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This game will only be a niche .....

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The MMO label comes with specific connotations that have to be taken into account. I would not, for instance, call a 64 player round of CS an MMO, even though, technically, it seems to fit the criteria: that's a lot of people playing at once.

So what's the difference? Party progression and partly persistence. But many people also associate the label with more. They see sides, they see missions/quests, they see crafting, they see skills. Etc and so on.

You can't bitch that they would carry those connotations, the conventions gaming itself has built up, into a conversation about a game that purports to be an MMO.

You can disagree. Please do. But don't be twats about it, and don't try to shut down conversations. Show that you're better than the stereotyped CoD generation.

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Don't bash him for comparing SA to MMOs. Rocket invited that comparison by calling SA an MMO.

He never said anything even close to that. He said the game will be running on a more MMO based architecture meaning the server handles everything not individual clients.



And again MMO doesn't mean MMORPG at all. OP thinks this game is an MMORPG; it is an open world sandbox survival game which is about the exact opposite of an MMORPG. Always has been always will be.

Edited by Weedz

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The man who thinks the game is an MMORPG and should have factions who wear different color shirts and should have end game raids and has no clue at all what a sandbox game is (like apparently you don't either) has good points ... yeah you're clearly not his friend.

Open world
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For other uses, see Open world (disambiguation).

An open world is a type of video game level design where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how or when to approach objectives.[1] The term free roam is also used, as is sandbox and free-roaming.[2][3] "Open world" and "free-roaming" suggest the absence of artificial barriers,[4] in contrast to the invisible walls and loading screens that are common in linear level designs. An "open world" game does not necessarily imply a sandbox. In a true "sandbox", the player has tools to modify the world themselves and create how they play.[5] Generally open world games still enforce some restrictions in the game environment, either due to absolute technical limitations or in-game limitations (such as locked areas) imposed by a game's linearity.


i posted the meaning of what a sandbox is...can you do these things in dayz? if you cant then its not a sandbox and your correct..if you can then you are just talking to talk

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Open world

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Open world (disambiguation).

An open world is a type of video game level design where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how or when to approach objectives.[1] The term free roam is also used, as is sandbox and free-roaming.[2][3] "Open world" and "free-roaming" suggest the absence of artificial barriers,[4] in contrast to the invisible walls and loading screens that are common in linear level designs. An "open world" game does not necessarily imply a sandbox. In a true "sandbox", the player has tools to modify the world themselves and create how they play.[5] Generally open world games still enforce some restrictions in the game environment, either due to absolute technical limitations or in-game limitations (such as locked areas) imposed by a game's linearity.


i posted the meaning of what a sandbox is...can you do these things in dayz? if you cant then its not a sandbox and your correct..if you can then you are just talking to talk


I love when people post things that prove themselves wrong. You know an MMORPG is the exact opposite of a sandbox game right?

Edited by Weedz

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Weeds: check the alpha release trailer. It specifically calls SA an MMO.

Sure, we could be pedantic, and claim those words don't reflect Rockets, but he's still the driving force behind the game, and I assume the trailer reflects his views.

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just by the fact that you felt the need to defend yourself off a post that wasnt aimed at you specifically just shows me that.................check your ingame inventory


actually I was simply pointing out one of the most commonly used logical fallacies. It boils down to, "If you don't' agree with me it's because you are a X." See, if I like something it doesn't mean I haven't taken the time to consider it's merits and flaws. However you stated that the majority of the forum(hey I'm in that grouping!) seems to like the game and are thoughtless "Yes Men". Now you are compounding it by again stating that if I seem to feel the need of defending opposing points of view to yours, then I MUST be of said catgory of "Yes Men". 

I can logically and impartially consider something and then actually like it. 

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Weeds: check the alpha release trailer. It specifically calls SA an MMO.

Sure, we could be pedantic, and claim those words don't reflect Rockets, but he's still the driving force behind the game, and I assume the trailer reflects his views.

