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Is dayz dying a slow death due to epoch? just seen nalalsk and panthera servers come up...why is dayz lagging behind?

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Hoarding useless stuff in order to buy a car? Meh. 


That's just it. The stuff goes from being useless to actually having a reason to exist. 

To explain: So I hit a barn in Kabanino for loot. Oh wait, no I don't because in Vanilla by the time I reach Kabanino the chances of there being anything in a barn I want aside from food and drink if I have used all mine up is 0%. In Epoch I hit the anyway because there is a chance I might run into a chainsaw which I can't get anywhere else and is useful, several different things for base building like Light Bulbs, packs of Lumber, Empty Fuel Barrels, Sledgehammer Heads & handles, and Gerry Cans. 

In Vanilla you basically hit barns early and then after a while you ignore them. In Epoch you don't. So more of the map and buildings become useable and useful. 

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That's just it. The stuff goes from being useless to actually having a reason to exist. 

To explain: So I hit a barn in Kabanino for loot. Oh wait, no I don't because in Vanilla by the time I reach Kabanino the chances of there being anything in a barn I want aside from food and drink if I have used all mine up is 0%. In Epoch I hit the anyway because there is a chance I might run into a chainsaw which I can't get anywhere else and is useful, several different things for base building like Light Bulbs, packs of Lumber, Empty Fuel Barrels, Sledgehammer Heads & handles, and Gerry Cans. 

In Vanilla you basically hit barns early and then after a while you ignore them. In Epoch you don't. So more of the map and buildings become useable and useful. 

Personally, I'd much prefer gameplay centered around surviving. ie scavenging for stuff you might find useful to survive, rather than use it to make your house prettier or to sell it and buy a vodnik or something. I firmly believe trading in this game only makes sense if it's done through player interactions.

I know what you're thinking. DayZ hasn't been about surviving for quite some time either, and that's true to an extent, but if what we've seen so far is anything to go by, Dean is really aiming to change that in the standalone.

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What one person finds lame another finds fun < If you enjoy one go play that one the devs don't mind the only ppl who seem to care are the ones who are fighting the same old argument of who's right and wrong.

Your all correct no one wins its all about choice go have fun!

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Personally, I'd much prefer gameplay centered around surviving. ie scavenging for stuff you might find useful to survive, rather than use it to make your house prettier or to sell it and buy a vodnik or something. I firmly believe trading in this game only makes sense if it's done through player interactions.

I know what you're thinking. DayZ hasn't been about surviving for quite some time either, and that's true to an extent, but if what we've seen so far is anything to go by, Dean is really aiming to change that in the standalone.


See but I am actually using it to survive. The locations I tend to pick for bases are all about survival first. Do animals spawn nearby? Check. Is there a water source nearby? Check. Is it in a location that is well hidden and/or hard to shoot me while I am in it? Check. 

The difference is I tend to be focussed on long term survival and not just day to day survival. It gives me a goal. 

Like R4ZOR49 said it isn't better, it is different. There is a lot of appeal to having a goal beyond, "Run to Stary and loot tents, loot Grocery Store, and then IGNORE EVERY OTHER BUILDING IN STARRY." :)

I prefer it because it encourages me to engage zombies who drop loot you can't get any other way. It encourages me to hit buildings and loot spawns because it is the only place to get some things that are useful. It encourages me to set up a series of small goals and follow through on them. 

Step one: Find basic gear and a basic weapon. Pistol, Shotgun, Enfield, Map, Compass, Matches, Hatchet, Crowbar, Tool Kit. 

Step two: Find better gun, food and drink, crap vehicle to move around in.

Step three: Loot while making my way to a trader. Grab items that sell for a bit more throw extra guns in the vehicle

Step four: Buy a vehicle (typically an ATV to start with then eventually a Camo SUV but a Mozzie can be useful if more difficult to hide)

Step five: Scout out a safe area of the server not already being used to place a small base

Step six: Buy a Safe and start gathering building materials, maybe upgrade vehicles slowly

Step seven: Save up for a plot pole have all my items crafted and ready to set up

Step eight: Cross fingers and set up the plot pole then all the base items I prepared, try not to get killed because that will require me to rip down the plot pole and start again

Step nine: Enjoy your labor... if you get bored find a new server and start over

During the whole process, especially steps 5-7 I am having to hit many different locations and types of buildings. I hit Farm spawns, Industrial spawns, Military spawns, and some Residential spawns.

Farm Spawns give me lumber but I could just chop down trees, or a chainsaw which makes cutting down trees and making Lumber a breeze but is a rare spawn that requires 2 cycle oil to mix with fuel so I need the residential spawns to get that. I also need Sledge Hammer from that to craft certain things. 

