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An Incredibly Odd First Time Experience

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 I was a massive fan of the original Dayz mod so whenever I heard the standalone alpha was released I rushed home and bought it without a second thought. I've had around five different characters up to this point, my current one being my most successful, but there was one character that my experiences during that life stuck with me.

It was my very first character and it was maybe around eleven o' clock on the day the alpha came out. I spawned on some coast like  I remembered so fondly and I was playing on a fairly populated server. After finding the nearest town I searched every single house but didn't find one single loot item. I assumed that the loot was broken or that some bug was the cause of this, but I continued playing with the intention of heading north to find some better loot. So I put my back to the coast, hoping I was on the southern one, and took off to where I thought north was.

 It was a couple of minutes later that I noticed the trees were becoming more and more scarce. I saw a large hill in front of me completely devoid of any type of trees or even any grass swaying in the wind. I figured climbing it would be a good idea so I could get a view of my surrounding area to maybe find a way out of this forest. Only when I reached the top of the hill what I saw completely surprised me. As far as my render distance allowed me to see was just hills upon hills that were completely barren like the one I was one.

 I kept running to the next largest hill, hoping that I might see a town or some sort of nature that would prove that I wasn't in some dead zone. But every hill that I climbed another loomed at me from the other side, beckoning me to climb it with hopes of finding civilization. My character had been hungry and thirsty for quite some time now, so I decided I would stop for now and figure out what I was going to do with this character tomorrow. I closed out of the game, grabbed some food, and sat down to start researching if anyone else had this problem. As I expected there was little to look up since anyone that had the game was probably playing it.


 A couple of hours later I sat down at my laptop again and booted up Dayz, joining the same server I had joined previously. I expected to be standing in the middle of No Man's Land like I was when I logged out, but I was in the exact spot on the coast where I spawned at in the beginning of all this. I was completely baffled by what happened, so I made my way to the ghost town I searched the time before and found the normal kind of loot. Canned foods, a water bottle, a few melee weapons.

 After getting geared up I took the same journey from before and decided to go north, only this time I wasn't searching for better loot. I was searching for that weird place I was lost in before. But it never came. That character ended up making it to some town where I found a gun and logged out in some house hoping it was safe.

 That was the end to that character. He disappeared from some wipe that I assumed the dev team did when an update came out. With every new character I make it brings back the thoughts of that peculiar place that I never found the answer to. Looking back I wish I had taken some screenshots or recorded a quick clip with fraps. 
 Reading this over it makes it sound like I was trying to write a creepypasta, which most of those are fake, but I promise you that everything in here was true. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience...

Edited by DeMatadorJuan
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Sorry, I'm just not gonna read this. Please use the enter key to make paragraphs, its a lot easier for the reader as well as making it look a little nicer.

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Sorry, I'm just not gonna read this. Please use the enter key to make paragraphs, its a lot easier for the reader as well as making it look a little nicer.

And would you look at that I just figured out I could reply directly, thanks for the tip.

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I like how you described the events, it was a good read. I however had not found that before.

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I like how you described the events, it was a good read. I however had not found that before.

I haven't seen it since then and I've asked a few friends and people in game but no one has ever heard of it.

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Sounds like the edge of the map to me. The debug area. You won't find anything there. In the mod people used to have their camps there because no one ever comes to this place.


Propably you were spawned near Kamenka and instead of north you walked like slightly northwest and ended up at the left side border of the map.


Or it was a bug.. alpha :D

Edited by EngineerZ

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Sounds like the edge of the map to me. The debug area. You won't find anything there. In the mod people used to have their camps there because no one ever comes to this place.


Propably you were spawned near Kamenka and instead of north you walked like slightly northwest and ended up at the left side border of the map.


Or it was a bug.. alpha :D


So instead of invisible walls you find eternity at the boarders of the map?

A zombiefree land where we can start over?? Sounds awesome! ^^

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Yeah i've heard of that place.. It's not on any map though. They call it Alphagorsk..

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This is so called "outside terrain"  and is generated automatically by the game engine to provide some lod terrain ( landscape and a simple texture only) around the actual map. 

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