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How the alpha could be MUCH BETTER

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Don´t understand me wrong, I love DayZ and everthing about it, also I´m very excited to see how the Alpha is working right now, but there are somethings I strongly would recommend to give a bigger satisfaction to all alphatesters so far.

  • Set night-day-cycle generally to 6 hours.

  • Don´t allow to change Gamma&Alpha-settings at night

  • Try to reach the "night level" of "Sa-Matra Wasteland" (Arma 2). In my opinion it just has the best compromise between DayZ hardcore-gameplay and accessibility, also it just looks amazing.

  • IMPROVE THE LOOT SPAWN SYSTEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The balancing right now is totally frustrating. Sometimes you search 30 houses and find absolutely NOTHING. It really destroys the fun and the desire to play more/longer. As a result I´m sure more information about any gameplay-feature, bugs, etc. could be gained.


    I´m not talking about adding more weapons or improving the weapon spawnrate, I´m talking about the normal stuff you should find everywhere.


    At the moment all the best equipped dayz players got their outfit and stuff because of server-hopping (at the known weapon-spawnplaces), and that´s so silly, it´s nearly like cheating, forced through the current messed up spawnrate-balance.

  • Spawn loaded weapons.

  • Prevent quitting via ALT + F4 and set a timer for logging out. 60 seconds logout/leave server-timer would be enough to make fights as they always should be, dramatic, intense but fair.

That´s all so far. Would be happy to read what you guys think about it!

PS: Sorry for my bad english :( I hope you can understand everything I wrote.

I posted this text also at http://de.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1tarx2/how_the_alpha_could_be_much_better/

Edited by OtaQ
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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.

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Haha, this reminds me of people in the Arma3 alpha asking to make the game easier.


No thanks.


I love how you demand to have the Loot Spawn System fixed as soon as possible.  "Make game better NOW!" Rocket reads that is like this guy is on to something :)   I'm just busting your chops.


Combat logging and the Gamma thing are very touche issues.   Like, people who server hop should be banned.  Yeah makes sense but what if you're having issues and your trying to find your friends?   Maybe if it's seen as abuse it shoots you back to the coast. I think the devs will figure it out.

Edited by Varick

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.

Of course, so of course you have to be sure to logout on a safe spot somewhere, and not in a ongoing fight :) It´s so easy to changed and brings sooo much improvement. It prevents that silly and lame fight-quitting.

If you do logout on a huge empty field, in perfect sight for every sniper, it´s absolutely your fault and then you ARE a sitting duck :P

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Haha, this reminds me of people in the Arma3 alpha asking to make the game easier.

Easier? What is more easy then server-hopping and so finding the best gear? This is the absolut standard right now and lame as hell. Don´t you see this?

There is also nothing easy about the other changes I mentioned.



Yeah makes sense but what if you're having issues and your trying to find your friends?


Go to friendslist in STEAM, leftclick and press "Join game". Is this so hard? ;)

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.

silkroad online had it that way - and it worked pretty well. if you want to log out in a hostile environment where you cant even stay still for 60s w/o getting killed you are combatlogging in my opinion.

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Don´t understand me wrong, I love DayZ and everthing about it, also I´m very excited to see how the Alpha is working right now, but there are somethings I strongly would recommend to give a bigger satisfaction to all alphatesters so far.

  • Set night-day-cycle generally to 6 hours.

  • Don´t allow to change Gamma&Alpha-settings at night

  • Try to reach the "night level" of "Sa-Matra Wasteland" (Arma 2). In my opinion it just has the best compromise between DayZ hardcore-gameplay and accessibility, also it just looks amazing.

  • IMPROVE THE LOOT SPAWN SYSTEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The balancing right now is totally frustrating. Sometimes you search 30 houses and find absolutely NOTHING. It really destroys the fun and the desire to play more/longer. As a result I´m sure more information about any gameplay-feature, bugs, etc. could be gained.


    I´m not talking about adding more weapons or improving the weapon spawnrate, I´m talking about the normal stuff you should find everywhere.


    At the moment all the best equipped dayz players got their outfit and stuff because of server-hopping (at the known weapon-spawnplaces), and that´s so silly, it´s nearly like cheating, forced through the current messed up spawnrate-balance.


  • Spawn loaded weapons.