MMO - multiple people playing in the same server online with eachother

MMORPG - stupid game like World of Warcraft that is linear and includes player levels, learnable skills, and highly scripted events

Sandbox game - open world story-less 100% unscripted game that plops you in and just says "GO" and has no "endgame" or "leveling up"



So OP not only doesn't know what an alpha test is he doesn't even know the genre of game he is testing.

Edited by Weedz
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I love when people post things that prove themselves wrong. You know an MMORPG is the exact opposite of a sandbox game right?

hey man...there are no mmo that are sandboxes is what your saying?  eve online...everquest...vanguard...darkfall?? if dayz was your first game then you should just stay quiet bro . i have been gaming for a looong time kid

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hey man...there are no mmo that are sandboxes is what your saying?  eve online...everquest...vanguard...darkfall?? if dayz was your first game then you should just stay quiet bro . i have been gaming for a looong time kid

You know that open world and sandbox are two entirely different things right? Because it says so right in the Wikipedia article you copy pasted .... "An "open world" game does not necessarily imply a sandbox game"


AKA you proved yourself wrong .... like I said.

Edited by Weedz
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MMO - multiple people playing in the same server online with eachother

MMORPG - stupid game like World of Warcraft that is linear and includes player levels, learnable skills, and highly scripted events

Sandbox game - open world story-less 100% unscripted game that plops you in and just says "GO" and has no "endgame" or "leveling up"



So OP not only doesn't know what an alpha test is he doesn't even know the genre of game he is testing.

and this is what i mean .. first off i never said mmorpg in my post...i said mmo . then he had to go and google the difference between the two and then post it like he knew . second i know what an alpha is and i said that in my original post. i have also beta tested many games. you either have a reading comprehension problem or your smoking too much weed ...weedz

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hey man...there are no mmo that are sandboxes is what your saying?  eve online...everquest...vanguard...darkfall?? if dayz was your first game then you should just stay quiet bro . i have been gaming for a looong time kid


You mean since the late 80s like myself? Everyquest was built off the backbone of online multiplayer adventure MUDs. 

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You mean since the late 80s like myself? Everyquest was built off the backbone of online multiplayer adventure MUDs. 

I think he means like since CoD Black Ops 2 probably.

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You know that open world and sandbox are two entirely different things right? Because it says so right in the Wikipedia article you copy pasted .... "An "open world" game does not necessarily imply a sandbox game"


AKA you proved yourself wrong .... like I said.

yea like i said..you have a reading comprehension problem..."not necessarily imply" means it might and it might not be depending on.... stop spending so much time on dayz and go back to school kid...im done responding to you

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yea like i said..you have a reading comprehension problem..."not necessarily imply" means it might and it might not be depending on.... stop spending so much time on dayz and go back to school kid...im done responding to you

Now you're trying to insult people's intelligence while not being able to find the shift or apostrophe buttons on your keyboard .... and .... type .... like ..... you're ..... 12



Not necessarily implies actually means all sandbox games are open world but not all open world games are sandbox games. Which you would know ... if you had reading comprehension. Anyway have fun with your turning DayZ into an MMORPG idea because it will never make it anywhere past this soon to die thread ... kid

Edited by Weedz
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hey man...there are no mmo that are sandboxes is what your saying?  eve online...everquest...vanguard...darkfall?? if dayz was your first game then you should just stay quiet bro . i have been gaming for a looong time kid


Neither EverQuest I nor II are sandbox games.


And on that note, the only thing that "MMO" means is Massively Multiplayer Online. DayZ falls under that single acronym because there are a large number of people playing the game in the same world, on the same server. Nowhere under the acronym "MMO" is there a requirement of early, middle, or late game. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement for classes or factions. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement (or a stigma!) of "grinding" for gear. Nowhere under that acronym is a requirement for levels, skills, abilities, or mana.


The acronym "MMO" doesn't mean shit. Stop advertising it as something that it isn't.

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Sorry to burst your bubble like that, Weedz. SA is indeed intended to be an MMO.

