There's always someone at NWAF on a busy server.

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Dammit, you forgot to boil the bloodbags.... *cough* *cough*

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Some jerk was trying to take two of us hostage. "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees!" So I got up and he shot me in the face.

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