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What I think the night should look like;

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The thing is cameras do not see what your eyes see, every sensor is different and every setting is different to allow light to the sensor. Once your eyes have adjusted to night time, you can see quite a lot with the moon and the stars out.

Edited by Miffy

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I just want to throw it out there that some of you motherfuckers might be colorblind and not know it. My best friend in the Army was colorblind as fuck and didn't know it until he got tested at MEPS. He shouldn't have been admitted; he couldn't even tell green from brown and kept buying USMC green undershirts instead of Army brown. His driving with NODs on was....thrilling.

My broader point is this; not every night is the same, not every observer is the same, there is a lot of variation and dudes are talking like they have the color perception of a pregnant woman. I say a little more color would be welcome, especially from light sources. Just don't go overboard. And yes weedz, I have been in the countryside at night. Last night.

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Wait... color and light work differently in Eastern Europe than they do in the rest of the world? Where I come from (the deep forest) it certainly gets pitch ass black in the woods, but street lights and stars still have colors. Objects that reflect light may become imperceptible in the dark, but the color emitted by light does not.

I think the OP is spot on; Arma took a lazy shortcut on nighttime lighting, and Dayz has an opportunity to improve that.

[edit] that is a very bright night and the orange paint could be toned down, but the stars and the street lights are much better.


there's no street lights, it's the apocalypse guys

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there's no street lights, it's the apocalypse guys

There's street lights in the game though. At the least it would be nice to see them distribute light properly.

Edited by FireMedic772

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There's street lights in the game though. At the least it would be nice to see them distribute light properly.


well i didn't notice that, and on that screen, it is obvious that the streets light were added


i think i heard somewhere that rocket wanted to remove streetlights, because there is no public light during the apocalypse

Edited by Inexorable

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well i didn't notice that, and on that screen, it is obvious that the streets light were added


i think i heard somewhere that rocket wanted to remove streetlights, because there is no public light during the apocalypse

Would be nice to be able to set up a generator and such and make a little base. And what do you mean added? They're in the Standalone fully functional in cities and small towns, they just suck at working properly like flashlights. 

Edited by FireMedic772

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Obviously people's experiences of night time will differ a lot depending on where they're from!


I was brought up in the country side, and we've had nights so dark that I could literally not see my hands in front of me. Especially in winter.


On the other hand, now I live in a city and I can't remember the last time anything was completely dark.

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Would be nice to be able to set up a generator and such and make a little base. And what do you mean added? They're in the Standalone fully functional in cities and small towns, they just suck at working properly like flashlights. 


look at the original screen, and look at the colorful one, it is obvious that the light was added on the screen

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Obviously people's experiences of night time will differ a lot depending on where they're from!


I was brought up in the country side, and we've had nights so dark that I could literally not see my hands in front of me. Especially in winter.


On the other hand, now I live in a city and I can't remember the last time anything was completely dark.

Lol must be them sunglasses  B)


But yea it really does vary from person to person. It is amazing though that even in the darkest places, where you can see the sky still I'm not talking about caves or nothing like that, you can still pull light out of it. Granted some places go beyond what we can see but I've done photography that came out beautiful where I couldn't see objects past 50 yards, which apparently compared to what everyone else on here claims they can't see (besides a few people, some of them military guys) is somehow unheard of. Raised in a city too so I don't see how that really plays into things

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look at the original screen, and look at the colorful one, it is obvious that the light was added on the screen

Yea they colored and boomified it like pretty much the whole picture. What I'm saying is the street lamps, there, kamenka, even the tiny ass towns, do output light. It's just completely a fail but there is light output from them. They are dim and light only in a .5 meter radius but the lights do produce light. Enough so my character has to "adjust" to the dark when I walk back into the dark.

Edited by FireMedic772

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I would love lighter nights not as much as the picture but enough where i can get by (sort of) without a light, a light should be used when searching and navigating interiors but i should be able to traverse through the night outdoors (again slightly) without heavily relying on a shity torch.

I love the hyper realism of dayz but end of the day it is a game and if something makes it not fun it's not cool, atm if you don't have a light there's no point playing (for me personally) so i only play in 24/7 day servers but i want to play at night it's just so dark it's not fun (for me) in the slightest and i don't like to use gamma trick so still waiting for the day a lil less cruel nights come into play! (i'll be waiting forever i'm sure)

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I wish they would rewrite lighting though. ArmA has no dynamics at all. It's just like "LET ME  SHOVE THIS COLOR FILTER IN YOUR FACE THAT ALSO ALTERS THE BRIGHTNESS." lol


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The current Dayz nighttime is a little unrealistic, but they wanted to go for atmosphere so I understand.  Still, I would prefer that they brighten night a little bit because the human eye can still see decently well at night (as long as you aren't looking from light to dark quickly).  This is due to the rods/cones in the human retina. However, the black/white vision at night is EXTREMELY accurate because that is how our nightvision works.

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it looks good, but is ridiculously unrealistic. nights don't look like that in that particular part of the world, especially in late autumn.

you guys should go outside more. its not far cry 3 or world of warcraft out there, nights are DARK and making out colours is very difficult.

Some people forget that this is a video game I think...

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Some people forget that this is a video game I think...

Yes, it is a video game. You're talking about a video game where you have to open cans, you need to eat, have to find a bandage when you bleed,  and you'll lose blood. So it's not just a game, it's a simulator. Some people here forget that this is a game about realism.

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That picture is over saturated I agree but besides that it's not half bad to what things really look like. Where I'm at when the moon is out you can see everything pretty well. When the snow comes out it's basically like the sun never finished setting. The color saturation of course is very grey but in that picture, from going from a city all the way out to the dense woods, that's not a horribly inaccurate render for what that specific area would look like in real life. I rendered it to be a little more accurate from my experience. But that's my take. I can also easily go out and do a long exposure that matches what I can physically see as well. I vouch to use no exaggeration in the picture.



This is a bit better imo.


Lighting with a full moon can be quite bright although peronsally i'd still like the shadowed areas to be a bit darker.

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I was surprised to see the power plant untouched from Arma II. I am really hoping they eventually implement power stations. Need two people to carry and a truck to haul the generator parts which only spawn at power stations. Perahaps need two people to craft it inside the power plant. Allow to fix and destroy the power lines and light up the towns. Hopefully when the game is fully implemented more people will play at night. I also think that in one natural day, there should be two Dayz days.


    Escaping the night is cheating, like combat logging, hopping, ghosting etc. 

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To see at night, you need either moon light or artificial lights.


The moon has a mind of it's own, it's not a static object in the sky, it sets and rises and it's usually covered by the Earth's own shadow. DayZ has a realistic lunar calendar, sometimes the moon is up, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's full and sometimes it's new. When you don't have access to the moon and you don't have street lights, because street lights run on power and power plants shut down in minutes or hours, if left unattended, because the plant's workers have developed a sudden taste for brains, then you're left with star light.


You can use the stars to find north, but star light is too weak to distinguish objects and features on the dark side of Earth. You can see when the star sky ends and where it meets the pitch black Earth and that's it. In order to use star light to see with, you need a night vision device, that enhances star light up to thirty thousand times.

Edited by Dallas

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Can some of moderation team foward this to Rocket ? Seriusly epic :)

Edited by metalica24
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