Bu my point, Weedz, was that people draw specific connotations to the term MMO, which they are perfectly valid in doing. It means, amongst both gamers and the industry, more than simply a lot of players playing together online. Rocket, as a gamer and developer, is undoubtably well aware of that, and so, too, must he be aware what applying that label to SA means.

No, an MMO is not the same as an MMORPG, but look at the list of MMOs. Look at the features they share amongst themselves, as well as with MMORPGs. There is a massive amount of overlap, and even non-RPG MMOs have a lot of "RPG-like" features and mechanics."

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Now you're trying to insult people's intelligence while not being able to find the shift or apostrophe buttons on your keyboard .... and .... type .... like ..... you're ..... 12



Not necessarily implies actually means all sandbox games are open world but not all open world games are sandbox games. Which you would know ... if you had reading comprehension. Anyway have fun with your turning DayZ into an MMORPG idea because it will never make it anywhere past this soon to die thread.

so if not all open world games are sandboxes doesnt that mean some are sandboxes ? i want to call you a moron but i wont ..im better than that

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Sorry to burst your bubble like that, Weedz. SA is indeed intended to be an MMO.

Bu my point, Weedz, was that people draw specific connotations to the term MMO, which they are perfectly valid in doing. It means, amongst both gamers and the industry, more than simply a lot of players playing together online. Rocket, as a gamer and developer, is undoubtably well aware of that, and so, too, must he be aware what applying that label to SA means.

No, an MMO is not the same as an MMORPG, but look at the list of MMOs. Look at the features they share amongst themselves, as well as with MMORPGs. There is a massive amount of overlap, and even non-RPG MMOs have a lot of "RPG-like" features and mechanics."

Good thing this game got popular because it isn't like other games huh?


Again MMO literally only mean that there are more people than in most multiplayer games playing together in the same server. Nothing else.

Edited by Weedz

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Sorry to burst your bubble like that, Weedz. SA is indeed intended to be an MMO.

Bu my point, Weedz, was that people draw specific connotations to the term MMO, which they are perfectly valid in doing. It means, amongst both gamers and the industry, more than simply a lot of players playing together online. Rocket, as a gamer and developer, is undoubtably well aware of that, and so, too, must he be aware what applying that label to SA means.

No, an MMO is not the same as an MMORPG, but look at the list of MMOs. Look at the features they share amongst themselves, as well as with MMORPGs. There is a massive amount of overlap, and even non-RPG MMOs have a lot of "RPG-like" features and mechanics."

I think the only thing that is MMO about Dayz is the amount of players, nothing more, and nothing less.

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Well, in many ways DayZ is a lot like a lot of games, but I see what you're getting at.

I was just trying to validate the OPs comparison between SA and other games.

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Wow. This is a great fucking post.


Well, back to the case. People are saying DayZ is so unique because it's so unlinear. Well, some of the elements may be unlinear, but there's nothing unlinear about the experience. You loot up, you die. That's DayZ. And that's why mods like Epoch, Overwatch and Origins have overthrown the original DayZ in popularity. They bring about endgames DayZ never have. And although I love the time I've had with Standalone so far the endgame is sorely missing. I'm not expecting miracles overnight here, but long range that's imperative to the game's success. There's a limit to how long people stick around with a loot'n'shooter, the game needs more character development and activites than that.


And I'm going off-topic here, but it's laughably pathetic the way some of you guys swarm up in defensive positions around here whenever constructive critisism is brought to the table. If it's asslicking or just plain old white-knighting I'll never know, but besides boosting your post count there's little value in it. Get a perspective and think for yourselves. I don't agree with all OP's points, but the man has some valid points that deserves better answers than "HURR DURR THE GAME HAS SOLD 300,000 YOUR SPELING SUX". If that's your contribution to a topic, heed my advice and fuck off.


