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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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Honestly, if no starter weapon of any sort is provided (what's wrong with starting with a hatchet?), then zombies need to be a little less sensitive to sight and sound, because otherwise the only way you don't take 12 years to get into a town by crawling on your belly the whole way is to just yell "cowabunga" (after all, you've got very little to lose) and sprint through town, drawing a train of zombies (and I don't find them easy to lose, either). Hardly something that anyone would do in a ZA.

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Don't crawl, crawling is for suckers who want to die. crouch walk when you need to sneak, and sprint to your safe house at the first sign of zombie aggro. If you do it right, you'll never even get hit, with or without a weapon.

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Don't crawl' date=' crawling is for suckers who want to die. crouch walk when you need to sneak, and sprint to your safe house at the first sign of zombie aggro. If you do it right, you'll never even get hit, with or without a weapon.


Crawling has always worked for me, you're less likely to get seen/heard, and it isn't that much slower than walking. You can get up quickly by sprinting

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I disagree, we don't need a weapon.

As it currently stands, getting gear is far too easy, and handing a newly-spawned player a gun is stupid.

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i agree' date=' we need a weapon of some sort

plz rocket :)


No, you dont.

I did it for the first time yesterday (havent died since spawning has been changed). I ran through a small town and a major a town. Running in and out of buildings (buildings that have two entrances) grabbing what I need and LoS'ing them out the other side.

Its not hard.

Also for the first time ever, the Coast wasn't a massive deathmatch.

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no need for a weaopn at the start, the mod is awesome as it is now, and would be more aweseme if there is more work done on optimisation.

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Yea. You just have to run, enter buildings with 2 entrance, found an hatchet and a gun and you are ready to make it.

No sneak.

Just run, pick all you got, and leave ASAP.

Zeds would lose you now, so what's the problem?

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Can we get more usable loot, seeing way too many Axes out there? Why are we seeing so many flashlights if we already have them in our tool belts. Can an empty water bottle be part of spawn items? Just trying to find something to drink in the beginning is hard enough. I do like the fact of spawning with no gun, because when you run into people now in the beginning they are just as effed as you are. Also, I don't know if you posted this anywhere. What is the re-spawn rate of vehicles? I rarely find any even when using maps from the internet that show where they are on the map. I play often and am usually shocked when I see a quad race by or something of that nature. Thanks! Love the Game…

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Seems like Zed spawing is still off. Me and 2 friends raided Gorka and Dubrovka.

Dubrovka was fine... got some zed aggro in Long Wood barn...shot them and then about 10 more came to check out the noise. Then all was clear for us to check out log barn and stable. That seemed right...

But Gorka...we snuck into Stable with no aggro. Zeds spawned in while there. Went into log barn and shot two zed in barn... about 10 buddies came to check out the noise...fine. Went to the thrid Big two floor barn and shot two zed.... then about 20-30 zed came to check out noise... we looted the bodies and one zed outside aggro... 20-30 MORE zed came in. Then we went outside and zed had respawned again...20-30 MORE zed. Jezze... finally we snuck down to big Log barn just across the street. Killed two zed in barn.... 20-30 MORE zed came... as we left 20-30 more zed came...

Seems some towns the spawn rate is good...and others its just fucking insane!!! I mean really... Gorka was a bit much.

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Honestly' date=' if no starter weapon of any sort is provided (what's wrong with starting with a hatchet?), then zombies need to be a little less sensitive to sight and sound, because otherwise the only way you don't take 12 years to get into a town by crawling on your belly the whole way is to just yell "cowabunga" (after all, you've got very little to lose) and sprint through town, drawing a train of zombies (and I don't find them easy to lose, either). Hardly something that anyone would do in a ZA.


If you have to crawl all the way into a town you are doing it wrong. The zombies aren't sensitive to sight and sound in my opinion, sounds like you don't know how to survive properly.

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There's a potential problem with player infection. Have a buddy who got infected and died. In each subsequent re-incarnation, he has become infected.

It's as though the infection is persistent. Seems too convenient to be a random happenstance.

Furthermore, anti-biotics seem imposible to find, despite repeated efforts to search hospitals.

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It's as though the infection is persistent. Seems too convenient to be a random happenstance.

See my suggestion on the subject of persistent disease. It's in my sig below :)

Also, I'd personally like to see more melee weapons and far fewer firearms. Maybe some bows, traps, thrown weapons, etc. As it stands right now, The game is almost pure gun porn.

