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Smedly (DayZ)

[Feedback] Food + Water, Zombies + Spawns (I know already addressed)

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So I know these have already been addressed on the known Major bugs, but I feel I should enforce the need for the next update.


Please remember this is MY OPINION! :)


Me and my 4 friends have decided that it's basically near unplayable due to these factors as a "Zombie survival MMO game"


1) Food + Water


The food and water in the game is like eating something and having holes in your body and having that food/water leak out of those holes before your body can even do anything with it. Every 2 minutes "You're really hungry!" It's ridiculous. No one eats that much in one day even if they are running.


  I can sit down and have like 4 beans - cooked! and still be hungry as hell! This is probably the major reason me and my friends don't want to play until the update since we're usually friendly and have been FORCED into banditry to survive from food.


2) Zombies


What Zombies? I thought it was a zombie game. I know this issue has been addressed but come on... I see maybe 3 my entire gaming session of 4-5 hours and even then I don't attack them and if I do it's for target practice.


3) Spawns


There's rather too many houses and rooms, or not enough loot. I know this is another known issue but it's ridiculous that I can check an entire apartment complex and come out with 1-2 rotten fruits and a bag or beanie if i'm lucky.



Remember all This is MY OPINION on what needs fixing and I KNOW IT'S BEEN ADDRESSED I just felt like it needed another backbone to shown concern.


You're all doing an amazing job but I don't want to play right now until it's fixed, keep up the good work :)

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You need to remember that this is an Alpher.

Fixing things like this takes time. Even for our God, Dean Hall.


Have patience my little grasshopper :)

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Remember all This is MY OPINION on what needs fixing and I KNOW IT'S BEEN ADDRESSED I just felt like it needed another backbone to shown concern.



You should use one of the existing topics, then. :)


You can find them all in here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154725-index-of-all-the-helpful-threads-you-need-to-read/#entry1550900



Fuck, just realised, this is my 1337th post. :o

Edited by kichilron
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You need to remember that this is an Alpher.

Fixing things like this takes time. Even for our God, Dean Hall.


Have patience my little grasshopper :)


I know it's an alpha, i'm not looking for an early release game I can play for the heck of "YAY EARLY GAME" I want to help test it, but I feel I can't without these issues addressed


You should use one of the existing topics, then. :)


You can find them all in here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154725-index-of-all-the-helpful-threads-you-need-to-read/#entry1550900


I know what you're saying, but I wanted to make my own to show a force of threads that shows the need :)

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I know what you're saying, but I wanted to make my own to show a force of threads that shows the need :)


That's called spamming, mate.



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