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Crashed helicopters a little too common?

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I have had in total 5 playthroughs with the use of patch 1.5.4 and 1.5.5 and in total i have found 4 heli crashes ( 2 in one server and they were around 1 mile or a little more apart, so only 1 server were i did not find a chopper)

I was just wondering if this is intentional or if i'm just emtremely lucky ( i prefer going around aimlessly, in stead of airfield/big towns and all the helis i found were in the open far away from any town, except 1)

IMO i think it is kinda good as it rewards players like me who go around searching inland and travel alot but that's just me.

I was wondering if anyone else, who has a similar play style, or not, has had such luck with crashed helis?

Gear i found in total: m107, m14 AIM, l85 CWS( my baby), bizon SD (my baby also) and 2 normal FALs (both at the same heli crash) and normal items like medical stuff.

Some awesome loot but kinda let down with the whole 1 mag only and not finding any NVGs was quite frustrating.

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I found three within the same two grid squares back in 1.6.something.

All three were bugged, kinda sucked to be me.

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I have only found 1 (with loot) and I have 150+ hours in game. I think your just getting lucky or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

I hope you made the world of dayz a little safer with all those weopons of yours.

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I have only found 1 (with loot) and I have 150+ hours in game. I think your just getting lucky or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

I hope you made the world of dayz a little safer with all those weopons of yours.

The fields North, East and West of Stary seem to be rich for the spawns.

I've found (no joke) about 15-20 there.

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Let me know what servers you guys are playing on to find so many Helis! :)

I haven't seen one in ages and I have spent plenty of time up north...

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I havent found a crashed heli since i started playing weeks ago in 1.5.7.

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Guess i was super lucky, i would agree that around stary is the most common place considering I found two quite near each other( like in a 3 mile radius of the city)

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Guys... don't talk about this we can't let Rocket know our secret... DON'T SAY ANYTHING.

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They seem much more common now, found 3 since the patch. The loot also seems to be much better.

One had m14, 2 x byzon SD, Barret 50 cal, and a FAL. All with ammo.

My team mate just found one with a Byzon as well.

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On NY 84, there's one on the runway at the NW airfield. No joke.

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I've seen 2 at the NW airfield, one at the southern end of the runway and 1 at the northen end.

Also I was just travelling east from Msta and I came across one and it had a nice M14 in it and literally 20 seconds later my friends why were going to meet me at Staroye found 1 about 1km away and it also had an M14.

Found another one last night, scored an FN FAL out of it and also came across one a few days prior to that. Some are in strange spots, very narrow valleys and the like but I've seen heaps around Stary. 3 in the field east of Kabanino.

I really enjoy finding them, I don't think they are to common, just sounds like the OP is very lucky.

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I've seen one crashed heli in 320 hours.

They're fine.

Makes a post about people complaining about too many hatchets being stupid due to using small isolated samples, then posts the same logic himself.

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On NY 84' date=' there's one on the runway at the NW airfield. No joke.



They do seem to be a fair bit more common since the latest patch. I sit in overwatch killing server hoppers outside Stary (they always spawn in the same places) and I've seen 3 since

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Still haven't seen one ..in over 150 plus hours..daymn. I am just North East of Zeleno now so hoping to see one further North. I hate going near Stary though. Bloodpacked two guys there on two seperate occasions and got shot for my worries. Cheers to the guy i bloodpacked at NW airfield who didnt cap me though.[/align]

I must be unlucky because i have not even found a repairable anything yet either!

Are they just randomly in a field somewhere ? and in different locations across servers ?

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On NY 84' date=' there's one on the runway at the NW airfield. No joke.


Hahah yeah, I saw that death trap within a death trap.

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I havent found a crashed heli since i started playing weeks ago in 1.5.7.

They spawn in certain areas of the map. We've already found 2 in 15 minutes. The other day we almost crashed into one as we came over a hill in our vehicle.

I've seen atleast 10+

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I have put a lot of hours into the game, and a lot of traveling. So far I have came across 2 downed choppers and one of them had absolutely nothing. The other had a box full of med supplies and some weapons with ammo. It was also surrounded by about 7 zombies, so it was no cake wake to just run up and loot everything. System seems fine as is at the moment for me so far in my play experience.

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I've found one heli since I started playing a few weeks back. Had a camo suit and an FN FAL, with like six zombies wandering around it. It was around NW of Stary.

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So today i found 4, yes 4 heli crashes, they are pretty common if i must say so, a bit too much for my liking considering how awesome they are.

If you cant find them then its cause your not keeping an eye out/not in the right places, its pretty easy to find em and when you do, you will feel like its Christmas. Just looking at the horizon and seeing an outline of a heli makes me jizz a little, 9/10 when i do see the outline it is the chopper, so that makes the total become 8 choppers in 7 days of playing the game( each day i put like 3 to 6 hours into the game)

I found 3 in Seattle 50.

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