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Blackhorse we drove around for hours last night hitting all the hospitals multiple times and never came across antibiotics. Stock was out apparently, and all night.

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Am i the only one who thinks that FAL mags should spawn somewhere other than crash sites.

Nope. Rare weapon is rare. Conserve or use a common weapon.

yea but DMR/M14 use 7.62x51mm' date=' so does the FAL, rocket, please just do what you did with revolver/m1911 and make it combine-able. i understand the weapon is rare and that's alright. but the ammo shouldn't be.


The point is that a FAL has nothing going for it to make it worth being as rare as it is. The bone-stock version is too similar to the M14, if not worse, and yet it's a super rare spawn.

The stock FAL should spawn at military installations, and FAL mags should be added to the regular loot list. The NVS FAL should be left as is.

FALs are perhaps the most widely circulated battle rifle.

Oh and also, the M107 is rarer than the FAL... yet its mags can be found all over the place.

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just put the guns back rocket

spawning with nothing is a joke

I wholeheartedly agree!

Nothing but frustration and just crawl' date=' crawl, CRAWL (forever), sometimes for hours at a time when you're just not having any luck finding something! Reeeeally slows down the early part of the game, and I mean, it's just [i']not fun AT ALL. Makes no sense. You need at least a pistol to start, man. I can do without food, water, heck, even morphine (though that's kind of silly, too, with the amount of broken legs in this game) when starting, but you need to be able to at least defend yourself a little bit on the beach (and off) when you first start foraging for supplies.

Also, there are situations like this: Last night I spawn in at Kamenka and run--no, CRAWL--over to check a small building near the beach and I had to stop to let a nearby zombie pass. All of a sudden here comes some jerk leading a zombie train right by me, so as they pass I jump up and run the opposite direction and hit the dirt around the front of the building where I'm hoping I'm safe and out of eyesight, but no, of course the dude comes running back out of nowhere and runs right up to where I'm laying in the grass next to a wall, and the zombies all switch off on ME and start wailing on my back. So now I'm the one running around like an idiot, with all the zombies he aggro'd, plus some new ones I picked up by running around looking for a large open building or house!

I tried to run them all back to him, but by now the fool was off leisurely swimming in the ocean and just watching (and probably laughing). Anyway, I was soon overwhelmed and killed. But if I'd have just had a stupid pistol I'd have been fine or at least stood some kind of a chance! First thing I would have done, actually, was shoot that tard in the face like he deserved, but, I was more at his mercy somehow, with absolutely no recourse or defense, and junk like that should never happen.

Starting without a weapon is no fun at all. For what it's worth, the two other friends I was playing with (one was new) thought the same thing and found it very frustrating (not to mention boring) just like I did. I hope to god this gets changed.

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I just don't understand the frustration about this no-gun spawn? I mean, ok, it is "tougher" if you gain unwanted attention from the infected, but I haven't noticed any change in my playstyle (or any need to change it). I like to crawl alot, better not to make too much noise and draw unwanted attention.

Better to be sure and go a little slower than to take a chance and be done in 1 min less time.

If you hit the deck 30 meters earlier than you did until now, you will notice you have alot less zeds on your trail. It will not make your looting progress any faster in the long run. You might win a minute, but what are you gonna do about it when you are dead?

Adapt to the changes, that's how you survive.

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No starting weapon is great do not change. For those who are complaining 99% of their stories are just because they put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. My first char since no pistol spawning I took my time, looked over towns before I entered (for zombie locations, other players) to decrease my chance of eventual death. Spawn rates seemed perfect, found food, drinks, and eventually a hatchet after about 1 hour gameplay. This allowed me to take on those single zombies in sheds without anymore agro and led to a pistol.

No starting weapon is not only more realistic but it also decreases the number of players that just want to join a server and grief. They have to now actually think about shooting and the consequences it brings because it actually took time to find their gear.

Long story short, this is an ANTI-GAME not a hold your hand and every single survivor starts with a weapon game.

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Awesome Mod!!!!!

I think items should be stackable , E.G ammo clips , Food , Drinks , Steel bolts and other small items.

Just an idea...

