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Initial thoughts of the SA...

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1. Not being able to have Day only servers is annoying, the gamma/brightness issue still hasn't been fixed as seen.... http://s24.postimg.org/upbwnjhwl/2013_12_16_00002.jpg


2. Melee has been made worse, before it was rather satisfying and you felt like you hit where you aimed, with the new system it feels so clunky and bad that I just choose to run away instead, it is far inferior to what was a bad system before any ways.


3. People are talking on their mics and it seems like they're broadcasting over the whole server, it's very annoying hearing someone shout MOTHERFUCKER over what I'm guessing is a bugged side chat, as it was meant to be disabled.


4. The inventory system and controls are worse, It just doesn't work half the time and bugs out a lot, like weapons you drop stay on that action bar at the bottom. Also vicinity doesn't show stuff even though I'm clearly looking at it, I'm confused when I press f to pick stuff up, where it is meant to be going... sometimes it goes to me hand and sometimes to my inventory? I had the whole system it's so bad, the mod is far better. I keep dragging stuff and it isn't clear where it is meant to go :S


5. The zombies are bugged, they keep making sounds even though they're not aggro'd, the walk under buildings instead of going up stairs and they all stay still instead of roam. They don't see as good either, have a hard time attacking you and keep walking to where you were all the time. There are also hardly any zombies around...


6. Where is the loot? It seems rather scarce, going into a building that you know no one has been in before and there being no loot on any level is just annoying.


7. I hate the new chat system of giving you feedback, I fall unconscious all the time and it's like wtf? I've drank, I've eaten....


8. No way to tell what server you're on after you joined it? Really annoying as characters don't seem to carry over and if I want friends to play I have to remember.


9. Only night time servers? I tried joining US and EU ones and all are night time. 


I know this is an alpha and there will be tons of bugs, just giving feedback. I would take deans advice and wait, it isn't as good or as playable as the mod is yet. Obviously I'm not complaining, I knew what I was buying, this is just feedback..

Edited by Miffy
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Any nice points ? How about the fluidity of your char compared to the mod, i cannot play the mod anymore because of that alone. Took me a while to work out the items and how to interact with them as well.

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Any nice points ? How about the fluidity of your char compared to the mod, i cannot play the mod anymore because of that alone. Took me a while to work out the items and how to interact with them as well.

The game can't be improved if we only point out whats good about the game and not whats bad.

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My evening (a copy from my thread over at Musty)


Testing DayZ SA was one thing.

Playing in a 50/50 server tonight was a brand new experience however.


My evening involved a comical murder in Cherno. As I was creeping through Cherno, I saw someone was sprinting through with a torch - lighting everything up in bold white hues. I saw this and took this as a sign that someone needs Survival 101. I followed him, and gently sang a slower version of Gold by Spandeu Ballet over Direct. He looked around and panicked, fleeing into the Cherno hospital. 

He ran into me and my splitting axe, and that was the end of (what I can expect was) one of his first lives on DayZ Standalone.


After that, I met a new guy and gave him a 101 on DayZ, as he didn't really have a clue. We chased after a survivor and asked him to be handcuffed to test it all out. He agreed, and was handcuffed. I took all his possessions, including a nice pristine pistol and shot him dead - disarmed and captive. I then proceeded to turn and shoot the chap I had guided thus far.

It was fun to kill anything that moved during the testing stage, but now it's real people, I had an overwhelming sense of "Wow, I'm a complete cunt", and have now decided that those 3 people were the first and last people I shall kill in SA (unless fired on, obvs)


If you're reading this, chaps that I needlessly murdered this evening - then I apologise.

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My evening (a copy from my thread over at Musty)


Testing DayZ SA was one thing.

Playing in a 50/50 server tonight was a brand new experience however.


My evening involved a comical murder in Cherno. As I was creeping through Cherno, I saw someone was sprinting through with a torch - lighting everything up in bold white hues. I saw this and took this as a sign that someone needs Survival 101. I followed him, and gently sang a slower version of Gold by Spandeu Ballet over Direct. He looked around and panicked, fleeing into the Cherno hospital. 

He ran into me and my splitting axe, and that was the end of (what I can expect was) one of his first lives on DayZ Standalone.


After that, I met a new guy and gave him a 101 on DayZ, as he didn't really have a clue. We chased after a survivor and asked him to be handcuffed to test it all out. He agreed, and was handcuffed. I took all his possessions, including a nice pristine pistol and shot him dead - disarmed and captive. I then proceeded to turn and shoot the chap I had guided thus far.

It was fun to kill anything that moved during the testing stage, but now it's real people, I had an overwhelming sense of "Wow, I'm a complete cunt", and have now decided that those 3 people were the first and last people I shall kill in SA (unless fired on, obvs)


If you're reading this, chaps that I needlessly murdered this evening - then I apologise.

welcome to dayz killfest

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Any nice points ? How about the fluidity of your char compared to the mod, i cannot play the mod anymore because of that alone. Took me a while to work out the items and how to interact with them as well.


Fluidity feels the same, which is pretty bad of course this is pre-alpha and im sure will be greatly improved for beta onwards but still its a big part of the game.


PS. My flash light doesn't work. 

