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Dayz Coast Spawning Only: Yes or No

Should you only spawn on the coast in dayz?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Should you only spawn on the coast in dayz

    • Yes
    • No

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I have noticed that you can now spawn inland in dayz, no longer on the coast only.


I always thought that part of what made dayz unique was the way you washed up on the coast and then had to navigate and survive, find food, water and basic weapons before you could work your way inland to the better loot.


Now it seems that you can spawn inland closer to the military bases and to me that makes surviving easier and takes away from the character progression and navigation dependent gameplay of dayz.


what do you guys think, agree? disagree?

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Uhmm.. is there not military in Balota?


I'm all for spawning anywhere on the map. As random as possible. This will cure the cherno/elektro deathmatch syndrome.

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I disagree. With the current loot spawn system the coastal area would be very empty of loot (like it is now anyways, but then even worse) and spreading the population across the map isn't a bad thing. Less new spawn targets for griefers and it would otherwise be very empty more inland. 

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I understand the logic of spawning on the coast, but I would love to see some random spawns inland. Especially when the fresh spawns keep getting killed by players who are fully geared just looking to hunt down anything that moves because they are bored. It would cut down on the coast pvp, which I'm all for.

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  On 12/21/2013 at 7:23 PM, theysaid... said:

I have noticed that you can now spawn inland in dayz, no longer on the coast only.


I always thought that part of what made dayz unique was the way you washed up on the coast and then had to navigate and survive, find food, water and basic weapons before you could work your way inland to the better loot.


Now it seems that you can spawn inland closer to the military bases and to me that makes surviving easier and takes away from the character progression and navigation dependent gameplay of dayz.


what do you guys think, agree? disagree?




you should spawn at a completely random location on the map with totally random civ clothes and civ loot you'd expect to find a person carrying, for instance:


spawn: the pass far north of NWAF


inventory: hiking boots, general hiking attire


you have been hiking.




you spawn at the new train station in the center-north of the map.


invent: dead cell phone and pen-knife, wearing a suit and uncomfortable dress shoes


you have been business before the apocalypse


(this would be rather than just always spawning with a tshirt and torch. i think it should be an option, but not a standard.)


so basicly you spawn with an assortment of low-med grade civillian gear that a standard "non-apocalypse" person may be carrying, maybe some things in pockets, probably not a backpack unless a hiking spawn



there shouldn't be a 100% chance to spawn with a torch.

Edited by Wookieenoob
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Interesting, many valid points for both sides, pros and cons to each.

I liked the coast spawning with Balota having less military gear than NW or NE airfield becuase it created important places that were hard to reach like the NW airfield

the gameplay was more stratigic overall in my opinion. But bandits killing fresh spawns on the coast is a big con that the random spawning would correct. If there were a huge negative to shooting on sight maybe people would play more realistically insted of just killing everyone they see (for reasons like "just because i can" or a genuine fear that if they dont shoot the other will kill them so they have to, it's either "them or me") it would make dayz more interactive.

Great feedback everyone!

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  On 12/21/2013 at 8:17 PM, theysaid... said:

Interesting, many valid points for both sides, pros and cons to each.

I liked the coast spawning with Balota having less military gear than NW or NE airfield becuase it created important places that were hard to reach like the NW airfield

the gameplay was more stratigic overall in my opinion. But bandits killing fresh spawns on the coast is a big con that the random spawning would correct. If there were a huge negative to shooting on sight maybe people would play more realistically insted of just killing everyone they see (for reasons like "just because i can" or a genuine fear that if they dont shoot the other will kill them so they have to, it's either "them or me") it would make dayz more interactive.

Great feedback everyone!



increased scarcity of bullets (if you have 2 bullets maybe you want to keep them.)


degraded ammunition


increased amounts of zombies (people won't KOS anyone if they need more than their group to deal with herds)


random spawns for everyone with totally random inventory

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  On 12/21/2013 at 7:26 PM, creature said:

I'm all for spawning anywhere on the map. As random as possible. This will cure the cherno/elektro deathmatch syndrome.

Two types of players out there.

Some like fast PVP. It´s like in the mod. Coast is PVP area.

Cure is not required.

Edited by NoCheats
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  On 12/21/2013 at 8:33 PM, NoCheats said:

Two types of players out there.

Some like fast PVP. It´s like in the mod. Coast is PVP area.

Cure is not required.

True, when the spawning was coast only it allowed you to know where the people would be. If you wanted to be sociable or were looking for a fight you could go to the coast/cherno/elektro or airfields. If you felt like looting more quietly you could move to the inland towns.

Edited by theysaid...

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It seems like you either spawn on the coast or at Novy.... probably why they got rid of all the military stuff at Stary.

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I say, spawn anywhere on the map that is relatively far from any type of hotspots. This will ensure; most of the time; that you will not be shot at spawn. Having it random throughout the map shouldn't be an issue and tbh disorientation is part of the game and would be enhanced with random spawn around the whole map not just the coast.

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If you been around the map or look at the map on DayZdb there are new Military Locations which I think is the reason for the tents at Stary are missing. Novy is the Rare inland Spawn location and always has been.

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I think you should spawn totally every spawn.


This gives everyone a fair and random chance, instead of having to spawn were every one else has already spawned, so there is no loot and better geared people.

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The loot needs to be on a respawner. If the loot table was Respawning this wouldn't be an issue.

Edited by Pager

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  On 12/21/2013 at 10:24 PM, Miffy said:

It seems like you either spawn on the coast or at Novy.... probably why they got rid of all the military stuff at Stary.

ya, this seems to be the case. and it seems to alternate. i kept getting a coast spawn and then a novy spawn. they may have gotten rid of the stary spawn, but now theres that incredible military base between vybor and stary. that base is loaded with loot, and consequently attracts a lot of people.

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I voted yes, mainly because always spawning on the coast adds a sense of progression, and I like that.


However, it would be cool to spawn in a random house or apartment, next to a bed. That would add immersion for me, simulating waking up in my own home and finding the apocalypse outside.

Edited by 420jeppe

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They need to remove all of the coast spawns. Spawns should be randomized and dynamic no set spawn locations. Instead it chooses a random spot in the wilderness to spawn you in. This would lead to the map being more populated and the current stupid meta game of going up north to find gear only to run back south to pvp will be gone.


So I repeat remove all coastal spawns only in land spawns .

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