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What are your BIGGEST issues in the game?

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Been playing for a bit now and I've noticed quite a few things that I think are probably needing to be adjusted.  And since this is an open ended question I think I'll go first and add in more as time goes on.


1.)  Melee combat is a mess to use at the moment.  I've hit people repeatedly with a crowbar (beyond the point of ridiculous) and they just won't die.  Also, swinging it indoors is insanity.  I can't even tell what the hell I'm hitting inside a building.


2.)  Sick of playing night all day... and all night...


3.)  Food / Water makes zero sense.  I drink water... "I need a drink badly" literally 10 seconds later.


4.)  Weapon availability seems limited to army camps / barracks.  Pretty much what I'm seeing are players server shopping and gearing out rather than playing the way this game is intended.  Its frustrating for players who pick a server and play for 3 hours to be far outgeared by someone who simply switched servers 3-4 times in the exact same spot in less than 5 minutes.  Spreading loot out from these "hot spots" would alleviate that issue markedly... and I'm sure in the end this will be adjusted.


5.)  Wearing an orange rain coat and a chest holster made my clothes fall on the ground and my body appeared invisible.


6.)  Not enough zombies.


7.)  Loot spawn's in general.  You find a gun... no ammo... you find ammo... no gun... you find a gun and ammo.. no mag.  You go to a school and find an m4a1 but you can't find food in the store and I've yet to see a bandage.  Loot needs to be tweaked in short.


8.)  Hitting tab when you're standing by loot is sporadic at best.  I can literally be looking at something and hit tab.... only to not see it. 


9.)  Lack of side-chat.  I know this is a contended issue but from both a player and server administrator point of view it affects the server negatively to not have it.  Having it reduced KoS players and also increased the overall community feel on the server I hosted and not having it makes it feel as though I'm playing by myself even on a packed server.  Hopefully this makes it into the game at some point via a radio and what not.


10.)  People speaking on direct seem to be hearable throughout a whole server in certain instances.



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Oh... I forgot a huge pet peeve... aiming the goddamned flashlight is ridiculous.  Is there a reason my guy doesn't point it at anything in front of him?

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Oh... I forgot a huge pet peeve... aiming the goddamned flashlight is ridiculous.  Is there a reason my guy doesn't point it at anything in front of him?

press space?

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1: Melee combat; I literally can only hit things standing on my right side (left click and hold left click 90% of the time swing to the right, regardless of anything)


2: Zombies walking through the floor. While this is convenient for looting two+ story buildings, it makes supermarkets impossible.


3: Melee combat. Seriously. I have a fucking fireaxe. Let me kill something with it.


4: Mosin Nagant's bugged description (I can't tell what condition mine is in and thusly don't know when I should replace it with new ones I find)


5: Melee Combat. Rocket, what the hell? I know it's an alpha, BUT I HAVE A CROWBAR. WHY ISN'T THE FREEMAN FACEMELTER WORKING?


6: ...tempting to make a Bioshock joke as well, what with the pipe wrench (monkey wrench) not working either


7: Right-clicking "Eat"/"Drink" working 50% of the time if I'm holding anything at the time


8: Inability to pick up/interact with objects without using the vicinity box (Items are too small and ArmA controls are too awkward to grab most things)


9: Awkward-as-hell movement while inside, inability to move through doorways diagonally


10: My headlamp isn't working


11: My gas lamp isn't working


12: Night time is really dark and scary :(


13: Melee combat doesn't work


14: Inability to check ammunition in my Mosin


15: Logging-in while in a building causes interior wall invisibility until I move


16: Changing weapons causes brief sprint (and sometimes changes me into "run mode"), causing me to run (literally) through buildings; I'm scared I'm going to run right through a wall in the top of the Cherno apartments at some point


17: Inability to kill bunnies, due to problems with melee combat


18: ...other things, I'll think of them later


19: Melee combat

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  • Blunt weapons are meant to affect the consciousness of a being; it's better to use a sharp object if you're going for a lethal approach.
  • I believe the server locations are based on real time so try to pick the one that is day in that time.
  • You need to quench your thirst to the point "you feel full" but not too much otherwise you'll face water poisoning.
  • Loot is currently restricted to a set amount due to performance at the moment. I predict the oncoming weeks this will increase gradually.
  • http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154048-bug-reports/
  • Read line 4.
  • Loot is misplaced at the moment and will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Loot will most likely be adjusted to a realistic measurement.
  • Radios are meant to replace "Side Chat" function via text or VOiP. I believe once private servers come to check, administrators are able to talk to players individually. This is my guess.
  • This is a network bubble issue that Rocket stated in one of his streams. This will be fixed as it's a known issue.




Now my issue I have now is just generally client-side performance since it hasn't been touched upon yet. :)

Edited by TIC321

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I agree with you on almost all posts.

Feels like it will take YEARS to get this game good, and yes, I know its an "pre-Alpha", but you gotta be realistic.