Industrial Spawns give me cinderblock and mortar which I will probably eventually want as well as tank traps, wire kits, scrap metal, and vehicle parts I can use to fix up a vehicle or turn into scrap metal. Fixing up and selling vehicles can help me earn the money I need so I always keep an eye out for good ones and carry around a few things to get them running again. 

Military Spawns are obvious but they also yield duplicate guns that sell for a good amount and get me closer to buying a plot pole or other needed thing. 

I need to SHOOT zombies to get things like lockboxes, sledgehammer heads/handles, briefcases, and most importantly Combination Locks. So instead of just looping around and running them through buildings I engage them and loot their corpses. 

So the the thing that Epoch does that I think the SA doesn't encourage is it encourages me to enter different buildings and interact with zombies. That is on top of making me canvas the map for bases, supply drops, Helicopter crashes, and mass graves.

Stand alone has some better systems for inventory and such and has added some nice things. It needs more tweeks but it has it's own benefits that Epoch and others lack. 


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Personally, I'd much prefer gameplay centered around surviving. ie scavenging for stuff you might find useful to survive, rather than use it to make your house prettier or to sell it and buy a vodnik or something. I firmly believe trading in this game only makes sense if it's done through player interactions.

I know what you're thinking. DayZ hasn't been about surviving for quite some time either, and that's true to an extent, but if what we've seen so far is anything to go by, Dean is really aiming to change that in the standalone.


Well said, instead of working on building big houses, castles, woodbury's, player interaction with environment and living one more day should be the priority. If traders will be added to SA theres no point buying SA.


And the strange part is some people who finds flying a chopper is very wrong, as all the survivors couldnt be pilots. But the same people defends building big safe houses very useful idea as all the survivors are not architects. (Same goes with traders). I can count thousands of examples like this.

I see one point here, DayZ vanilla is not dying, its going in the direction which the modders want. Lets hope SA will be more "self interest-survive" style.

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Sounds like you class dayz as some sort of novelty that's worn off. You're blaming the community but there are alot of servers out there with fantastic player bases that you could easily enjoy.

All that's happened mate is that DayZ isn't a shiny new toy for you to play with


No, I don't. I've been playing the game for a long time. I have seen it go through stages that were both good, and bad. The survival stage, the hacking stage, the youtube craze, and then a few more stages that started changing the game into what it is now.


I'm never going to cast away DayZ, but the game for me has changed from something I play religiously, to something I play casually. I have no doubt that there are good servers out there that would be very fun to play on. The musty servers are a prime example. However, it's just not a game that I feel like investing anymore hours into without playing with someone in Teamspeak and such, and they'd have to ask me to play. lol.


Your whole "novelty" theory is great and all, but you're pretty much speaking the truth about all games. Once someone has become tired of a game, they simply stop playing it. That's what I'm doing with DayZ. It's pretty respectable to say I got over 800 hours out of it.


Edit- And I'm not blaming the community as a whole, I'm blaming the part of the 'community' that has turned the game into Battlefield with zombies. When I want to play DayZ, I wanna enjoy the landscape, explore, and meet new people. I'm not scared whatsoever of player interaction, I embrace it... but when 99% of people are out there shooting everything that moves, I find it hard to want to play the game. I don't wanna hear any "g3t b3tt3r br0" comments either. I have no problems killing someone that tries to kill me (most of the time), but the premise of killing people that I could interact with just doesn't appeal to me.

Edited by OfficerRaymond
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Well said, instead of working on building big houses, castles, woodbury's, player interaction with environment and living one more day should be the priority. If traders will be added to SA theres no point buying SA.


Still don't get that. I interact with more of the environment in Epoch/Origins than I ever do in Vanilla. Unless I die I get certain items and then NEVER go back to that type of building ever again in Vanilla. I avoid zombies and players completely in Vanilla.

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When I want to play DayZ, I wanna enjoy the landscape, explore, and meet new people. I'm not scared whatsoever of player interaction, I embrace it... but when 99% of people are out there shooting everything that moves, I find it hard to want to play the game. I don't wanna hear any "g3t b3tt3r br0" comments either. I have no problems killing someone that tries to kill me (most of the time), but the premise of killing people that I could interact with just doesn't appeal to me.

This. Especially the last bit. This is supposed to be a bit of a social experiment. The engine allows for it. If that's not what you want, you're doing it wrong.

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...The difference is I tend to be focussed on long term survival and not just day to day survival. It gives me a goal....

Beans for the post even if it does illustrate in a way why I'm not exactly a fan of Epoch.

