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Food and Drink timer too short

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So me and a few of my buddies just played the DayZ standalone for the first time.


Problems that we found are:


Your player gets critically hungry/thristy far too quick, after meeting up we tried heading north to find loot (all the cost had been ravaged by others) we couldn't even make it to the next town up from balota before we had people passing out due to hunger and thirst.


Too many items need other harder to find items to use them.  by this I mean simple things such as can openers. we found loads of food, but we couldn't eat any of it. due to the fact that can openers seemed to be the rarest type of loot on earth. I like the idea of having to use things to get into cans but give me a can and a knife and i can get into that bad boy... hell even the pen i found could of granted me access to my can of sardines. hammers/screw drivers/spanners a number of items which could be used to batter open a can of spaghetti. but to my knowledge only can openers do the job.


even after eating and drinking all the available food to us, within second the dialog was coming up "i'm hungry" "i'm thirsty" "my head hurts" "my stomachs growling" "my feet hurt" I feel like the game is nagging me to death. 


Basically I think you need to increase the timers on the hunger and thirst... to a few hours or something, not a few seconds.


please sort this out as currently it kinda makes it unplayable



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please sort this out as currently it kinda makes it unplayable





Dean has stated many times "Don't buy this game."


I made it to Vybor with a ton of supplies running alone before I passed out. It's NOT unplayable by any means.

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It's about to rain people calling "Alpha".

Damn, I was going to inb4 people inb4'ing people calling alpha, too late  :(


It is an alpha though, just sayin'..


^j/k, it's good to report things like this so it can be noticed and adjusted accordingly, BUT it's to be expected and will be fixed so don't make a big thing out of it.


Also I think this is the wrong section, might have to go in general discussion? It's just this is the mod area now, not that important though.

Edited by Chris529

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Dean has stated many times "Don't buy this game."


I made it to Vybor with a ton of supplies running alone before I passed out. It's NOT unplayable by any means.


I am aware that it is in Alpha. I'm pointing out a thing they need to improve on. thus the whole point of games going through Alpha and Beta testing.


Also playing as a group it is unplayable, because by the time you meet up you've already used up most of your short time before passing out due to nagging.

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You can use knifes and bayonets to open cans.


I did try a knife but i couldn't get it to work, maybe it was just glitching out at the time.

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Haha, I like that you can't say anything without people calling "Alpha"

Whats the point of Alpha, if he can;t offer constructive criticism? It didnt read as bitching. 


I agree. You shouldn't DIE (or go unconscious, which at this point is pretty much the same thing) after a few hours of no food or water. Even if you have been running a lot. I'd be thirsty for sure. 


I'm fine with the scarcity of loot, but I think thirst and hunger should reflect more real world time, or have less drastic an effect, like, shaking or blurred vision because you're hungry or thirsty. 



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I did try a knife but i couldn't get it to work, maybe it was just glitching out at the time.

I'm told they don't work atm, they need to fix that fast.

As for me I already have one in under an hours playtime.

And a can of food gives you four feeds :D

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Don't sprint.  Meeting up is harder which I personally don't mind atm.

But then you're on the move for longer.

And you'll probably still starve.

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But then you're on the move for longer.

And you'll probably still starve.



Yes, you move slower but your thirst/hunger is reduced much slower from my experience.


I'm almost certain the majority of people passing out were sprinting non-stop like this was the mod.

Edited by SausageKingofChicago
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I think the big issue is that you start out thirsty/hungry. Once you satiate yourself for the first time keeping up is not too hard. My friends and I are running/turboing more or less continuously yet we have no indicators active because even at full sprint it takes like an hour to go hungry (once you're well satiated) and quite a few minutes to get thirsty (my current character has been alive for about 6 hours). Furthermore, there are waterbottle/canteens all around and wells at most cities. I currently have 2 full canteens and perhaps 4 sodas  (as well as a bunch of food). I think that the current loot system rewards people who passed the initial step but the initial step is, of course, hard. I actually starved to death as my first char today as I couldn't find any food stuff (and you have like an hour before you die). Also, I noticed that if you are hit by zombies you can get sick/bleed and then the thirst/hunger gets to you even faster.

Edited by ival

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It's also better to stay out of the sun too to avoid dehydration.


I believe the timers for the hunger is quite short, the thirst is fine as you are able to drink as much as you can in exception of dying from water poisoning.

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I agree with the OP. I seem to have to eat and drink much more often than I would in the same situation in real life.


It's a very early alpha build and I'm sure that these issues will be tweaked/fixed very soon though. :)

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Yes, you move slower but your thirst/hunger is reduced much slower from my experience.


I'm almost certain the majority of people passing out were sprinting non-stop like this was the mod.

Yes, they probably don't know they need rests.

I go full speed 24/7 (giggity) but every now and again when it says I feel tired or something I sit for a couple.

I find after cramming myself full of water at a pond and cramming myself with tuna that it will say "my stomach feels full" after that I literally haven't gotten a prompt in over an hour.

I have done the occasional cram as I find food I have no room for.

Just don't drink sodas from nightstands, from my experience you die instantly (but when I rejoined it seems it didn't save me dying :D catastrophe averted) I still haven't died legitimately and that I'm quite proud of.

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i agree with the above as from personal experience i got so far i think when you got to the point were your character is satisfied the time between these messages goes down extremely 

you just need a good amount of food and drinks to get yourself beyond this critical point and build up a good reserve of energy and water on your character

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i agree with the above as from personal experience i got so far i think when you got to the point were your character is satisfied the time between these messages goes down extremely 

you just need a good amount of food and drinks to get yourself beyond this critical point and build up a good reserve of energy and water on your character

Yep, I'm not sure what happens if you keep eating after 'my stomach feels full' throw it all up? Hehehe what fun, somebody test this for me.

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somebody posted a sheet here in this forum (can't find the link now) with the messages and what the mean

but if you eat to much there appears something like "i fell i have to vomit"

i just got this myself

i think if you eat to much you may have a chance of getting sick or something like that

Edited by Cypher775

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somebody posted a sheet here in this forum (can't find the link now) with the messages and what the mean

but if you eat to much there appears something like "i fell i have to vomit"

i just got this myself

i think if you eat to much you may have a chance of getting sick or something like that

Yay! Force feed peoples guts out!

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I agree with the OP. I seem to have to eat and drink much more often than I would in the same situation in real life.


It's a very early alpha build and I'm sure that these issues will be tweaked/fixed very soon though. :)

Same with me... Realize the following situation: You Start the game hungry and thirsty... Next to the Coast and If you follow the Coast to a place to loot, YOU ARE DEAD, someone will kill you... (Happened to me) If you try a NOT OBVIOUS looting place to go, you won't reach it before death from starvation... This way, I guess, people only will kill each other to steal their food or drinkings... Let's Try Fix it! Tks Guys!!

Edited by blankfile99

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Same with me... Realize the following situation: You Start the game hungry and thirsty... Next to the Coast and If you follow the Coast to a place to loot, YOU ARE DEAD, someone will kill you... (Happened to me) If you try a NOT OBVIOUS looting place to go, you won't reach it before death from starvation... This way, I guess, people only will kill each other to steal their food or drinkings... Let's Try Fix it! Tks Guys!!


I've since realised that hunger/thirst only depletes this fast if you run around too much. It's really not a problem, just don't sprint everywhere.

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I've since realised that hunger/thirst only depletes this fast if you run around too much. It's really not a problem, just don't sprint everywhere.


I did it and it didn't work... I eat something and drink a lot of water from the water pump... and about 5 min. The Message appeared "I'm Thirsty" ... My character looks like to be in a big hangover... lol

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