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Is 3rd person really going away?

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[quote='Keurk' pid='165117' dateline='1340307647'

Escape > Option > Game option > turn down the shakes stuff

That setting would be Head Bobbing. Its vomit worthy.

3rd person is a gaming abomination. Kill it with Fire!!!

(it is handy for crawling tho)

This game looks and plays like garbage in 1st person. It's infinitely better in 3rd. If you don't like it, then play 1st person. Choice is king.

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"I don't use 3rd person view and neither should anyone else"

- The main argument of a few on here.

The actual argument goes something along these lines in fact : No third person because you do not have goddamned telescope eyes that can extend magically so you can see around corners. Not to mention the fact that nothing could ever sneak up on a person with a camera following him from 5ft behind them.

Brought to you by the valid argument society.

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"I don't use 3rd person view and neither should anyone else"

- The main argument of a few on here.

The actual argument goes something along these lines in fact : No third person because you do not have goddamned telescope eyes that can extend magically so you can see around corners. Not to mention the fact that nothing could ever sneak up on a person with a camera following him from 5ft behind them.

Brought to you by the valid argument society.

By that stupid logic, then morphine shouldn't fix broken bones, and zoom should be gone also.

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Hey bro

I'm not your bro

this concept may blow your mind' date=' but some people play the game because it's enjoyable. They don't worry about having to be the superior (in their own head) gamer, which is incredibly silly.[/quote']

Sounds like the common console player

I don't play on nametag servers because fuck that cheap crap, but I don't sit around claiming to be more elite than people who do play on nametag servers.

You kind of did, by saying its cheap crap to play on name tag servers.

I never said I was elite, far from it, but the game mode I play is and it's the way it should be played by all. I don't want to play some game that assists me and holds my hand like having a green crosshair or letting myself look around corners in 3rd person. I want challenge in a unique way and this mod provides that.

- start a new life with no weapon= Awesome

- makes night dark as fuck! = Awesome

- make zombies harder = Awesome

How many people are complaining about that?

I will leave it at that. Time to play some dayz @ night

How do I become as bad ass as you? You seem to be one of those elitist fags that like to say you're the best because you play on veterans servers.

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So yes - Console kiddie.

Amazing, even in these forums can an adult man who plays only PC games (on computers that he builds himself) still be called a console kiddie. All because he's not enough of a sperg to care if other players want to use third person or not.

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If the "hardcore" players are serious. Let's get rid of respawning as well. One life per IP address. You die, it's over, the game uninstalls itself, permanently.

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Definitely keep 3rd person. This game dies a horrible, jittery, claustraphobic death without it.

As others have said - leave it as a server side option. Sandbox game, sandbox settings. Pretty simple really.

(lol at the haters - go back to your ultra-vet servers and quit getting butthurt by peeps enjoying the game in all its visual glory...)

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Third person is for scrubs.

Insulting how people play videogames is for real life scrubs.

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Third person is for scrubs.

Insulting how people play videogames is for real life scrubs.

Not sure if trolling or oblivious.

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Third person is for scrubs.

Insulting how people play videogames is for real life scrubs.

Not sure if trolling or oblivious.

Cant tell if trying too hard or just starved for attention...

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Third person is for scrubs.

Insulting how people play videogames is for real life scrubs.

Not sure if trolling or oblivious.

Can't tell if you you're trolling or just feel cool online because you play in 1st person when most people don't want to.

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Third person is for scrubs.

Insulting how people play videogames is for real life scrubs.

Not sure if trolling or oblivious.

Can't tell if you you're trolling or just feel cool online because you play in 1st person when most people don't want to.

Not sure if hypocritical or mad.

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I remember when trolls were good at trolling, not just a bunch of rehashed memes and regurgitated one liners... Gawd at least be creative...

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I remember when trolls were good at trolling' date=' not just a bunch of rehashed memes and regurgitated one liners... Gawd at least be creative...


Trolls are a cliche. Everything they say is a cliche. It's a cliche but it is fucking nauseating.

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I remember when trolls were good at trolling' date=' not just a bunch of rehashed memes and regurgitated one liners... Gawd at least be creative...



Some people are just so sensitive nowadays. Can't even call people who use third person scrubs anymore jeez.

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I know this has been discussed, and that some have said it is going away but nobody has provided a source.

Are there upcoming patch notes or something from Rocket, or is this all speculation?

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Leaving it up to server preference is the perfect solution.

And this is how it already is as we all know. The issues already been solved and everyone "should" be happy. The only problem is that some users here are actually insufferable enough to still care that other people aren't playing the same way they are, on servers they don't even go on. It's probably just a minority on these forums that are actually this dumb.

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You people buy a mil-sim and complain about first person.

I should also mention most of you issues with first person can be fixed in minutes if not seconds

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I only ever use 3rd person as a reference when landing helicopters, if I don't have a co-pilot/crew I have to be able to check if the back rotors are clear. Any other time 3rd person is honestly a hindrance because I use the "flow" of the Arma movement system to my advantage, although of course I use literally every movement key in the game, which means alot of "Keyboard Twister" for my left hand.

Example, I'll be jogging (I double tap shift to make walking default, then hold it the rest of the time to jog, double tap W to sprint ofc), and I'll see or hear something, immediately I can use Alt to look left and right, and behind me to some extent, while still running, and then quickly right click, smoothly enter aiming mode, pop off a few shots if there's something I have to shoot at, right click, back to running, use Alt to look around while moving.

You can also hold alt while aiming to aim in different directions while maintaining your movement direction, which comes in handy for CQC

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