Guest Posted June 21, 2012 As it stands the game is just too easy. It only takes 30 minutes to find the essentials and a weapon.The reason being that you can just run straight to cherno /elektro/berezino/airfields and get everything you need without much hassle.It's a dam city/airfield for god's sake , where the majority of the population would be so it needs MORE zombies in it. *IDEA HERE*Create more spawn points in the city that activate when players enter some invisible ring round the city but don't respawn if a player is within 100m. This should double or triple the amount of zombies inside these areas.**It should only make sense that going into a city is a last resort but as it stands the game just isn't challenging enough.*2ND IDEA*Make rifles such as Ak74s , m16s , snipers and DMRs even rarer and more focus on civilian weaponry. just one mag of AK ammo for example can kill 30 zombies , so i would like to see the ammo or the weapons more rare and for guns like that to stop spwning with 3 mags at a time.I know ill get a lot of stick from the "casuals" who seem to think working is an excuse to play games on easy mode. But if you are't playing to be challenged in a SURVIVAL mod then why the hell do you play? There's plenty complaints about the zombies being too sensitive or too fast or to many but i are a survivor in a world full of the infected , i wouldn't expect it to be any other way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 Hey Burgh long time.I'm all for increasing difficulty levels, and it has been amped up a lot now with the nerf to respawns.The mil grade weapons aren't that common man. Sure Deer Stands tend to give away too many but if you negate deer stand loot then the places where to find Mil Grade weapons drop DRASTICALLY. Basically, this is what I think would solve your issues.Deer Stands would move to their own loot table and have equipment and supplies, maybe ammo, but no guns.IDK maybe you are realizing their aren't many wimps left and don't want them fighting back :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haplo (DayZ) 44 Posted June 21, 2012 i definitely agree that zombie numbers should be boosted in the cities. it is way too easy to sneak around the cities without attracting zombies, which would be impossible IRL.. cities should be a place only the brave and the well equipped dare tackle.there should be hordes.i like where your second idea is going. it would be good seeing ammo less frequently but it's a fine line between perfection and taking too much away from the game. i'm sure balancing/tweaking of these aspects will take place with time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 21, 2012 im just not getting the survival feeling ytman , it's all a bit too comfortable all the time and im never desperate. I always have enough food/water/ammo and never come close to running out without spending much time looking for stuff.It would be nice to see people working together because some haven't found a weapon yet or have no ammo. Not only that but the killing between players may decrease ( for those who cry about it) because of risk and only those with balls will keep at it.I'd like to see more surviving and less comfortable living. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hendrix (DayZ) 14 Posted June 21, 2012 So your suggestion is put more zombies in cities when you spawn with no weapons so that you have zero chance of getting anything out of the city?...uhhh no...the game has to be balanced around not only the zombies but also the players. If your on a care bear server where everyone loves you great. I am not if I enter a city I will bePK'ed even though I just spawned and have nothing and there are medical supplies scattering every tent and the hospital....people just don't care.....and for the record weapon's spawns are great if your the one there first if not good luck gettting that gun especially when the guy who has one comes back to the spawn later to collect extra ammo and you spawned without a weapon..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 21, 2012 So your suggestion is put more zombies in cities when you spawn with no weapons so that you have zero chance of getting anything out of the city?...uhhh no...the game has to be balanced around not only the zombies but also the players. If your on a care bear server where everyone loves you great. I am not if I enter a city I will bePK'ed even though I just spawned and have nothing That's the point... a city should be a place to be feared but right now even without a weapon you can run in , take 15 minutes to get evertyhing and leave without killing a zombie. A city should be a no go for somebody who has just spawned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hostile (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 So your suggestion is put more zombies in cities when you spawn with no weapons so that you have zero chance of getting anything out of the city?...uhhh no...the game has to be balanced around not only the zombies but also the players. If your on a care bear server where everyone loves you great. I am not if I enter a city I will bePK'ed even though I just spawned and have nothing That's the point... a city should be a place to be feared but right now even without a weapon you can run in ' date=' take 15 minutes to get evertyhing and leave without killing a zombie. A city should be a no go for somebody who has just spawned.[/quote']Actually, I find to use cities as great resupply for my encampment.I wait till a loot will leave the city by itself, then I ask it to stop and let me take it by pull a trigger on my gun while aiming at it moving towards the borders of the treeline near the city.After it politely stops and waits for me to take it, I then take all high end stuff that is needed to survive for long weeks.Who needs superior sniper rifles and amazing M16 with Acog, if you can do just fine with AK74/AKM or CZ550 and TONS of supplies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Opitz 0 Posted June 21, 2012 So what about spawning survivors on the north in the forest instead on the coast? