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DayZ Standalone... over a year too late.

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I have been here almost from the very beginning.  I bridged over and began playing DayZ roughly two years ago -- in short I've been a long time player and server administrator.  I recently closed my last hosting (US 520) thanks you to an unadultereated frustration with my hosting company... but also because DayZ now seems to lack something.  There has been little to no innovation in the game in the last two years and changes have been very ponderous.  The current game is based on finding weapons, food & water, medical supplies and vehicles.... the original game was based on finding weapons, food and water, medical supplies and vehicles.  Everything you put in a tent or left in a hidden spot could be found while you were offline.... and the same is true today.  Nothing has changed in over two years with regards to the base gameplay... there is no base building, there are no key sets for a vehicle... there's no safety for your hard work...  which brings me to the point at hand...




This has taken so long that the hype brought about from DayZ as an alpha has long past from people's memory.  DayZ was innovative two years ago... now vanilla DayZ is old news and sadly so are the things that Standalone has promised to bring to the field.  I have searched every barn and every city at least 10 times... how is DayZ Standalone going to be different from original DayZ and set itself apart?  the truth is... its not going to.  It is going to be the same thing I've done for almost two years.  The innovativeness this game had as an MMO FPS with RPG elements has burned out after all these years and there are games based on DayZ now (WarZ, Infestation....) that are offering something similar to what standalone is offering.  This game has just taken too long...


For the new people coming to the game that have discovered it recently you're the lucky ones who avoided the catastrophe of two years ago.  The game is hopefully still exciting and new and when standalone comes out it will be glorious.  For us old guard... its just been one hell of a ride of hopes dashed and game breaking bugs that we ignored in the hopes of a better finished product that will come out over a year too late. 


 - Brick

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Have you seen the recent stream from the 7th Dec?


That should answer all questions

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(WarZ, Infestation....)


No, but really. Those are the same game. Air quotes IRL.

The only game I've seen that rivals what DayZ has/had/will have is Nether, and that is still more focused on PvE than DayZ is.

Either way, Missed deadlines or no, expectations are still high from newcomers and veterans alike. All that the missed deadlines mean is that there's more work put into it.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure what much more you expect them to add without making it a completely different game. Everything that makes DayZ what it is has been kept or only polished, whilst everything else has been reworked. If the idea of significantly more interactive building with dynamic loot locations is not enough of an improvement to something as simple as scavenging then I don't know what is. If you're expecting a free handy every time you enter a building to make it worth it after hundreds of hours I'd reconsider your purchase.

All in all, devs are damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they focus on improving on the core DayZ experience, people will complain that they are just making people buy the mod, being lazy, cash whores.

If they try and branch out, people will complain it's no longer DayZ, just a generic Zombie shooter with PvP. They've abandoned their ideals which means they are being lazy cash whores.

So I would like to propose an idea, one that is logically sound and allows you to complain about whatever you please should the need call for it; Let's wait for the game to actually come out and be played before we start reviewing it.

Edited by Rage VG
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No, but really. Those are the same game.

The only game I've seen that rivals what DayZ has/had/will have is Nether, and that is still more focused on PvE than DayZ is.

Either way, Missed deadlines or no, expectations are still high from newcomers and veterans alike. All that the missed deadlines mean is that there's more work put into it.

 Nether is no Rival to DayZ..If im not mistaken the game is developed by some of the devs that worked on WarZ..The game looks and feels like WarZ..



And reaction to jBrick: Just watch the live stream...Its easy to whine and keep spitting out bullshit without a research.


Yes Vanilla DayZ haven't changed a lot past the 1yers and 9months but there are also different ''DayZ mod'' when i got bored of Vanilla i tried to play some Epoch and still playing it, played a bit of Origins....Standalone has a lot of new stuff comfirmed...Its not gonna be like to mod, so far it looks more like a ''Long run game'' because nothing is so simple as it is now.

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how is DayZ Standalone going to be different from original DayZ and set itself apart?  the truth is... its not going to.  It is going to be the same thing I've done for almost two years.  


While it will be similar, it will not be the same. Go watch some SA videos like the 3 hour and 20 minute one that was recently put up. The map has new areas, new buildings, and most of the buildings can be entered. In addition the game has updated systems. The focus has changed in the SA from straight guns to melee and guns and the melee system is an actual system and not just a close range gun with a different skin. Gear has changed, there is some crafting in the SA and will be more. There are modular weapon systems. DAMAGED GEAR which is awesome. Sickness.

It is a different game built off the same idea with some things carried over. 

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 Nether is no Rival to DayZ..If im not mistaken the game is developed by some of the devs that worked on WarZ..The game looks and feels like WarZ..

Nether at least looks good, and isn't filled up the arse with microtransactions. That's a step forward.

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The only thing that was delaying the release in the last month was the server problems.

Today I received the news that they finally got over 100 servers READY for action, and the Alpher is going to be released like... sometime between now and in a while

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Just wait A LITTLE longer


And you will say


"Man that post I made on the forums was real dumb"


Prepare your Buttocks


for the not so distant future.

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If they try and branch out, people will complain it's no longer DayZ, just a generic Zombie shooter with PvP. They've abandoned their ideals which means they are being lazy cash whores.

So I would like to propose an idea, one that is logically sound and allows you to complain about whatever you please should the need call for it; Let's wait for the game to actually come out and be played before we start reviewing it.


Sitting stagnant is better than trying to evoke change?  Since when?  DayZ has not changed in 2 years.. the game has not evolved and there are clones that are identicle to it down to the look / backpack of the character.  You can't say that this game has maintained your interest over two years with its consistent battery of unevolved idea's.

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Just wait A LITTLE longer


And you will say


"Man that post I made on the forums was real dumb"


Prepare your Buttocks


for the not so distant future.


