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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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I can survive years in the forest eating meat and drink water from a lake' date=' what is the point of such game?


Getting shot by a sniper 10 minutes into those "years"...

P.S. Wheres the update?!?

P.P.S. <3 Rocket such a great guy.

Actualy no, all snipers camp in the arfield and electro. It is VERY SAFE in deep forest far from towns. I've already survived several weeks, got every top items i could, but tired of such gameplay. I like to play from the begining where you have to chalenge zeds and need to gather minimum equipment to survive later. And the game ends after that. No point to survive. It is not interesting to hide and shoot every person at sight.

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I can survive years in the forest eating meat and drink water from a lake' date=' what is the point of such game?


The mod is about choices..

If you choose to live the life out in the boonies all alone eating boars and rabbits and shit go do it. One less nub to not have to worry about at the NW airfield...

If you choose to he helpful, well, you'll probably do okay, til a bandit shoots you in the face... see you on the beach!

If you choose to be a bandit, well you'll probably do okay too, till a survivor shoots you in the face... see you on the beach!

If you choose to get a group of like minded individuals together, you'll do well til you get shot in the face. But at least then you'll have somebody to pick your shit up, and if you're lucky, they'll have a vehicle to come pick you up off the beach.

Make YOUR choices, and stop fucking crying about OTHER peoples choices.

If you have specific issues that appear to be bugs, report them in the bug section. If you have suggestions, use the suggestion forums.

It's pretty simple concepts...

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If you don't 'get' this game, go see the film 'Into the Wild': happiness is meaningless unless shared.

Helping others to survive is where the real rewards are at, subtly steered by rocket via the ever increasing menace of the Zeds.

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Ok i see ppl, you like this mod as shooter, why dont you play arma then? You didnt propose anything to improve mod.

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Ok i see ppl' date=' you like this mod as shooter...


Man, I don't know how to illustrate the idea (spoken million times before) of Dayz. Maybe like this: "Because Rocket wanted so".

And, Arma 2 not a shooter.

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What does that mean?

"Want to get your hands on 1.7.2? Come to Rezzed to play an exclusive preview LIVE on the exhibition floor!"

Do they speak about the rezzed game show from 6. - 7. july???

In case i am right it would mean we have to wait for the update 1.7.2 till monday again?

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Thousands of people waiting for some event where 50 people can have a go at 1.7.2.. sigh

Info @ Rezzzed; ''Day Z The ARMA 2 mod that's taking the PC gaming world by storm.''

Well gais its everything but storming right now.

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What does that mean?

"Want to get your hands on 1.7.2? Come to Rezzed to play an exclusive preview LIVE on the exhibition floor!"

Do they speak about the rezzed game show from 6. - 7. july???

In case i am right it would mean we have to wait for the update 1.7.2 till monday again?

First steps of commercial shit in DayZ.

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lol u ppl dident see this coming, rocket said he was going to rezzed ages ago and i agree that he should show it on the floor 1st, better showing something new at a trade show other than something that already out ;) can't wait to see rocket and the game down there on sat. as i live nere that show. stop moaning the game is in a good playing state atm with .5 yes it has its bugs but remember its alpha, not beta and no where near release ;) any hay bring on rezzed i hope it goes well, will be good to have a PC focussed trade show. and good luck rocket

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"Want to get your hands on 1.7.2? Come to Rezzed to play an exclusive preview LIVE on the exhibition floor!"


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What does that mean?

"Want to get your hands on 1.7.2? Come to Rezzed to play an exclusive preview LIVE on the exhibition floor!"

Do they speak about the rezzed game show from 6. - 7. july???

In case i am right it would mean we have to wait for the update 1.7.2 till monday again?

Yep, pretty sure you've got it right, unfortunately. But I'll go a step further and say that (and this is just a feeling I have) we'll be lucky to even get it Monday. Settle in and just relax on waiting for this update, folks.

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lol u ppl dident see this coming' date=' rocket said he was going to rezzed ages ago and i agree that he should show it on the floor 1st, better showing something new at a trade show other than something that already out ;) can't wait to see rocket and the game down there on sat. as i live nere that show. stop moaning the game is in a good playing state atm with .5 yes it has its bugs but remember its alpha, not beta and no where near release ;) any hay bring on rezzed i hope it goes well, will be good to have a PC focussed trade show. and good luck rocket


Right; the servers been trippin the f out last couple days, players have been falling from the sky, ppl stuck at loading bar, etc. Smart thing to quickly mention ''its in alpha'' because thats (apparently) a legit excuse to let thousands of ppl in the dark on what the deal with the update, in this specific thread made for it, where it was also promised ''ages ago''.

Oh and I wish Rocket the best of luck too but he wont be reading this so you deliver my best wishes when your at this rezzed thing.

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I guess we know why it was taking so long. Not testing, but commericalizing strategy. Waiting for the expo. Ugh. WTF would they need to test it there?? hmmm? We have been testing this mod since it came out just fine.

Also, can one of the DEVS inform us on if this update will wipe characters? Considering its SUCH a change in architecture.

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Just to state the obvious. This thread should have been locked after OP. All the issues that comes forth here has other legit threads for them. So we got 300 pages of trolling, my own post included, instead of a thread that Rocket could give us information on. So for the next pending patch thread STFU!

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Just to state the obvious. This thread should have been locked after OP. All the issues that comes forth here has other legit threads for them. So we got 300 pages of trolling' date=' my own post included, instead of a thread that Rocket could give us information on. So for the next pending patch thread STFU!


no u.

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alpha alpha alpha



Why? Can anyone make a demand on ROCKET? On the MOD?

Please stop whinig about the patch not being released yet. I will be released in future, so we have to wait.

As I said before, we are here to test the meta-game, game-mechanic and or own behavior ingame. Do we have to fight here in the forum???!!! I really don´t get it.

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One of the biggest changes that need to be made is the zombies spawning on you or within a few yards from you. Most annoying thing is getting hit by a zombie that wasn't in the area you just walked through.

What is rocket going for? The "Risen" dead or the "Infected" living? If he is going for the risen dead then the zombies should be slower, weaker, and have less heightened senses make them sub-human sight and hearing but make them drastically more abundant like you wont just see 1 or 2 walking aimlessly in a field you'll see small clumps of 3 or 4 walking "together" (I use that loosely) and have a few "clumps" of different sizes walking around. If he is going for the infected living then they still need to be slowed down a little bit they shouldn't be able to almost completely out run you at a sprint.

Everything else is pretty much the same so I guess thats what he was going for. However the intelligence level needs to be decreased, doesn't matter which one. I've been flanked by zeds so many times its ridiculous and often I get the feeling one of the zeds tells the other "cut him off at the pass."

The whole "Direct communication" thing needs to be fixed. It is an excellent idea yes, just needs to work.

A feature that allows you to distract the zombies with glow sticks, flares, and other throw-able light producing items should attract their attention for a short while. If I throw a grenade far away and make a mad dash they shouldn't be able to come and find me.

All in all everything he is doing is an excellent showing of what the "zombie survival gaming" should be. I would love to see what he would do with a full on team and company backing him on a larger scale. Would I pay $60 for a full thing after just dropping $30 to play the mod? Yes sir.

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"A feature that allows you to distract the zombies with glow sticks, flares, and other throw-able light producing items should attract their attention for a short while. If I throw a grenade far away and make a mad dash they shouldn't be able to come and find me."

This is allready in and working.

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