No shit the end game is missing. Christ people. Seriously. It is completely obvious that there needs to be more content and if you had paid any attention at all for the last year of development you would know that they are aware and planning to implement features and depth.  They aren't trying to keep people around because the alpha is meant to help development. It isn't to secure the attention of new players nor even for new players to purchase it.  What is laughable is that all these people think that they need to make new threads about this bullshit. They are just making forum dirty for no reason, and being annoying as hell. It's also annoying that these dudes that have 1 post think they need to chime in on shit people have been talking about in the suggestion forum since the beginning of the mod.  Add to another thread. Stop being so freaking narcissistic that you think your page long post deserves a spotlight.  There are plenty of other threads to add your opinion to. People are just rehashing shit over and over. Your ideas are not new. This dude's thread is extraordinarily absurd and stupid. (i'm talking to all the people posting this shit not specifically to you in that regard)  

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Wow.  I disagree with everything OP has said.   I just... wow. 


I personally love the game and how it's setup and want the medical and health system to be even more hardcore.  Same goes for the attachment system and all the various gear with the various slots and carrying capacity.


I guess I come from a different background but I cannot understand why so many people are so obsessed with the "endgame".  I find that entire concept far more boring than actually playing the game.

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Why would you want factions?  Yeah, it's nice to know who might be on your side when you come across them, but sometimes someone on your side needs to die.  If I'm near some clown who wants to drag every zombie in the town to me so I have to kill them, they need to die.  That's not gonna happen if they keep seeing me then peeling off them and going after me.


Let's say some guy is following myself, yourself, your group, who ever they decide to follow, you run across a group from the opposite faction and now you have this clown standing up behind you giving your position away.  With any faction system you either can't kill them or get penalized for killing them to get rid of them.  I could ask them to leave, but that works once out of maybe 100 times.


EDIT: And as for the rest, the game still has missing features which are being added as well as some things not turned on or on in a limited capacity.

Edited by ThePieKing

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i have played many of the top mmo's out there 


I have also seen a lot of shops in my time...




no factions--

1- as in all MMO'S its best to pick a side . you can be a lone wolf but eventually if you really want to get ahead in a game you would have to join a guild ( in a mmo) or team up with buddies you know in rl , but you always had a choice INGAME to join a side. This game does not have that option . an mmo wont work without factions , its just goona be all out chaos . now alot of the dayz players love this idea , alot of dayz players are lone wolfs and or get some rl friends and play , but a guy who just buys the game and doesnt know anyone is gonna be thrown into an extremely large world all by himself with no allies to look to or play with . while this is exciting at first it becomes old fast especially if the server is filled with jackasses.




Most of the elements you list are things I actively avoid in every MMO I play. 

1. Factions - Yep, don't care. Rift has factions... don't care. SW:TOR has factions... don't care. DCU has factions... don't care. EQ:II has factions... don't care.


Yeah, pretty much what Mercules said.  But...also red and blue vests?  What?  For free?!  You're lucky you get a flashlight and a battery! :P


But seriously...no me gusta.  This isn't Team Fortress.  It's not Red Vs. Blue.  It's an extreme sandbox/survival + Zombies game.  There is no black and white.  There is no right or wrong.


Also, before you go writing up what you suppose is a very extensive, well-thought out review I just have to point out this isn't even a beta.  It's Alpha.  I've played games with more problems than this that were labeled Open Beta...and some that were actually released!

Yeah, I know some game companies ride the coattails of open beta for lengthy periods of time and players begin grumbling and saying, "You can't just say 'It's a beta!' forever!" but we're not even at that point and the alpha just literally came out this week.  It's well-known that many features aren't implemented or fully implemented yet.

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Niche or not, who gives a shit? Everything is in a niche of some sort. This one just happens to be HUGELY popular. Why are you comparing this game to MMORPGs? It's not an MMORPG. Get a clue before writing lengthy posts. Once we can have 200+ players in a server, then you can start talking about MMO's. Once this game is an RPG, we can start talking about RPGs. But it's not an MMO, it's not an RPG, and it's not an MMORPG. It's a simulator. Get it straight, please.


To the guy who said "Opinion's can't be wrong, but yours is" - you couldn't be any further from the truth. Opinions can be wrong. They can be misinformed, miscalculated, or rooted purely in ignorance. There is clearly a difference between a credible, substantial opinion versus an opinion that is rooted in bullshit.

Edited by t1337Dude

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