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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Well I like the idea of Bear Traps as long as you cannot place them in buildings.

On another note, maybe this is Rockets way of solving the issue veteran players are having with the 'I'm bored bc I have survived everything and have all the gearz' mentality. One bear trap and BAM, lost, bored now? lol

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beer traps, very funny to lay them down on sniper-hotspots. Spawn- PAM! A well, a sniper with a broken leg doesn't matter, they doesn't move anyway

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If you spawn in the debug forest what direction do you run to get out?

E or SE

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* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs' date=' kills animals, when activated


Woot! Time to put tons in fire stations and pubs!

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bear traps eh well could you at least give me the ability to pick up a stick so i can use it to set them off pls

Yeah' date=' sorta like Fallout 3...


In reality I believe most animal traps have a catch on the side you can just click to disarm. So in this case you shouldn't actually NEED anything to disarm one, as long as you see it in time.

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Trust in rocket. It's his build. Stop acting like developers and be more of testers you are. It will get addressed if it's found to be game breaking. Bear traps should be interesting.

Let the man add what he wants in the patch. Test it and give feedback if it's an issue.

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* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs' date=' kills animals, when activated


In theory: Cool! A new item to enrich the gameplay! You can set one to protect your tent or to hunt some boar!

In reality: Bear traps all over the damn good loot buildings, just like barbed wire and tank traps.

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* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs' date=' kills animals, when activated


In theory: Cool! A new item to enrich the gameplay! You can set one to protect your tent or to hunt some boar!

In reality: Bear traps all over the damn good loot buildings, just like barbed wire and tank traps.

Nailed it

They should have like a 0.45% chance of spawning

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Barbed wire in buildings wasn't bad enough? Now we have god damn BEAR TRAPS?

+1. As if the game already didnt have problems with enter-able buildings. Those few that remains are either barbed wired, tank trapped and now will be bear trapped. Excellent.

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Cmon guys, where is your sense of adventure!

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


Past experience...

Just make sure the traps aren't too common, basically...I mean, breaking legs was already common enough

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Not a good idea rocket. I think a trip flare trap would be a better idea. Hit the trap, launch an M203 flare up as a warning device. Ditch the bear trap bro.

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


As long as its not as difficult to remove like the barned wire, i think it can be ok :D

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* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


I'm all for it, but please don't make them TOO common.

* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

How does this affect people that aren't using the beta?

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


Please add to the patch notes:

[new] ability to find nuclear bomb at crash sites

[new] goats now hunt players with survival knives in retaliation for killing its lil bro

Just to see the responses to it.

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Make it so that anyone can trip the trap without being caught in it and that anyone (no toolbox or any of that shit needed) can pick it up and reuse it, then it definitely sounds like fun.

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


Please add to the patch notes:

[new] ability to find nuclear bomb at crash sites

[new] goats now hunt players with survival knives in retaliation for killing its lil bro

Just to see the responses to it.

I do think wild animals should be added that attack players... like wolves or something.

The wilderness is way too safe as it is.

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A problem here is that there is no simple one shot fix for what is inherently a complex problem spread over a complex system. What you're suggesting here requires a complete rethink on how the hive server works and of game mechanics - not really something I'd relish having to do at this stage' date=' and also something which would change the flavour of the mod immeasurably.

The way I see it (and this is an opinion as much as a suggestion, and certainly not a demand) there are several rules and processes which need to be implemented to work hand in hand to ensure fairness to PVPers, PVEers, people who lose connection at inopportune moments etc.

The fairest way I can think of is to have two separate timers on DC, and a mechanic for what happens to a player when DC occurs. The main issue with these is that it would require a fair amount of coding and change to the current system to enable it.

1: We need a "are you allowed to join this server" flag. This flag is set to "no" for, let's say, 5 minutes IF the player is DC'd AND SUCCESSFULLY joins another server. you can log directly back in to the server you just DC'd from with no problem, but should you decide to try another server, and make it into that server, you can't go back to the one you came from for 5 minutes. This should stop jumping servers to gain tactical advantage - if you DC for any reason and come back to the same server (for your vehicles, tents, friends etc) you are not penalised. If you join another server, then decide to come back to the original, you should be barred from entry for a short time.

