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Not Many zeds in SA?

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Hey guys, iv decided to hang on buying SA for a couple of dayz till my new graphics card arrives, hopefully Thursday :). So for now im just watching some vids. Seems like there aint many zombies and they aren't agroing easy like in the mod.


Just watched some guy running up and down roads in cherno without a train, in the mod if ya run down one of those main roads youd have super agro after ya lol. So what are the zeds actually like from someone whos played??



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Zombies are broken, glitch everywhere, you can hear them everywhere, Invisible ones too.


It is Alpha so I wouldn't be too bothered with them right now, Bigger Issues.

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They usually get a few smacks in before you're able to kill them with a melee. Best I've been able to pull off yet is only taking a single hit before killing the mindless wretch. They are very sparse but I attribute that to server stability - they'll gradually increase the amount until servers become unstable or the zombie pop is solid. A lot of people were complaining about the clunkiness of melee. I think its perfect. It also seems that zed damage is turned way down compared to 1.8. I've been hit a total of 8 or 9 times and I'm still all gravy. Just got my feedback to say my wounds are clean. :)

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It is an alpha, your not going to see any too massive amounts of entities in one place for the most part, but they are tougher now and even a small group of them can prove a problem if your in tight places.

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In addition to there not being that many infected on each server to begin with the respawning is disabled for the moment. A few hours in a server would be quite depopulated.

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Please tell me that its planned to enable loot respawns and zed respawns....wouldn't be the same game if they didn't lol...... and yes I know its an alpha lol


I think the spawning should be amoungst (if not THE) first thing(s) that should be worked on :)

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Yes, respawning of both loot and zombies will be enabled in the future. :)


My guess would be that it is like this right now to test how the server performs with both players and zombies, without other semi-related mechanics bugging up or eating performance.

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I've heard a few but have yet to see one.

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Melee is so much more amazing, why would anyone complain about it?

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Melee is so much more amazing, why would anyone complain about it?

Idk man. It looks clunky in the vids but performs flawlessly in practice.

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For now that is a good thing!!!   I tried clubbing a zed with a pipe wrench.... zed to like 7 hits to go down, and just as he died...I went unconcious....joining the zed ranks after the other two in the area ate me :)

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