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About Capercaillie

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  1. Capercaillie

    Coming back to this game from over a month ago

    Hey, thanks, you probably missed the point! this is what I wanted: news from the players point of view. How do they experience the game as it now is. Thx crobinho, you were really helpful! Guess I'll just wait for the standalone if the hackers are still around that bad.. Forsh, aren't you such a funny troll, oh you got me so hard..
  2. So, it's been well over a month since I last played this game. Give me the news, what has happened? Any new items/gear? Something removed? New mechanics implemented in game? Still a lot cheaters around? thanks in advance :)
  3. A well thought post, all I can say. And I can understand why you did what you did, in the last 2 sessions I played, I have encountered 3 cheaters which were not as friendly as you..
  4. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Maybe I will!! ;)
  5. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    No, what would you call it if 6 people lose their lives in an indiscriminate murder where the murderer really don't know how to use his weapons? Oh yeah, the DMR is in the hands of a hacker right now. Or not as he probably didn't pick it up, he had the as50 thermal. I'm sure you wouldn't get a single kill with it, as you didn't even know you can't shoot with an empty makarov lol. What a noob and a douche..
  6. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    And you are quite the tough guy, go you.
  7. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Did I camp? We were running from Kamenka to Komarovo, I spotted these guys and set record on. Then I hit the ground in a position I thought was good. Should I have run around with the DMR? Is that how this game is "supposed" to be played? Nope, we did not "camp" I just didn't record the whole session that started from stary, went from NW airfield to Zelenogorsk and Kamenka to Komarovo. Had I recorded it, it would have definitely been too big to upload to youtube, and if I'd uploaded a maximum length video, you'd probably be here crying something like "tl;dw".
  8. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    And you are probably the toughest guy around, calling people names over the internet and stuff. Please, don't hurt me! Where is your video where you run around with m14 and give hell to people? Sniper, where?
  9. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Yeah, thanks!
  10. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

  11. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Yeah, why don't you go here and make a suggestion how bandits should be banned, how PvP is ruining the game and how fresh spawns should have a god-mode turned on for 24hours so that they can get to the same level with others? about "noobs" (=newbie, newcomer) Well, they had learn'd something, since one had the CZ, and 2 of them Alice bags.. Anyway (considering they were noobs) atleast now they learned that Day Z is quite a brutal game!
  12. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    I don't know about you, faggot, but I don't "pussy camp" in games, I do it from a nice leather couch in the corner of a nightclub. From wikipedia: "A massacre is an incident where some group is killed by another, and the perpetrating party are perceived to be in total control of force while the victimized party is perceived to be helpless and/or innocent with regard to any legitimate offense." I think this video fits the description of "massacre" pretty well. I don't know if you define massacre some other way though? If this was what you wanted to see (with AKM in Electro), then it would have probably helped you to read my post before actually watching the video, as it clearly states this happened in Komarovo industrial area. Well, everyone makes stupid mistakes, don't they?
  13. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    In the heat of the moment (in this game especially) you forget to keep a cool head and as you are constantly aware they might alt+F4 any second, you make choices that are necessarily not smart I do admit, spraying around quite a bit, but hey, the video title was "massacre", didn't say anything about accurate instant 3km jumping headshots did it? ;) eipä mitää, kaljaa koneeseen! :P
  14. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Yeah, thanks for letting me know, I wouldn't have realised
  15. Capercaillie

    Factory Massacre

    Thanks, I appreciate your support!