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PAiN512 10 Posted June 21, 2012 You're kidding right?I was fairly geared until I broke my legs and after 2 hours of crawling around on my belly with no sight of morphine I just killed myself and respawned.By this time the server became night time. Spawning with nothing but a flashlight and a box of painkillers it was extreeeeeemely hard to find a weapon for me. When I did find one it was the enfield which I would have gladly traded for a hatchet. Needless to say I shot a zombie that I couldn't evade and was in direct threat of attracting more so I ran as far into the woods as I thought was needed, fired, and killed him. Of course by some miracle or tragedy a hoard of zombies came and killed me.I'd like to add that I think the game is difficult enough as it is right now. Something definitely needs to be worked on and developed for players after they get 'geared' out because I was extremely bored after being fully equipped and would often put myself in harms way just to get some action; However, as a new/respawning player, it's incredibly difficult right now.Also, travelling in prone does not keep you safe of zombies either. If you notice... you may not be visible but you are making sound, 1 bar to be exact. For most zombies this means nothing, but to the zombies in say 5-15 meters it attracts them. They don't know where you are and they cannot see you but they wander closer and closer eventually aggroing you.Another problem is when hugging structures with zombies inside, even if you are prone or crouched they aggro. I'm certain this is a bug as zombies shouldn't be able to see through walls but it's like the wall is not there for them. Line of Sight has been fixed for the most part but when hugging a wall I think that maybe a piece of you juts out the other side and immediately aggros a zed.-PAiN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highwaystar 0 Posted June 21, 2012 Not sure if trolling or not. After 1.7.1 rolled up and destroyed us all, he's still saying it's too easy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jwo7777777 7 Posted June 21, 2012 Sorry that some of you are finding it way too easy to do stuff. Some of us who like the game are becoming extremely frustrated with the difficulty level. People have different skill levels.I for one am quite happy to head into the woods and live off the land. But guess what? I cannot forage for food or firewood, cannot start a fire without the mythical matches, and cannot eat raw meat or drink out of a pond.Even as a simulation, there must be acquiescence in the difficulty levels and game mechanics for people of low skill and people of high skill. Otherwise you end up with a simulation that won't sell. Think of it as a meta-game in which BI and rocket are trying to survive economically by finding the correct balancing point that gives them return on investment.Perhaps you want to consider playing an arma 2 mod called "dynamic zombie sandbox" instead. Alternatively you could personally treat cities as "no-go" and restrict yourself to only surviving away from them. Let those unskilled, unwashed masses scrabble for their blood bags and cz550s.'re heading into the wilderness armed with nothing ... uphill ... both ways ... in the snow .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deepfried 95 Posted June 21, 2012 Not sure if trolling or not. After 1.7.1 rolled up and destroyed us all' date=' he's still saying it's too easy?[/quote']It is too easy, an experienced player can get kitted out in under an hour. And from a survival perspective then all you're doing is maintaining that status quo... thats pretty thin for a survival game. You ought to be struggling to survive, you ought to be constantly in danger of running out of essential consumables (food/ammo/water), of exposure or sickness, and of course in danger of zombies (which even now are pretty easy to avoid/defeat) it ought to be a protracted and perilous fight for survival with the odds stacked against you.Alternatively you could personally treat cities as "no-go" and restrict yourself to only surviving away from them. Let those unskilled, unwashed masses scrabble for their blood bags and cz550s.'re heading into the wilderness armed with nothing ... uphill ... both ways ... in the snow ....I've played the game for... i don't know 100 hours? more?... I've never explored Cherno, and i think I've been though Elektro like twice.Its still too damn easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 The game isn't easy, but its not hard to the point of "one little screw up and everyone dies".I actually liked the food shortage of and some dynamic food supply problems would be great! (Think like a HIVE regulated Food/wildlife spawn chance).Beyond that its not the Cities that need nerfing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WARWHORE(UWS) 5 Posted June 21, 2012 I think his ideas would def kill this game. Bad enough players lost their tents. And now your saying make gear/weapons harder to find?! Making the citys like your saying would force everyone to run the woods which would be gay. For the military weapons, dont you see all the dead soldiers and over run bases? Thats where the mil weapons came from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 21, 2012 I think his ideas would def kill this game. Bad enough players lost their tents. And now your saying make gear/weapons harder to find?! Making the citys like your saying would force everyone to run the woods which would be gay. For the military weapons' date=' dont you see all the dead soldiers and over run bases? