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alaskafish (DayZ)

Random Character Wipes/Resets when Joining the same Official Server? [Possible Bug/Discussion]

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happened to me last night. normally I'm able to get out of the server and rejoin a different one with my original char but wasn't able to last night. maybe it was the wine

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I've found I've had no problems by following these guidelines:


1: Don't join servers that have JUST restarted or have no people on them, as they are the least likely to be connected to the character data server


2: Don't combat log. I haven't tried this, but I think CLogging doesn't give the character server enough time to make a proper backup of your character, therefore corrupting and/or deleting it


3: In your server filter, set the Battleye Required to YES. As I understand it, I think the Battleye Global bans and Character data is stored on the same server. Switching this setting to YES ensures that the server you are connected to WILL have the latest Battleye as well as connection to the Global Ban server, and with that, the character data server.


#1 is the most crucial, as I found that fails my character EVERY time. #3 is second, as with it set to YES I have gone through 15+ servers between Regular and Hardcore and not experienced many issues (not nearly as many as normal). Rarely has immediately leaving a server after getting a new character saved my old one, but it has at least twice, so it may not be a bad thing to try if it happens to you.


Hope this helps!

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I've found I've had no problems by following these guidelines:


1: Don't join servers that have JUST restarted or have no people on them, as they are the least likely to be connected to the character data server



Hope this helps!



Yeah, i will keep that in mind for the future. But in the past week one of my friends lost his char this way and yesterday our group of 4 chars were wiped. Server restart - we rejoined and everyone was a freshspawn again.


I found some threads about the same problem in serveral forums which are dating back to january 2014....i'm not pissed because i lost my character to a bug, I'm very pissed because it seems to be a well-known problem, which hasn't been fixed yet.

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This happened to me the other day...I glitched on a roof and died at NWAF.  I respawned just under berezino and went back towards NWAF, but only made it to Gorka (about halfway)after a while of looting my game crashed..(which seems to happen at random every hour or two if I don't switch servers every now and then) and I respawned at factory SE...Needless to say I was pretty bummed...Took a trip to the SE island, which has no loot spawns yet, btw, but still has zombies ofc  So don't bother going there......anyway, swam back to shore and head towards Elektro.  I make it 10 feet into town and by this time it's about an hour later and my game goes down again...I relog to go loot Elektro and BOOM.  Back in Gorka.  I was so confused...But pumped at the same time because I had my SKS and axe back.  So I went back to NWAF and looted to my hearts content, until I joined a 1 man server and got sniped by some nerd who was obviously just sitting there for hours waiting for someone to server hop NWAF...Since this happened, I just join a few diff servers if my character is gone and eventually I'll find one that works and I'll have my stuff back.  Anywho, I have no idea why this happens, but I'm willing to bet the devs are working on it, since it seems to be about a year old problem.

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Same here after 6 hours of streaming it and looting 4000+ people watched that happen and made the game look shit after alot of people where asking if it was worth getting I said no way after that its all on vod now and all that happend was a reset 

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Jesus people, don't join servers when they have just restarted, wait till it's showing at least 1 minute past the hour before joining, I've never lost a character since I started doing this.

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Never join a server with an even time, ie 8:00, 9:20, 13:40. If it's 8:01, 9:21, 13:41 then fire away.

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