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Make it possible to eat raw meat?

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What about to be able to eat raw meat, but get less blood back as with cooked meat? Maybe 100(edited)? You can also make your vision blurred for few minutes as not all of ppl are Bear Grylls...

Cuz, if you are really, I mean really hungry, you will eat anything to stay alive, the raw meat included. Now we can die by starvation with full backpack of raw meat...

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You get 800 blood with cooked one, and you want to get 1000 with uncooked ? I guess you meant 100.

Well, as long as you get a chance to get infected with disease or a parasite that would fuck you up in some way, ok.

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I was wondering earlier if that was already possible or not because, like you said, people would eat raw meat if it came down to it.

Oh, and btw, cooked meat gives 800 so for raw, I would lower to about 500hp.

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Priority here is to fill your stomach and then to give you more hp back. So I am fine with 100 hp of raw meat. But first is to save life against the starvation.

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very good idea mate, i think that in desperation when you need to eat you should be able to eat raw meat, this would only restore100 but keep you alive! well done

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I agree, 100HP would be great, esp for fighting hunger when you have full health.

Also, raw meat isn't bad for you if its cut right, in fact, its better for you (Humans are the only animal that figures meat needs to be cooked before you can eat it... BTW.) But I can see a random person not knowing how to cut meat cleanly and so could contaminate it. So a nice middle ground, is just making raw meat give very low blood back. No need for % to get sick. If you have a % to get sick, then you should have raw meat give 800HP and a % to get sick, or cooked meat give 800HP and 0%(or low) to get sick.

Sickness comes from ill-cut meats, or OLD meat that has been given the chance to become contaminated. So the longer the meat is just.. LOL, in your bag, it could get contaminated. But really, most contamination with raw meats come from the animal it self. Skin, hooves, guts being cut open and shit getting on it. Perhaps allow players to eat raw meat for only 2-3 hours after its been cut (this is a reasonable real time frame for FRESH raw meat to be eaten if left out).

It would be really cool if you could capture chickens, and use say fences, and have them spawn an egg once a day :D (I have chickens)

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This thread has cursed me. I'm stuck in the middle of who-knows-where with a hunger bar almost at flashing red, and I got 5 lumps of raw meat in my inventory but no matchbox to make a fire. I would gladly not play for a week until this feature gets put in because I really don't want to lose my guy. This has never happened before until I read this thread. :dodgy:

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OR it could give you 600 hp but there is a high chance for a desease that kills you realy slow.

and maybe add some blury vision to it.

And you can only remove the desease with morphine.

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And you can only remove the desease with morphine.


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I agree meat should be able to be consumed raw, with a small change of getting an infection. Antibiotics should therefor be made less rare.

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I'm for quite the contrary, make canned food give 300 blood, but only when cooked, else wise it should only give 100.

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Errrr noo, unless ye can do it immediately, i already think ye shouldnt be able to carry round raw/cooked meat for ages without it going off.

Surely what your suggesting is slow suicide. BLeh.

Maybe if when the meat went off ye could throw it as a distraction for zeds, or a head fuck for survivors.

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I like where this is going, and thinking about what has been mentioned about future updates that allow players to create more permanent camp/base constructions, some of these suggestions might work now, and some later on when new features are added.

1) Raw meat goes bad after 1 day. If you are carrying bad meat, Zeds can detect you from (25% perhaps) further away.

2) More ways to start a fire than just with matches.

- New belt item: tinder that could be found or harvested from the wooden furniture in houses or dead trees. Could be done with either the axe or hunting knife.

- The bottom of used soda cans when polished can be used as a lens to focus the sun during only sunny days in direct sunlight.

- Gunpowder removed from rounds (used with tools from the toolbox) could be used in combination with the old sticks/friction process, or hell, even a muzzle flash might do the trick in a pinch, with maybe only a 25% chance of success per round fired. Would only work when it's not raining.

- Fill old whiskey bottles with fuel, have them work like canteens, but for fireplaces, and ignite with either of the two methods above.

- If you had a vehicle but no matches, you could strip wires from the vehicle and use the sparks to start a fire.