Meleeing is a complete joke and I dont know how they gonna improve this that much. Slow response on actions etc.


Just stopped playing after this session with 3 more friends, and all of us were very very dissapointed. Lots of whining on mumble on annoying stuff.

And how was the session then? Well, all we had to do was to run and try to find food and drink, and when we found something, we splitted it up and used it, then after that we had to find even more food and water.

And find vitamins, and find blood, and find blood tests etc etc.


First impressions is that this game will dig its own grave, or atleast Dean Hall will. 


Only got one sentece to say. ITS A PIECE OF CRAP.


/Off to buy WarZlolZ

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Crowbars not OP enough

Splitting Axe seems OP

No server restart warnings(didn't need that flashlight anyway)

No Mosin description

Edited by Pandema

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Edited by Pandema

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The whole "server time is based on location" thing. That's the most preposterous claim I've seen yet. It's not dark outside at noon on the east coast of the US.


No clue about server restart is BAD. 


I miss dayz commander.


If you can't get into a house because the doorway is too high and if you vault, you end up inside the floor. (stay away from Myshkino)


Noobs posting on the forum without a clue as to the meaning of alpha.


Just as easy to lose gear in the inventory system as in the mod.


Otherwise, jolly good show so far!

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Hm ...


Surprisingly I didn't have many problems with the game I expected to have way more. The ones I had were:


1. full servers :P


2. being confused by the food-drink-system though I think I got the hang of it now


3. finding something to eat


3.5 finding a canopener


4. trying to climb down a ladder and suddenly being thrown to the ground then set back on top of the ladder as if I was about to climb down and then seeing a 'You died' screen ... that happened a few time already ...


... that was it I think? Anyway ... I can't believe that this is only a pre-Alpha and already this much fun can't wait to see what Version 1.0 will be like after this is already this awesome!

Edited by Mazram

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About everything still needs polishing...

Overall game is really fun, biggest disappointment for me is lack of different guns.. I'm getting sick of finding only m4s and same pistols at military bases.

I think it will need vehicles, tents and more different guns soon as posibble or it will get boring in about week. I know it's alpha but just giving my opinion.

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Night is to dark and I haven't found any daytime servers I can't even play

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I'll report back when I can actually join a server without getting the "Bad version, server rejected connection" message.

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My biggest issue is the lack of control customization.  If you unbind left and right mouse buttons, then bind left mouse button to walk forward, and right mouse button to fire, right mouse button becomes unresponsive, while left mouse button moves forward AND fires... Kind of game breaking.

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I've seen many people complaining about melee. I was one of them as recently as yesterday. However, today I tried melee combat in first person and it seemed much better. You can clearly see where your axe goes and hit your target more often than not. Have you all tried melee in both first and third person?

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Oh... I forgot a huge pet peeve... aiming the goddamned flashlight is ridiculous.  Is there a reason my guy doesn't point it at anything in front of him?

Yes, user error. The rest of us figured it out. Simple press of a single key. 

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With it being an Alpha I don't really have many issues. So far I really have to agree with everyone and say night is too dark. Way too unrealistic from being in the real world in places representative of DayZ locations. Haven't really had melee combat yet besides getting axed so I can't report on that. I did however hit a zombie with a shovel, really was just swinging away with it since I could not see anything but black, and the zombie stopped making noise and I switched my flashlight and the zombie was 10 yards away from me in an inactive state waiting to be stimulated again.

Oh I will also throw in, I don't like the constant fear I get when I hear soundclips play for no reason. It's happened since I started I get random moments where a zombie will growl or I'll hear the sound of a pop can opening. Freaks me out especially in the pitch black.

Edited by FireMedic772

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So I finally got to play for a while, and so far there is only one issue that I think is really bad. No zombies. I ran from the coast to Vybor and I ran into ONE single zombie... Is that intended or was i just lucky?

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Combat loggers. Tonight i killed 3 guys in a row trying to get some food before i die from starving. All of them logged before i was able to loot a single can of pasta.

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So I finally got to play for a while, and so far there is only one issue that I think is really bad. No zombies. I ran from the coast to Vybor and I ran into ONE single zombie... Is that intended or was i just lucky?

 Unlucky!!..those russian female zombies are kind of sexy...

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I want the devs team to delete this adjust/decrease gamma & brightness option. So there will be no "cheating" with that kind of thing. We should use our flashlights... and risk our game characters. That will be the REAL DAYZ!

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1. Loot. Vanilla mod spawn rate is better right now than SA.

2. Servers NEED to be searchable by in-game time. More time options.

3. Spawn with full stomach and fully quenched. Not sure why we have to start out thirsty. Especially bad due to loot situation. (Not all towns have wells you know.)

4. Would like to see something along the lines of the old HUD but with more info for energy, weakness, etc. The HUD was axed but now we have to monitor text chat or check inventory screen. So what did we gain by this?


If/when the first two issues are addressed, I'll be VERY happy.


I like what I see so far. Most of my other issues have been listed elsewhere.

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