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Sniper Rifles

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I have fired various weapons, recoil of an m4 is tolerable, it's there but you can live with it. 


50 cal is much more heavy, and an average joe wouldn't be able to use it. 

I dont want to talk bs now since i never fired a .50cal , but I could imagine once your on your target and you fire, the bullet will hit the target no matter how high your gun goes after firing.

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I have fired various weapons, recoil of an m4 is tolerable, it's there but you can live with it. 


50 cal is much more heavy, and an average joe wouldn't be able to use it. 


But then again try shoot a m4 on a 300 metre range ur not goin to do that standing up :P 

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I dont want to talk bs now since i never fired a .50cal , but I could imagine once your on your target and you fire, the bullet will hit the target no matter how high your gun goes after firing.


Ur so wrong. There is alot to learn to just shoot with a sniper rifle.

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Rocket launchers where in the mod, they where extreely rare and nobody used them cause they replaced your backpack which made them unpractical. So yea make the AS50 like that, ill be happy and the rest of you will be to cause the majority will not be using it since like said above its not practical.

So? You're fighting for your precious one shot kill weapon. I want one too! How about we add the super cobra chopper. It has the thermal scope on the guns to find snipers. Yea, let's add that. I'm sure at least one military base in the world has one I could use. It's a game, I can fly anything.

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-of course there is, so what?


-going up half a mile to some small town is totally enough.


-its easier to handle, a normal civ couldnt handle it anyways.


-why use APC`s or Tanks with HE shells agains unarmored zombies?


Now you are just running circles around me with irrelevant statements. I'm not going to argue any more, but I can gaurantee you there will not be any .50cals back in the game.

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I dont even want a TWS, I just dont see why a normal AS50 wont be added.


Because it's a retarded weapon choice.





I'd rather have vehicle-mounted Dushkas and RPG-7s because at least they are believable.


If you'd said M107 I might not have used the word "retarded", but AS50 is beyond the pale. Besides, why do you need it? Even something like a .338 Lapua I could probably get behind, but running around the countryside with .50 cals is just dumb.




It's not the one-hit kill capability or the range that's the problem, it's the fact they're too heavy, too big and don't make any sense.

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It doesn't fit the setting. Why would some sleepy corner of Russia or where ever just have AS50s lying around?


"If I remember correctly it was removed like quarter a year ago, i felt like smashing my keyboard when I read the patchnotes."


Like a spoilt brat who has had his toys taken off him?

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To a much lesser extent. None of the rifles that will be featured in the game are as heavy or require the same amount of maintenance as a .50cal.


With respect, weight is a ridiculous argument. We're carrying like 50kg of gear around on our backs. If you really want to start talking about weight, we're going to run into an awful lot of problems really quickly.


As for "maintenance" I don't know what your source is on this. I think you're pretty much just winging it. What's your source for this claim? Can you link to some indication that these rifles require extreme amounts of "maintenance" compared to any other rifle?


What do you even mean by maintenance? Like repair? 

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I'm done talking to him about it. I starting to think he made this thread just to troll. He doesn't understand that a GOOD sniper doesn't need an AS50. A good sniper, gets headshot every time. One shot one kill as they say.

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As it is I like the fact that if you're of the sniper mind set, you can craft one from exsisting weapons.  It then leaves you to learn and master that weapon for the purpose you like.


If we can keep going in the direction of civilian/guerilla weapons that would be cool.  I'll miss the big bores like the other military stuff.  However I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoy the "civilain" mood of SA.


At this point I'm counting the days until I can see an AK in the game. :)

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It doesn't fit the setting. Why would some sleepy corner of Russia or where ever just have AS50s lying around?



Because the military was there trying to stop the zombie outbreak and combat bandits, obviously. The same reason a "sleepy corner of Russia" has temporary military bases set up, military assault rifles scattered all over the ground, and ruined HMMVs all over the place.


Why is the realism argument only applicable to sniper rifles? If you want to play a game that stresses realism, there's not going to be random guns lying around anywhere. Sleepy corner of Russia or not, you don't just find random weapons and ammunition caches lying around on the ground. If you're willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that you can find an M4 lying around, then it's kind of ridiculous to try and argue that sniper rifles "don't fit the setting."


Either the military left rifles lying around for us or they didn't. What, did they just happen to get away with all the sniper rifles, but the assault rifle guys didn't make it out? is that the story we're supposed to buy? Come on.

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With respect, weight is a ridiculous argument. We're carrying like 50kg of gear around on our backs. If you really want to start talking about weight, we're going to run into an awful lot of problems really quickly.


As for "maintenance" I don't know what your source is on this. I think you're pretty much just winging it. What's your source for this claim? Can you link to some indication that these rifles require extreme amounts of "maintenance" compared to any other rifle?


What do you even mean by maintenance? Like repair? 

maintenance goes from just cleaning it or changing parts, but regardless of maintenance the ammo would very very rare and few so you would be carrying a dead weight regardless.  


Any one can carry 50kg on their back, specially if are items that use alot like food water and meds which drops the weight

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Because it's a retarded weapon choice.





I'd rather have vehicle-mounted Dushkas and RPG-7s because at least they are believable.


If you'd said M107 I might not have used the word "retarded", but AS50 is beyond the pale. Besides, why do you need it? Even something like a .338 Lapua I could probably get behind, but running around the countryside with .50 cals is just dumb.




It's not the one-hit kill capability or the range that's the problem, it's the fact they're too heavy, too big and don't make any sense.