I don't believe we should be encouraged to kill zombies. I see them more as a threat that we need to defend ourselves from to survive rather than go Rambo on them, clearing the country of zombies, saving the humanity or something.

Even though my character is regularly days or weeks old, I've never considered DayZ a long term survival game. It's always been about, as BAHADIR put it, living one more day. Having a goal is good, but when your whole gameplay is focused around collecting materials for your base and selling/buying stuff from AI, it doesn't feel like DayZ anymore. Plus once you get bored of basebuilding, you end up going back to shooting people again anyway. As a bonus your character life has very little value by then so you don't care even if you do die.

Lack of things to do and poor use of the map, meaning you nearly always end up visiting same towns/villages and same buildings, is certainly a problem with vanilla DayZ but again, I do believe standalone is going to fix that problem to a large degree. I'm sure it can be done without changing the original experience too much.

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in the end i see no reason to live/hoard/buy/sell/kos/whatever. this kind of comes with the sandbox system. the only thing that "somehow measures surviving skill" is the days i live. but there is no point in that atm...


it would be gread if there was a system/mechanism that surviving (or "the game") becomes more challenging every day i live. poor example: i start with cancer or whatever and it becomes harder to treat every day. like i need more supplies, medic etc. to stay alive. im just bored of entertaining myself in this box.

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The only non-enterable buildings i saw in the Dec 7th stream was a townhouse and the destroyed hotel.

And with Military loot being rare, not everyone will be rushing for the firestations again.

That means every Townhouse, farm, and random shed areclootable also. Thats going to completely change the game. You won't need a "loot route" (IE: looting stary and NW all day) and you can go anywhere in the map and still get respectable loot. 


And guns - You won't be able to get even a Shotgun 10 minutes after spawning. The best you could hope for ( if they actaully re-balance the loot like they said they were going to before alpha) is a knife. So goodby CoD kids and your AKs camping elektro. 


My plan is to stalk around in those New apartments with my trusty Mosin and bayonet....

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Well my whole thing is, now thats its all epoch epoch EPOCH, maybe developers and SA might be thinking, are we putting our money in the WRONG version of the game.


more over, while dayz was getting stripped of all the 50 cal Humvee and as50 and m107 now it happens here comes epoch to give back what was taken, and more.... now, dayz can get repetative... but so can chernarus.... even tho its big, it can get VERY BORNING. Dayz is for ever stuck on the same map, there is no development like there is with epoch and thats my point.


seems like with dayz, they see it as a potential quick money maker, so they are trying to sell the patotto while its hot....and its starting to get cold..with all these new maps for epoch and NONE for dayz, seems like epoch people are working hard...dayz is being lazy...


where are stable new maps... 0 for dayz +2 for epoch


so now, epoch has a purpose..... its better to build and have something to show for it, then just spend 8 hours looking for a map and food, and then die by a server nuke (which are unstoppable and nu-traceable) to this day....

Edited by piffkush

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Well my whole thing is, now thats its all epoch epoch EPOCH, maybe developers and SA might be thinking, are we putting our money in the WRONG version of the game.


more over, while dayz was getting stripped of all the 50 cal Humvee and as50 and m107 now it happens here comes epoch to give back what was taken, and more.... now, dayz can get repetative... but so can chernarus.... even tho its big, it can get VERY BORNING. Dayz is for ever stuck on the same map, there is no development like there is with epoch and thats my point.


seems like with dayz, they see it as a potential quick money maker, so they are trying to sell the patotto while its hot....and its starting to get cold..with all these new maps for epoch and NONE for dayz, seems like epoch people are working hard...dayz is being lazy...


where are stable new maps... 0 for dayz +2 for epoch


so now, epoch has a purpose..... its better to build and have something to show for it, then just spend 8 hours looking for a map and food, and then die by a server nuke (which are unstoppable and nu-traceable) to this day....



On a side note, the Epoch admins didn't create those maps that they have used.

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The only non-enterable buildings i saw in the Dec 7th stream was a townhouse and the destroyed hotel.

And with Military loot being rare, not everyone will be rushing for the firestations again.

That means every Townhouse, farm, and random shed areclootable also. Thats going to completely change the game. You won't need a "loot route" (IE: looting stary and NW all day) and you can go anywhere in the map and still get respectable loot. 


And guns - You won't be able to get even a Shotgun 10 minutes after spawning. The best you could hope for ( if they actaully re-balance the loot like they said they were going to before alpha) is a knife. So goodby CoD kids and your AKs camping elektro. 


My plan is to stalk around in those New apartments with my trusty Mosin and bayonet....



Expectations everywhere. 

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You speak as if the Epoch developers created those maps. 

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