  • Prevent quitting via ALT + F4 and set a timer for logging out. 60 seconds logout/leave server-timer would be enough to make fights as they always should be, dramatic, intense but fair.

That´s all so far. Would be happy to read what you guys think about it!

PS: Sorry for my bad english :( I hope you can understand everything I wrote.

I posted this text also at http://de.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1tarx2/how_the_alpha_could_be_much_better/



its to easy to get stuff in my opinion... it should be more hard to get equip weapons and stuff couse then your really proud of what you got and your going to be more carefull. The Ghosting and server hopping stuff is really annoying thats true i hope they do something about that soon.

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its to easy to get stuff in my opinion... it should be more hard to get equip weapons and stuff couse then your really proud of what you got and your going to be more carefull. The Ghosting and server hopping stuff is really annoying thats true i hope they do something about that soon.

I´m happy you also see it this way.

The effect would be great and the risk of destroying things is at minimum. 

With "weapons" I ONLY MEAN light crappy weapons like a simple handgun and shotgun. I mean, let´s see this in a realistic way. There ARE some people in YOUR neighborhood, IN REAL LIFE, no matter what country in the world you come from, which have weapons. And especially in courtrys and landmarks like Chernarus there are weapons. Not only in military base.

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Haha, this reminds me of people in the Arma3 alpha asking to make the game easier.


No thanks.


I love how you demand to have the Loot Spawn System fixed as soon as possible.  "Make game better NOW!" Rocket reads that is like this guy is on to something :)   I'm just busting your chops.


Combat logging and the Gamma thing are very touche issues.   Like, people who server hop should be banned.  Yeah makes sense but what if you're having issues and your trying to find your friends?   Maybe if it's seen as abuse it shoots you back to the coast. I think the devs will figure it out.

The whole dumbed the game down/ making it easier was what people screamed about in Arma. Now it's not even considered a simulator anymore. FFS stay away from BI games if you want it to be easier or less realistic.

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.


That's the whole point. You should never be able to log out of DayZ unless you are in an area where you feel completely safe. What sucks 10x worse than a log out timer are people who combat log.

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That's the whole point. You should never be able to log out of DayZ unless you are in an area where you feel completely safe. What sucks 10x worse than a log out timer are people who combat log.

Right! That´s what I say.

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how to fix the alpha


remove loot spawn on restart only, insert a loot timer like arma 2/3 (dayzmod/breakingpoint)

fix the day/night cycle

add penalty for server hopping

add 1 vehicle



the end



on that note, here is a few lines frmo the new update coming hopefully today. be happy!

  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo
Edited by deebz1234

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...with a new keybinding to toggle run on/off so i dont have to put my ink barrel on the arrow keys. or did i miss the option?

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.


Hi, I would like 40 to 60 seconds timeout for disconnect.


There are other methods for it where you can take a look around while logging off; but as soon as you walk in any direction or receive damage the log off is cancelled. 


Mortal Online has this kind of log off and it works like a charm. I hope they make it right and  you don't need to keep the menu open and unable to look around while logginf off.

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Don´t understand me wrong, I love DayZ and everthing about it, also I´m very excited to see how the Alpha is working right now, but there are somethings I strongly would recommend to give a bigger satisfaction to all alphatesters so far.

  • Set night-day-cycle generally to 6 hours.

  • Don´t allow to change Gamma&Alpha-settings at night

  • Try to reach the "night level" of "Sa-Matra Wasteland" (Arma 2). In my opinion it just has the best compromise between DayZ hardcore-gameplay and accessibility, also it just looks amazing.

  • IMPROVE THE LOOT SPAWN SYSTEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! The balancing right now is totally frustrating. Sometimes you search 30 houses and find absolutely NOTHING. It really destroys the fun and the desire to play more/longer. As a result I´m sure more information about any gameplay-feature, bugs, etc. could be gained.


    I´m not talking about adding more weapons or improving the weapon spawnrate, I´m talking about the normal stuff you should find everywhere.


    At the moment all the best equipped dayz players got their outfit and stuff because of server-hopping (at the known weapon-spawnplaces), and that´s so silly, it´s nearly like cheating, forced through the current messed up spawnrate-balance.


  • Spawn loaded weapons.