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No starting weapon is great do not change. For those who are complaining 99% of their stories are just because they put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. My first char since no pistol spawning I took my time' date=' looked over towns before I entered (for zombie locations, other players) to decrease my chance of eventual death. Spawn rates seemed perfect, found food, drinks, and eventually a hatchet after about 1 hour gameplay. This allowed me to take on those single zombies in sheds without anymore agro and led to a pistol. [/quote']

That's a good story, and I've experienced that a few times too. However, next time you have to start over you will soon realize how rare it was that you were able to find a weapon so quickly.

A friend and I have been playing the new patch for about ~18 hours, we often get started then die some sort of shitty death (usually my buddy chops his own leg off and we just stop playing and respawn), but we have rarely found weapons or ammo for the weapons we do find.

We often have to camp spawns or server switch to get gear. We find ourselves wasting a lot of time in the early part of the game, none of which is fun if you can't find weapons.

It's awesome when you spawn in, the first high level spawn you hit contains an axe and maybe a few rounds of a common weapons. Then you make your way to a deer stand and there you grab a weapon... but the reality is that this is so uncommon. It's very difficult to find a gun, ammo, water & food early in the game unless you are somewhat lucky.

I'm not complaining about it, we've had a lot of fun in the new patch, but it also has lead to a lot of frustration too. It's not fun when you run spawn, to spawn, to spawn and come away with nothing and have to resort to cheating (server switching) to get ahead.

I don't know if spawning with a pistol is the answer. Maybe just a hatchet but even that would be a huge benefit as you can get quite far in the early game if you know how to use melee weapons well.

At the least I would like to see the spawns near starter towns more guaranteed. Increase the chance on low-end ammo (so that high level players have less interest in going there) and increase the chance of melee weapons being spawned. It's so disappointing when you crawl your ass in the building and find used cans, empty whiskey.

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Hmm does anyone else think that having "fast zombies" is part of the problem with them clipping through walls/building. They often run erratically, RIGHT through buildings, meaning they practically port in. Most of the time it's in front of you within slapping distance.

I also think that the clipping issue is due to when they're about 4 feet away from you, they make a small sprint to you and attack. (Crazy when you're trying to get in melee range with a hatchet!) Possibly the wall between you and a z's are not being accounted for when in a building, and it's just the calculated distance.

I have no idea how that could be solved, but it'd be awesome if it could be.

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I no longer mind not spawning with a gun. I can deal with that, but spawning with at least a melee weapon would be nice.

It's as though the infection is persistent. Seems too convenient to be a random happenstance.

See my suggestion on the subject of persistent disease. It's in my sig below :)

Also' date=' I'd personally like to see more melee weapons and far fewer firearms. Maybe some bows, traps, thrown weapons, etc. As it stands right now, The game is almost pure gun porn.


No reason to reduce the number of firearms. Just add some additional weapons as well. Weapons would most likely not be that difficult to find

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No starting weapon is great do not change. For those who are complaining 99% of their stories are just because they put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. My first char since no pistol spawning I took my time' date=' looked over towns before I entered (for zombie locations, other players) to decrease my chance of eventual death. Spawn rates seemed perfect, found food, drinks, and eventually a hatchet after about 1 hour gameplay. This allowed me to take on those single zombies in sheds without anymore agro and led to a pistol.

No starting weapon is not only more realistic but it also decreases the number of players that just want to join a server and grief. They have to now actually think about shooting and the consequences it brings because it actually took time to find their gear.


- It should have been enforced on everyone - Complete wipe...everyone loses ALL their shit and starts over. As soon as newbs entered in, they were walking (or should i say crawling) targets that couldn't defend themselves.

- "For those who are complaining 99% of their stories are just because they put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time"...So, spawning on the beach is being at the wrong place at the wrong time?

Or perhaps spending hours and hours avoiding confrontations, zombies and major towns, unarmed, almost about to starve to find a small hut very far in-land. Only to get sniped.

You'll have to be clear on what's a "wrong place and wrong time" as it seems going anywhere at any time falls into that spectrum.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine spawning without a weapon, or even without a melee weapon, but the fact that large bandit groups using weapons that were NOT wiped from the previous patch are going round griefing doesn't make it the survivors fault, does it?

You could always say "Hey, go find a weapon then!" but then that'd be throwing yourself into the line of fire in well known weapon spawn locations - and that would go against your main statement.

I might as well make a broad statement that 99% of people that say "it's your fault" were probably having fun taking pot-shots at unarmed survivors with the gear that they kept from before the patch update, because hey, after all they cant shoot back with a flash-light, can they!?

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