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What are the CURRENT Standalone Weapons

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Hey guys! I was just curous if anyone knew all of the weapons CURRENTLY usable in the Standalone? Maybe we could even make this a thread for confirmed weapons I can update?

I'll start I guess. This is mostly for Guns but I'll add Melee too

(I'm going to exlude things like screwdrivers *for now*)




.45 Pistol (can't remember the name, name only shows sometimes)


Baseball Bat


Fire Axe

Monkey Wrench


Kitchen Knife

Thta's all I got! PLEASE reply and I'll update!

Edited by zachgibson22

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Ive found an axe and a mosin 9130. I saw two guys earlier and they both had rifles, but idk what they were.


In the name of research, you should have stunned them with your Mosin - the players don't die, they just go to sleep - and had a look at their gear. All these "kill on sight" players are misunderstood. They're researchers.

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There is the FNX  45 Pistol


Also additional melee weapons include:


Fire Extinguisher


Edited by Komalt

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