  • Prevent quitting via ALT + F4 and set a timer for logging out. 60 seconds logout/leave server-timer would be enough to make fights as they always should be, dramatic, intense but fair.

That´s all so far. Would be happy to read what you guys think about it!

PS: Sorry for my bad english :( I hope you can understand everything I wrote.

I posted this text also at http://de.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1tarx2/how_the_alpha_could_be_much_better/



Many good suggestions. 

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Don't spawn loaded weapons, there are enough guns and if I had a clip for my M4 then the game would be far too easy. The fact that I only have 1 clip for my pistol (and much spare ammo) means I can't simply shoot loads of times because reloading is a pain...


What is wrong with the day/night cycle? You're just on the wrong server... I play both day and night so don't mind but yesterday at 2am british time (evening american time) I was on a server that had complete daylight. The better way to fix it would be to fix the flashlight glitch with the light going through the wall and getting head torches to work.


The log off timer is important, and the mod had the inability to log off if you attacked or someone attacked near you and both these things should be implemented.


Disabling the gamma slider will help a little but if you want to cheat you will find a way...

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if you want to cheat you will find a way...


Yeah, but the goal is to prevent using ingame settings or mechanics to cheat. Same thing with logging out in a fight and so on.

The main problem with the night time I see, is that it is so dark and hard to deal with it, most of the people just change the server to get around it, and this cannot be the right thing.

Nighttime could be a alternative thing, a really exciting one with many possibilitys. Maybe it could be a good idea to have different moons and therefore light settings. More light at full-moon for example.

The coolest Arma-night experience so far I got with Arma 2 Sa-Matra Wasteland. It was very dark with bad sight, but not completely unplayable without a light. The atmosphere was just great.

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I have an issue with the "Safe Area" for logging out.  Reminds me to much of the game that shall not be named.  I'm leaning toward a timer.  I think of it as going out, finding a place to hide and sleep.  If someone was following you and they want to kill you while you're sleeping then they were lucky.  So it should be in your best interest to do what you can to make that not happen with a log out timer.

I don't play many MMOs and haven't seen what you guys have.  But from reading the forums here, this is what I have come to feel in regards to DayZ.  My 2 cents.


It would be nice to see something limit the Gamma issue.  I've been having fun running around at night thinking I'm invisible, haha.  I'm starting to think it's not the case if everyone is turning up the gamma to get past it.  At least that's what I've been seeing with every video I've seen with the alpha at night.


I'm starting to feel like I'm in the minority when it comes to wanting this game to be as hard as possible.  I play at night with it almost black.  Yeah it's hard but it's night time.  I can use my light and risk being seen.  I hope a solution can be found to make it worth having nighttime.


I was playing devils advocate before in my last post.

I haven't played yet with friends on here yet.  So I'm not sure if there are legit reasons for not penalizing some one off the bat for switching servers.

I'd say that if someone switches a server, send them back to the coast.  Then people will start doing that to warp back to the coast as a fast travel to start hunting bambis after kitting up.  Well then how about warp them to a random place anywhere on the map.  Then people are just fast traveling all over the map.

Hmmmm perhaps adding a timer that increases with every attempt to change a server.  Maybe.

How about some how limiting the loot on a new server a person hops to so they would have to travel outside a certain radius until they can find something again.  This might work with server reboots as well.  Actually I'm liking this last idea.  Instead of adding a timer on further attempts, just increase the radius around the player.  Do this every time a player starts a game, except for a fresh respawn.



The whole dumbed the game down/ making it easier was what people screamed about in Arma. Now it's not even considered a simulator anymore. FFS stay away from BI games if you want it to be easier or less realistic.


Yeah as BI games move into the spotlight and gain more users, they move from niche to mainstream.  I lament what had happen to the RainbowSix series back in the day.  BI should keep FPS out of Arma and DayZ and just make other game to sate the mainstream.  That's my hope.

Cutting edge GFX seem to bring in the riffraff ;)


I say make DayZ so hard it drives people away.  Then I can play in peace, haha.

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.

your in a huge f*cking map.Hide in a stupid bush for a minute will get you killed?


are you serious or are you trolling? 

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said it once i'll say it again, 60 second timeout for disconnect sucks, you have to keep your escape menu up and don't control your character - so in this case you're a sitting duck for a whole minute for any little fucknut to come along and shoot you dead whether or not your d/con was legit.