Next time I sneeze is when SA comes out

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Sitting stagnant is better than trying to evoke change?  Since when?  DayZ has not changed in 2 years.. the game has not evolved and there are clones that are identicle to it down to the look / backpack of the character.  You can't say that this game has maintained your interest over two years with its consistent battery of unevolved idea's.

Hello there


So you truly think the mod has not evolved? And all the work on the SA is non existent?


Im confuzzled.





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Sitting stagnant is better than trying to evoke change?  Since when?  DayZ has not changed in 2 years.. the game has not evolved and there are clones that are identicle to it down to the look / backpack of the character.  You can't say that this game has maintained your interest over two years with its consistent battery of unevolved idea's.



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Sitting stagnant is better than trying to evoke change?  Since when?  DayZ has not changed in 2 years.. the game has not evolved and there are clones that are identicle to it down to the look / backpack of the character.  You can't say that this game has maintained your interest over two years with its consistent battery of unevolved idea's.


It hasn't? Weird...  What are all those Changelogs for then?

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Hello there


So you truly think the mod has not evolved? And all the work on the SA is non existent?


Im confuzzled.







What's an Alpha?  Is it not a test in order to design a game based around what works and what does not?  You explain to me how the mechanics and idea's behind this game have changed and how alpha has tested anything rather than just bug elimination.  The crafting system?  I'm the one who is "confuzzled" because you're letting your loyalty blind yourself to reality.  Standalone has missed the DayZ hype and has not changed enough to bring new hype in... I'm sorry if that comes off as harsh but sitting 2 years on an alpha rife with issues and seeing the reality of standalone isn't going to sell this game.  I have not met another player who has been in here this long that is still playing DayZ Vanilla on public hive because it is now boring and uninteresting to consistently do the same thing and never advance in a game.

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 Yes Vanilla DayZ haven't changed a lot past the 1yers and 9months but there are also different ''DayZ mod'' when i got bored of Vanilla i tried to play some Epoch and still playing it, played a bit of Origins....Standalone has a lot of new stuff comfirmed...Its not gonna be like to mod, so far it looks more like a ''Long run game'' because nothing is so simple as it is now.


Do you not admit to what I was exactly saying with this?  DayZ Vanilla in its Alpha... the time when you test out new things... has not changed AT ALL since the release began with the exception of the crafting system.  When you aren't willing to test and try out new things in an alpha what do you think the standalone is going to be?  Do you HONESTLY think its going to be some vastly different experience with whole new base building mechanic's and clan based objectives?  Or do you face the reality that it is simply reskinned two year old game.,,, I have watched every video Dean has released...

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It hasn't? Weird...  What are all those Changelogs for then?


Bugs, gun removal and moderator cola.... ;-)

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Just wait A LITTLE longer

And you will say

"Man that post I made on the forums was real dumb"

Prepare your Buttocks

for the not so distant future.

I need some new underwear...great excite!

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Perhaps the creators don't want the game to be different in the way you want it to be? I for one don't want epoch style base building, I don't want "safety for my hard work". Standalone is not going to be a completely new experience, and it doesn't need to be.

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What a big slap in the face to the people that have actually worked their ass off to make the mod what it is today, you sir should just end up with a ban for this post :P and on that note a big thnx to Razor and the rest of the crew that still continues to update things and squash bugs!

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Perhaps the creators don't want the game to be different in the way you want it to be? I for one don't want epoch style base building, I don't want "safety for my hard work". Standalone is not going to be a completely new experience, and it doesn't need to be.


You're right... it doesn't need to be what I envision it... but why recreate the same game?  Why reinvent the wheel?  If this game has hit its evolutionary pinnacle why not just box up alpha and release it as standalone and re-skin it.... oh wait... I think that's exactly what's coming.  Tell me this though Rista... are you not sick of doing the same thing?  Go north.. find gear... build a tent... put stuff in it... get bored... go to Elektro... shoot noobs... die... rinse & repeat.

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Bugs, gun removal and moderator cola.... ;-)


I think you need to go back and read a bit more. Many, many, many things have changed in DayZ since 1.4. For one thing the bug fixes you mentioned. As well they added dozens of new items and systems. 



Types of food some of which are better than others

Gun switches

Better zombies(believe it or not they are better now than way back when)

additional buildings

BALANCE FIXES (some removed guns some altered other things)

All sorts of gear changes

Random spawns of special events


better medical systems

a dozen other things I can't articulate while trying to walk a clueless user through  some troublshooting on the phone... 

The game is an ALPHA which means it is in a state where it is not "feature complete" and new features have been added into it all along but it has been gradual so if you even played way back when you don't remember that this or that did change because it was so long ago you forgot what it was like when you started with a weapon or zombies did run inside with all the problems that caused. 


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You're right... it doesn't need to be what I envision it... but why recreate the same game?  Why reinvent the wheel?  If this game has hit its evolutionary pinnacle why not just box up alpha and release it as standalone and re-skin it.... oh wait... I think that's exactly what's coming.  Tell me this though Rista... are you not sick of doing the same thing?  Go north.. find gear... build a tent... put stuff in it... get bored... go to Elektro... shoot noobs... die... rinse & repeat.


Oh I get it. Another person who hasn't been following the development and so thinks the SA is "exactly the same". AKA: Troll.

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What a big slap in the face to the people that have actually worked their ass off to make the mod what it is today, you sir should just end up with a ban for this post :P and on that note a big thnx to Razor and the rest of the crew that still continues to update things and squash bugs!


This isn't a jab at them at all.  I know for a fact that many of them have idea's and have envisioned things for this game that they were instructed specifically not to.  I really don't blame them in the least you can only do so much.

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