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When will we see the sun?

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Well, what do you guys think?

When will we see servers that don't follow the current time in the area the server is hosted? Because NightZ is getting kinda old


Thanks for taking away the gamma trick by the way, not like it made it a bit more playable....


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I found one today. It's still daytime as well. Don't just try different servers, also try different hosts. Vilayer and gameservers all seem to be night for me.

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People complain too much :(

I don't understand why you don't appreciate me sneaking behind you and taking your pants right from under you.
The rush you feel at night when you stalk someone.
The adrenaline you get....oh god its ******** ORGASMIC

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People complain too much :(

I don't understand why you don't appreciate me sneaking behind you and taking your pants right from under you.

The rush you feel at night when you stalk someone.

The adrenaline you get....oh god its ******** ORGASMIC


We appreciate it alright, we just wish we could appreciate 50% and be able to actually see anything the other 50%.

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When you play on a daytime server? There's plenty. >.>

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We appreciate it alright, we just wish we could appreciate 50% and be able to actually see anything the other 50%.

The smells of stolen pants at night though....

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I live in the UK. (It's 01:47)


The UK Based Servers are currently as follows (I think)


MPGS - Day

Vilayer - Night

Gameservers - Night


So I'm guessing Vil and Gam are at UK time.


I can confirm that GameServers servers are set to 'local machine time' after restarts/crashes. Though saying that - I've set mine to set to daytime after restarts or crashes, but then progresses through the day gradually as time goes on (as far as I know, I'll be able to confirm/not confirm this tomorrow morning). It's literally just a drop-down menu that the control panel allows you to alter.

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Oh man. I hope you will get to see it.

I saw the daylight yesterday for the first time. and i was blown away. this was soo awesome.


dont force it, let it happen and you will be astoneshed. :D

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how come the dev's havent really opined on this?


Is it the number 1 complaint?


Can we at least know what the local server time is or a simple day/night icon? i mean wtf happened to choice?

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I haven't seen day time in UK servers since i work a 9-5. Also there is no where near enough UK Servers to player ratio. Keep saying it till they add more, I don't care if you think spam, I am sick of games not providing enough servers , especially when its online only .


I know its Alpha, you still sold it for full price £30 , and I deserve a 'space' on a server.

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I've seen nothing but night for the last 20 some hours across various servers.


Getting tired of grey in grey with grey mixed in.

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