If you lack the common sense to log out out in a safe area, then you deserve to die. Simple as that.

I'll gladly take a one minute logout timer in order to eliminate the combat logging cowards.

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Word, the combatlogging HAS to be stopped. Implement a timer on logout now and disable alt+f4.
On top of that, make it so the server keeps the character online for the same amount of seconds as the logout timer is on before your actually getting dc, this prevents people from ninjadc by pulling their internetcable...

Edited by Wh1spY
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your in a huge f*cking map.Hide in a stupid bush for a minute will get you killed?


are you serious or are you trolling?

It is completely possible, especially since the server sizes are gradually going to increase to 100+ people


If you lack the common sense to log out out in a safe area, then you deserve to die. Simple as that.

I'll gladly take a one minute logout timer in order to eliminate the combat logging cowards.

There is no such thing as a "safe area"; no matter where you are on the map someone can kill you if they see you. The problem that I assume you are ignoring, that Gwraspe is clearly making, is that in order to log out, you have to put yourself at a severe disadvantage for 60 seconds while you have the esc tabbed open, and therefor unable to control your character, look around for incoming threats, or react accordingly to any threats that make themselves present during that 60 seconds. Why don't you try constructively criticizing Gwraspe's issue like Wili has done?


  For me atleast, 60 seconds is way too long to wait to log out. I will simply force quit the game (not that I ever combat log). I think a 15-20 second timer is much more reasonable, as sometimes more pressing matters arise in life that are more important than waiting for a game, but that's just my opinion.

Edited by bumwithguns

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  For me atleast, 60 seconds is way too long to wait to log out. I will simply force quit the game (not that I ever combat log). I think a 15-20 second timer is much more reasonable, as sometimes more pressing matters arise in life that are more important than waiting for a game, but that's just my opinion.

We are talking about DayZ, right? The game where you walk and run and do nothing much much longer then actually do something, and you talk about "more important things in real life"? :D COME ONNNNN!!! 60 seconds are just nothing, also the most important part is: This is a great and damn easy way to get rid of the combat loggers. This shitty way of cheating would not be a topic for someone anymore. It is absolutely worth it.

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There is no such thing as a "safe area"; no matter where you are on the map someone can kill you if they see you. The problem that I assume you are ignoring, that Gwraspe is clearly making, is that in order to log out, you have to put yourself at a severe disadvantage for 60 seconds while you have the esc tabbed open, and therefor unable to control your character, look around for incoming threats, or react accordingly to any threats that make themselves present during that 60 seconds. Why don't you try constructively criticizing Gwraspe's issue like Wili has done?




Paranoid much? Is it really that hard to find a safe spot to log off?


I think the general point here is that if you're in a firefight, was just in a firefight, witnessed a firefight or believe you are about to be in a firefight then you probably shouldn't be thinking about logging off. If you are then find a safe spot, make sure you weren't followed and log off. I hate to come off as a smart ass, but this really isn't rocket science.

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Paranoid much? Is it really that hard to find a safe spot to log off?


I think the general point here is that if you're in a firefight, was just in a firefight, witnessed a firefight or believe you are about to be in a firefight then you probably shouldn't be thinking about logging off. If you are then find a safe spot, make sure you weren't followed and log off. I hate to come off as a smart ass, but this really isn't rocket science.

I don't think I'm being paranoid, just sensible. The truth is no one has ever played in a server with the amount of players that will eventually be allowed (over 100, close to 200 I believe). So we really don't know how viable a 60 second log off timer would be. I agree that people shouldn't be able to log off in a firefight, so maybe a shorter timer along with a reset if shots are fired near the player could be implemented.


We are talking about DayZ, right? The game where you walk and run and do nothing much much longer then actually do something, and you talk about "more important things in real life"? :D COME ONNNNN!!! 60 seconds are just nothing, also the most important part is: This is a great and damn easy way to get rid of the combat loggers. This shitty way of cheating would not be a topic for someone anymore. It is absolutely worth it.

 I just don't see how a whole 60 second timer is necessary when a 15 second timer that will reset if action happens near the player would do the job just as well, and let players answer the door if someone knocks without having to fear a random stray zombie coming along and eating their AFK character.

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