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Ozelot (DayZ)

Combine pistols - dual wield

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This is thread is prime example as to why Rocket should listen to the community as little as possible and just create his own vision of the game.

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Lol you should be able to layer shirts and pants as padding/to keep warm!


If staying warm was an issue, maybe. The point flew right over your head, but I believe you intentionally avoided it.


Why would someone hold two rifles in their hands? They'd look stupid.


Holding two pistols makes you look swag.


Now I understand. Thanks for being up front.

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horrible idea, realistically you wouldnt be able to aim the two guns at the same time and you would miss something 10 meters away.


There is also no point since the only way you can actually hit things is if you dont unload but aim carefully,


other option is to shoot both of them at the same time but that is still inaccurate and the only advantage is


that you make 2 holes instead of one.


trolls are everywhere.

Edited by Zreks

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If this were to be implemented, I hope they'd make it realistic -- you wouldn't hit the broad side of a barn while dual-wielding, especially not if you wanted to utilize the only "advantage" of dual wielding which is a supposedly increased rate of fire. In reality, it's entirely possible to hit accurately enough out to a certain range (like, 10-20 metres or so) without aiming down the sights -- however, it's not possible to do this if you're firing two pistols at once as fast as you possibly can. In other words, to achieve in any way appreciable accuracy with dual pistols, you would have to shoot slower than you would with a single pistol.


Now I kind of want to see this implemented, if only as a noob-trap. Imagine the hilarity of coming across some guy dual-wielding pistols trying to kill you. He misses every shot and in the end accidentally shoots himself in the arm.

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I doubt they will. Glock 18, which shoots significantly faster than an m4, with 33rnd mag will probably be the best alternative, but then someone will want to duel wield that at which point they will be told to go back to COD

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Just took to airsoft guns outback. pretty much pointless unless you spend a secound to aim, and even then, pointless. i'll try it with real guns next time i go to the range.


But i do think it could be useful. say you find two pistols in a firestation and have no rifle. use them both. they would be perfect for point-blank, like in apartments, townhouses, office buildings, ect.


it may seem cod-ish, but it IS possible, albeit pratically useless.


overall, though, i really don't care. it would be fcking cool though :)

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It doesn't matter that it is accurate or a likely idea, it is possible in real life and it could possibly give you an advantage in close quarter combat. It probably won't happen but I definitely would not mind akimbo .45s.

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If you want to be more inaccurate and waste more ammo, just press the trigger faster and stop aiming. 

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While we are at it lets add twin Sarnoff shotguns -_-


And twin wielding swords.


No thank you :(

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I like this idea. You should have to hold one in your hands that you have to drop before you can do anything using both hands, but you could still holster one of them to reload the other.(Provided you have a holster) Unless, you find a dual chest holster, in which case you could holster both.


I don't think it would be right to instantly pull two pistols out of your backpack, or jeans and chest holster. Make it a pain to use two unless you find the dual holster and you've got something.

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Try shooting two pistols at once in real life. You aren't going to hit anything unless you aim with one of them which defeats the point. I know. I've tried. The most you accomplish is looking like a Hollywood action star wannabe.


Or you're 10 yards away, which is impractical for anyone that is intelligent.


Actually dual wield would be perfect for in buildings ....even with the worst aim ever you cant miss someone that's in a building right in front of you.

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Because the rate of fire is more important than accuracy in all sorts of situations-- Hell, I'd say most of them.


Shoot bullets for the sake of shooting without caring about reaching the actual target. Seems legit.


Why would someone hold two rifles in their hands? They'd look stupid.


Holding two pistols makes you look swag.


Level of stupidity : SWAG

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