Edited by MandatoryDDs

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You have to double tap f now to turn on your flash light, you have to drag it to hand, then click x to take it off? Equipping is like double tapping one as a single tap doesn't do it, yet sometimes double tapping makes it come out and go back in again?


It isn't as good as the mod in any way so far, I cannot see the lighting either because every server seems to be night time. I don't like the torch much, it seems to light something up or it doesn't, there is no gradual fade like a real torch. 


It'll probably be something I play on or off as it isn't good atm.


Breaking Point on ARMA 3 has a much better UI and control system, they should copy that.

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Fluidity feels the same, which is pretty bad of course this is pre-alpha and im sure will be greatly improved for beta onwards but still its a big part of the game.


PS. My flash light doesn't work. 


 Really ?I jumped into the mod the other night and my char felt like he was made of bricks compared to sa. I got stuck in every fucking door i came across, tripped and died on a small ledge, got stuck swapping guns when i didn't want to and generally moved like i was in a stop motion movie from 1911.

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 Really ?I jumped into the mod the other night and my char felt like he was made of bricks compared to sa. I got stuck in every fucking door i came across, tripped and died on a small ledge, got stuck swapping guns when i didn't want to and generally moved like i was in a stop motion movie from 1911.


For me personally I prefer the movement of the mod, I dunno it gave me a sense of weight and place in the world, though I agree with doorways. I don't really like ARMA 3 or Dayz SA movement all that much, but I spose I have to live with it now as it wont be changing. 

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Some interesting points. Having seen gameplay and read what people have to say, the game doesn't seem that impressive. I've been playing since last May (I think) but had to make a new piece of shit account because I can't recover my old one. Oh well.


Most important to me is system performance, how does the game run on your system?


Btw, don't forget that posting anything negative about this game on this forum will NEVER get paid much attention to, most of the people are too busy circlejerking eachother off about how awesome this game is. Oh shit and please don't forget the almighty get out of jail free card that is "IT'S STILL IN ALPHA LOLOLOLOL"

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1. Not being able to have Day only servers is annoying, the gamma/brightness issue still hasn't been fixed as seen.... http://s24.postimg.org/upbwnjhwl/2013_12_16_00002.jpg


2. Melee has been made worse, before it was rather satisfying and you felt like you hit where you aimed, with the new system it feels so clunky and bad that I just choose to run away instead, it is far inferior to what was a bad system before any ways.


3. People are talking on their mics and it seems like they're broadcasting over the whole server, it's very annoying hearing someone shout MOTHERFUCKER over what I'm guessing is a bugged side chat, as it was meant to be disabled.


4. The inventory system and controls are worse, It just doesn't work half the time and bugs out a lot, like weapons you drop stay on that action bar at the bottom. Also vicinity doesn't show stuff even though I'm clearly looking at it, I'm confused when I press f to pick stuff up, where it is meant to be going... sometimes it goes to me hand and sometimes to my inventory? I had the whole system it's so bad, the mod is far better. I keep dragging stuff and it isn't clear where it is meant to go :S


5. The zombies are bugged, they keep making sounds even though they're not aggro'd, the walk under buildings instead of going up stairs and they all stay still instead of roam. They don't see as good either, have a hard time attacking you and keep walking to where you were all the time. There are also hardly any zombies around...


6. Where is the loot? It seems rather scarce, going into a building that you know no one has been in before and there being no loot on any level is just annoying.


7. I hate the new chat system of giving you feedback, I fall unconscious all the time and it's like wtf? I've drank, I've eaten....


8. No way to tell what server you're on after you joined it? Really annoying as characters don't seem to carry over and if I want friends to play I have to remember.


9. Only night time servers? I tried joining US and EU ones and all are night time. 


I know this is an alpha and there will be tons of bugs, just giving feedback. I would take deans advice and wait, it isn't as good or as playable as the mod is yet. Obviously I'm not complaining, I knew what I was buying, this is just feedback..


A few of the issues you raised i have brought up during the development of Dayz i am conferdent it will all be fixed in time. With the amount of work rocket and the guys had to do getting the basic game architect in place its understandable some of the other systems are not yet perfect. But if you saw the game a good few months ago you would see alot of changes have been made.


I was very concerned with the zeds if i am honest a few weeks ago the behavior and the way they attack and the total amounts spawning had me very concern i've spent the last 4-5 months trying to squeeze everything i can from the arma2 ones so seeing the SA zeds not yet perfect did concern me a little but i am conferdent the team will have these issues resolved as time goes on.

The char info system was also a big concern for myself and others but again Rocket has been made aware of this so hopefully feedback is what we need to get this issue corrected :-)

The game is an alpha the question is do you see the potential in DayZ to help make it everything it can be :-)

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I've had time to get used to the controls, my problem with them is they haven't fixed anything, they've just swapped one poor system for another and vicinity is the most unreliable thing ever. Like I said I think Breaking point in ARMA 3 does a much better job, I never had any problems picking up loot in that mod, though that might just be an ARMA 3 thing, I dunno as I haven't actually played the core game.


Also does any one know how you can tell what server you're on once you've joined and forgotten? It's really annoying as it makes it hard to play with friends and you cannot copy or paste the IP before you join either. 


The unconscious thing is something that will have the most complaints, I'm seeing a lot of random bodies out there that I know haven't been shot, It's happened to me 3 times and my mate gave up after it happened to him lol. 

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