Thanks for not going totally retard like everybody else here, including me^^. Anyways its 4am here, I wanna sleep, so to conclude this, im fine with a .338 lapua, just something that can zoom, and dont come with your fake enfield with build on sniper scope. I guess .50 are retarded although I think with some adjustments they could be implemented into the game with it still being playable for everyone... other than that have a good one and gn8 :)

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Because the military was there trying to stop the zombie outbreak and combat bandits, obviously. The same reason a "sleepy corner of Russia" has temporary military bases set up, military assault rifles scattered all over the ground, and ruined HMMVs all over the place.


Why is the realism argument only applicable to sniper rifles? If you want to play a game that stresses realism, there's not going to be random guns lying around anywhere. Sleepy corner of Russia or not, you don't just find random weapons and ammunition caches lying around on the ground. If you're willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that you can find an M4 lying around, then it's kind of ridiculous to try and argue that sniper rifles "don't fit the setting."


Either the military left rifles lying around for us or they didn't. What, did they just happen to get away with all the sniper rifles, but the assault rifle guys didn't make it out? is that the story we're supposed to buy? Come on.


I didn't say anything about sniper rifles, just AS50s. :)

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Because the military was there trying to stop the zombie outbreak and combat bandits, obviously. The same reason a "sleepy corner of Russia" has temporary military bases set up, military assault rifles scattered all over the ground, and ruined HMMVs all over the place.



This is silly. What kind of military uses AS50s to fight unarmed, unarmoured, brain dead zombies?


Its like using an RPG to breach a door.

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Why is the realism argument only applicable to sniper rifles? If you want to play a game that stresses realism, there's not going to be random guns lying around anywhere. Sleepy corner of Russia or not, you don't just find random weapons and ammunition caches lying around on the ground. If you're willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that you can find an M4 lying around, then it's kind of ridiculous to try and argue that sniper rifles "don't fit the setting."




Ur location is US how many have a gun laying around at home ?

Edited by Virdrus
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maintenance goes from just cleaning it or changing parts, but regardless of maintenance the ammo would very very rare and few so you would be carrying a dead weight regardless.  


And how is that argument unique to sniper rifles? It applies to all weapons.

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This is silly. What kind of military uses AS50s to fight unarmed, unarmoured, brain dead zombies?


Its like using an RPG to breach a door.


This. Hence why I only said AS50s.


Sniper rifles, yes. AS50s, no.

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Btw. for all the ones that say an AS50 wouldnt fit the setting, I remember this gun back in the days, I think it was called KsVK ;)

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This is silly. What kind of military uses AS50s to fight unarmed, unarmoured, brain dead zombies?


Its like using an RPG to breach a door.


The same kind that uses HMMVs and assault rifles?


Also, they weren't just fighting zombies. They were combating early bandits who had much more dangerous weapons.


You're just not going to win an appeal to realism. If high-powered assault rifles "make sense" then so do sniper rifles.

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Because the military was there trying to stop the zombie outbreak and combat bandits, obviously. The same reason a "sleepy corner of Russia" has temporary military bases set up, military assault rifles scattered all over the ground, and ruined HMMVs all over the place.


Why is the realism argument only applicable to sniper rifles? If you want to play a game that stresses realism, there's not going to be random guns lying around anywhere. Sleepy corner of Russia or not, you don't just find random weapons and ammunition caches lying around on the ground. If you're willing to suspend disbelief long enough to accept that you can find an M4 lying around, then it's kind of ridiculous to try and argue that sniper rifles "don't fit the setting."


Either the military left rifles lying around for us or they didn't. What, did they just happen to get away with all the sniper rifles, but the assault rifle guys didn't make it out? is that the story we're supposed to buy? Come on.



Honestly looking at how things goes, the military would be UN o national guard type units and going by the books of desease control a .50 cal wouldnt be in the picture while the governments tried to treat the populace by the time they realized what the infection is the real combat units will come in too late if not overan already in their home bases. The size of the bases to me here are nothing more then National guard type bases.


My point is .50cal or other high powered sniper wouldnt be with forces because of Geneva convention laws, specially .50 cal which would explode a bunch of civilians with one bullet if fired on. (mostly for .50 cal)

Edited by reapers239
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Well that ruins a lot of the fun... I loved the rush of running through cities with the feeling there could be a sniper prone somewhere in the hills waiting for a clear shot on me. Some of my most memorable moments in the game was running through a city or field and hearing a sniper take a shot at me only to find myself crawling through brush or zig zagging across a field calling for friends to try and spot the sniper.

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Honestly looking at how things goes, the military would be UN o national guard type units and going the books of decease control a .50 cal wouldnt be in the picture while the governments tried to treat the populace by the time they realized the infection is the real combat units will come in too late if not overan already in their home bases. The side of the bases to me here are nothing more then National guard type bases.


My point is .50cal or other high powered sniper wouldnt be with forces because of Geneva convention laws, specially .50 cal which would explode a bunch of civilians with one bullet if fired on. 


Conventions ban the use of .50 caliber rifles against human targets. Is it so hard to believe early bandits were using vehicles that required more powerful weaponry? 


Any distinction you make in the interest of fiction is arbitrary and goofy. They needed heavy assault rifles and infinite rounds of .762 ammo, but sniper rifles were totally uncalled for? Come on. It's senseless.

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In my opinion, good old M24s, M40A3, SVDs, maybe a VSS Vintorez. These are all rifles that are quite common in russia. The O.M.O.N. which is a special ops police force in russia (SWAT) use the VSS and SVD for common situations, so they should definitely be part of the SA. This is also another common sniper used by police

Edited by ST20winD
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Well that ruins a lot of the fun... I loved the rush of running through cities with the feeling there could be a sniper prone somewhere in the hills waiting for a clear shot on me. Some of my most memorable moments in the game was running through a city or field and hearing a sniper take a shot at me only to find myself crawling through brush or zig zagging across a field calling for friends to try and spot the sniper.

yea to bad other people cant get on with the fact that their being shot without them knowing where it comes from...

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