- Batteries (new belt item) + wire = sparks = fire. Could be used for flashlights as well.

2) Cooked meat lasts for 4 days, then goes bad, same as rotten meat above.

3) If one could find salt (new item), then a tent could be used to preserve the meat through salting, and would not go bad. However, in real life this would take a few weeks to complete, but for playability sake, maybe make the process last 3-5 days. In exchange for preservation, salted meat would only restore 600 health. The tent could attract dogs/wolves (if they are added) with a percentage chance of either they appear while you are at the tent or came by and raided the tent while you were gone.

4) Meat, raw or cooked, should take up less slots, maybe 2-3 for one slot.

I see no reason for getting less healing points from cold canned food rather than hot/cooked. Maybe if cooked, canned food would give the same benefits as a heatpack for the same duration, but not much else.

Edit/addition: Raw meat could be dropped to distract Zeds, but not guaranteed (25% chance per raw steak dropped, maybe the Zeds don't notice it in their frantic rage.) This could work for the upcoming dogs/wolves as well, but with a greater success rate (near 75%).

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You can eat raw meat safely if it is a fresh kill. You can't eat packaged meat raw though. The mass of salmonella or other food born bacteria from uncooked meat is due to mass production and poor quality control. That's how people get salmonella from fresh spinach. Runoff from meat packing plants make it to veggie farm.

Also, when you cook meat it loses nutritional value. Fresh raw meat would actually give you more blood. I am not trying to disagree with everyone. This is supposed to be a sim and facts are facts. :P

Raw meat could have a timer. The older it gets the more likely you will get sick if you eat it raw.

Once the game has more stats. Eating raw meat could screw with your sanity or state of mind in some way if you do it all the time.

Edited by REVOLT

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Also, raw meat isn't bad for you if its cut right, in fact, its better for you (Humans are the only animal that figures meat needs to be cooked before you can eat it... BTW.)

So, eating meat that isn't fully cooked can kill you (salmonella, ecoli, to name a few), but eating completely raw meat is perfectly okay?

Yeah. Makes sense.

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If you were starving (flashing red) and were going to die, surely you would eat the raw meat regardless of whether there was a chance it was diseased or not?

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It would be really cool if you could capture chickens, and use say fences, and have them spawn an egg once a day :D (I have chickens)

This is DayZ, not Minecraft.

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If you were starving (flashing red) and were going to die, surely you would eat the raw meat regardless of whether there was a chance it was diseased or not?

No. Because raw meat does not even register as food to me. Trading one dangerous situation for another is not getting you out of a dangerous situation.

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Yup, you should be able to eat raw meat. Cooked meat = 800hp, Canned food = 200hp, Raw meat = 0hp and 1/100 chance to get infection. More uses for antibiotics.

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Seeing this as a Modder, for Balancing-Reasons cooked Meat should give 800hp and raw Meat only 200hp. It should be a Challenge and more difficult to get more Blood from Animal-Meat.

I don't like the Idea of being diseased by eating raw Meat.

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So, eating meat that isn't fully cooked can kill you (salmonella, ecoli, to name a few), but eating completely raw meat is perfectly okay?

Yeah. Makes sense.

Way to not understand what they are saying.

Eating raw meat that has been stored longer (doesn't matter how it is packed) is more dangerous than eating meat from an animal that you just killed a few seconds ago(if cut right like allready stated).

This is a fact.

All the bacteria you mentioned are usually not present in the meat of a wild animal.

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Sickness comes from ill-cut meats, or OLD meat that has been given the chance to become contaminated. So the longer the meat is just.. LOL, in your bag, it could get contaminated. But really, most contamination with raw meats come from the animal it self. Skin, hooves, guts being cut open and shit getting on it. Perhaps allow players to eat raw meat for only 2-3 hours after its been cut (this is a reasonable real time frame for FRESH raw meat to be eaten if left out).

I Actualy made a suggestion tackeling this very issue it's in my sig if you wanted to see my idea :)

I do think there should be an option to eat raw meat purley because you should have the freedom to do so...as for benifits/ side effects I have no idea :)

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+1 on raw meat fills the bar but no blood fix maybe?

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