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Did I do the right thing?

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I was near the end of my usual loot cycle around scenic Chernarus when I come upon NWAF. I hear a bus and immediately jump in a pine tree as it grows closer and louder. It stops led than 5 meters from me, doors facing away from me. "Get in mate!". Cover is blown, I run out and introduce myself only to see 2 bandits sitting with and AK and a DMR. My heart sank. "Oh, let me find the entrance, here it--" and shot both of then dead mid-sentence. I am bleeding, near death. Most of my player encounters past the first few hours of life usually spell death for me. I figured, I was going to die with these "Men" anyway, better take a few with me. Think I need some Victory GinTM after this.

Edited by Winston1984
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First of all before I even begin a rant, this is just my opinion, you can tell me why it's wrong but the likely hood of it changing is little.

I believe you did the wrong thing, even though they had bandit skins that's no reason to shoot them. The humanity system is a big mess in this game and I see more cons in it than pros, because even if you have a bandit skin, survivor skin or hero skin people still kill on sight purely for their "amusement". They approached you with kindness, didn't go out to shoot you but instead of that offered you to tag along with them, you misused their trust and shot them. The likely hood of them shooting you, could be large and small, it varies on the person who is behind the PC. I myself would appreciate the kindness such as that one and tag along, hoping to get some quality banter and whatnot.

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It's their own fault for exposing themselves to a complete stranger. Why do people trust teenagers with no accountability for their actions....

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They were having fun! Im pretty sure they were picking people up for fun not to shoot them. You ruined many peoples day, you know. If I were you I would just jump in. But this is dayz.

Your story. YOU decide about yourself and YOU have impact on others.

That reminds me of fun I had few times when there was half a server on the bus talking, playing music. You take a risk if you get in. But there is also a chance of reward.

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They were having fun! Im pretty sure they were picking people up for fun not to shoot them. You ruined many peoples day, you know. If I were you I would just jump in. But this is dayz.

Your story. YOU decide about yourself and YOU have impact on others.

That reminds me of fun I had few times when there was half a server on the bus talking, playing music. You take a risk if you get in. But there is also a chance of reward.



Exactly, party bus all the way! I used to do that on servers blasting AC/DC Back in black and Highway to hell while driving along the NWAF. Good times.

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Definitely the wrong thing.


You should've just came along. Just because the have bandit skins doesn't make them bad.

They could've shot someone in self-defense. 

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Definitely the wrong thing.


You should've just came along. Just because the have bandit skins doesn't make them bad.

They could've shot someone in self-defense. 

I doubt 2 people had the bandit skin together for self-defense, lol. :P

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Actually it was the bus driver that did the wrong thing. You roll up in bandit skins and stop right by someone and say nothing more than "get in" you're a fucking retard if you don't think you're going to get shot. It doesn't matter how you got the bandit skin but if anybody seriously doesn't know by now that people don't trust players in bandits skins that's their fault.


The OP doesn't know how the situation would have ended and was put on the spot. Maybe next time they'll remember this encounter and play it a little more carefully rather than just assume because they're friendly, everyone must automatically know it and who's to say they weren't going to drive him up to the north edge of the map and break his legs and leave him there.

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Bandit Skin = "You have actively shot at and killed another player... more than once." 

"I got this Bandit Skin defending myself."
Cool story bro. 

I've defended myself and not got a bandit skin. I laid down cover fire and got the hell out of the area. I don't shoot bandits on sight, but it is pretty close to being on sight. They get anywhere near me, point a scoped gun in my direction, or simply be laying down on a fire hall or aiming down into a town with a sniper and I will kill them. 

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I say you did the right thing.


You tried to hide, obviously. Two armed guys with bandit skins roll up and tell you to get in and don't even consider you may not comply? You didn't hide to gun them down, from what I can tell, you to hid to avoid exactly what went down.


That's their fault based off of the information provided.

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When you kill people like that for no reason other than their 'skin', you're only robbing yourself of possibly amazing times.


Some times you gotta ask yourself if you're playing this game to be alone and safe, or to experience life no matter how short each one of those might be. It's never you or them, it's always up to you to decide how much of a psyco you want to become.

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Did you enjoy yourself? If yes, then sure, you did the right thing. If not, maybe don't kill everyone on sight next time and team up. You shouldn't let people tell you how to play your game.

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In my opinion, it sounds like you shot them because you were unsure about their intentions, not because of their loot. Therefore, you were being the majority of players: shooting not to be a bandit, but to save yourself. You were in the right. Unless you want to be a bandit, of course.


This doesn't mean they were enemies, however. 99% of the time, if somebody talks with you via direct, they're friendly. They're blowing their advantage if they speak to you. Case in point, they certainly found you while driving their bus. They could have easily pulled away, faked an escape, got out, and sniped you with that DMR of theirs.

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