2: We need a DC timer - ie, your body will remain in play (with certain important caveats, which I will explain below) for a set period of time - say 30 seconds to 1 minute. Important notes:

a) the server join timer should be set for all servers for the period of time that your body is in play - to stop body duping. No player should really be able to complain about being locked out of their game for 30s-1m in the name of fairness.

b) the body , imho, should prone, unconscious, and not be aggro-able by any zombies. Any PREVIOUSLY AGGROED zombies should continue to attack, but even a zombie walking over a DC'd player should not aggro if not aggroed already - a concession to players with somewhat dodgy internet connections and being aware that servers can, and do, fall over. This gives a strong disincentive to logging out to avoid PVP death and zombie aggro, while giving genuine DC'd players a chance not to die horribly.

3: There's an argument for forcing prone, non combative stance for ~15 seconds on login, to try to stop jumping onto a sever in a distinctly tactical position, i.e. NW airbase barracks. These 15 seconds should be in a similar fashion to the DC prone - no zombie aggro (in fact no zombies _should_ be close on login anyway). This one I'm not so sure about...

I don't want to tell people how to play, but logging off in "a safe place" really should be a safe place, not somewhere you reckon will be safe for the next 2-3 seconds. It should be, ideally, a bush/low hanging branches, prone, and well into a forest.

I'm hoping this wall of text doesn't cause too much aggro here - I'd like discussion, rather than "THIS WON'T WORK" one line posts.

These mechanics tied in with the timers would stop most of the exploitable behaviour in terms of DCing, while allowing players who DC "legitimately" to stand a chance, and forcing those who play dangerously to seriously think about the way they log in/out of the game, or risk the consequences...


I like reading (apparently) well considered posts of a reasonable size, especially if the poster achnowledges complexity in a problem.

I think a timed lock out should be in effect on normal server change as well, to combat looting server jumpers. Any server change would have this limitation, but without your body being vulnerable unless you're trying to reenter a server you recently left. Such a timer would increase for each jump to penalize offenders yet still affording legitimate players a reasonable delay. After x server changes perhaps loot should be removed for the player in y radius for a duration of time.

However, I think we need an aggro/aggression timer on top of this. This would basically be triggered by aggroing zombies/while having aggro, firing a weapon or having projectiles fired by others impact nearby. Disconnecting in these cases should put your character in great danger, though I'm having issues figuring out exactly how to do this. Rocket said he eperimented with a five-second logout timer, but he experienced body duplication, which is obviously very bad. Perhaps this will be made more viable with a beta patch, but until then I propose the following.

Disconnecting when you have been shot by a player instantly kills you. Disconnecting while the aggro timer is in effect will spawn a body without any gear in your old position. You will be unable to rejoin any server until this timer has expired. If the substitute body is killed while the timer is in effect, it will receive your gear and your character is killed.

I'd say this aggro timer should be significantly higher than the server change one to clearly discourage disconnecting as an escape mechanism, and not only the flanking problem.

While these modifications make it harder on those unlucky enough to have internet issues while in danger, their characters life was probably at stake anyway, and those losing connection outside of danger will only face a short lock out from the game without other consequences.

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Make it so that anyone can trip the trap without being caught in it and that anyone (no toolbox or any of that shit needed) can pick it up and reuse it' date=' then it definitely sounds like fun.


Maybe use tin cans or bottles for that? Idk if its possible in the engine but would make sense.

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Nice addition! I will love the bear traps. Unfortunately too many ppl have learned how to get rid of barbed wire (crawling), and they are a way too large to place. Bear traps will be perfect to protect barracks and hi-loot spawn with tiny access we used to "control" with our clan. Thanks!

We'll be able to deploy multiple traps in tiny spots or they require some space?

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Cmon guys' date=' where is your sense of adventure!


I'm all for it, but please don't make them TOO common.

* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

How does this affect people that aren't using the beta?

Beta is required man

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Ammo dissapear when equiping items in toolbelt from tent namely matches and hatchett that caused it.

Need more hit boxes on barbwire to remove it.

Re: not spawning with a pistol.. Once new players start the game if they don't know of other ppl playing it's far to difficult and too frustrating... Most of us started playing well before the 1.6 patches where we had some pistol and ammo which was good and we got hooked on it. We've tried to introduce more clan members into playing the game that around 10 of us current play on daily basis. But as for the 5/6 other players we tried to get on the game, well they all find the fact there's no starting weapon too difficult and boring just running around at start.

I personnaly know where to look and have tried my best to keep them interested but I fear this will new feature will not have a positive impact on the game's longevity. Especially on servers that's not been restarted for some time and loot is minimal.

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