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How to get M4 in Minutes.

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  I've been playing for eight hours total. In that eight hours I had found zero guns, and was forced to eat rotten fruit to combat starvation since I had no way to open canned foods. I wondered aimlessly through the woods and stumbled upon an airfield where I found an M4 and a ten round clip.

  This is why I like this game. In my opinion if you use online maps or loot exploitation like mentioned in this thread you are cheating yourself and will not be playing this game for too long. Which is fine with me.

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Anybody with some brains will have the idea to go to a low pop server for a more private looting experience. So really this "manual" is as superflous as the bitching about it.

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As long as loot dont respawn unless there is a server restart, this is a good idea.

There is nothing fun in joining a high pop server with everything already looted and nothing spawning back

Edited by Gnomechompski

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however it would be curbed immensely if they would put a proper loot timer in high pop servers...instead of the silly when its gone its gone mechanic...


I will not go to a server where I know has been poached of all loot and this experience becomes nullified by some game mechanic, i will play on a server that I know has a chance of re populating the loot.


its simple...


turn on the old loot timer from dayz mod with proximity and all that, at least people arent jumping from server to server as much...

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Don't do it the easy way until you are bored of the game... Doing it legit is so much more rewarding :)

I stocked up on basic shitgear for an hour in cherno, then made my way to ballota. All of this on a full server. I took my time to take not of the current situation on the airfield. Saw a few guys with M4's crossing the airfield a few times. One was chasing the other into the barracks, killing him. I took my shit together, ran as fast as I could and knocked the guy in the head with my fire extinguisher. There we go... Fully equiped and a story to tell my grandchildren (lol)

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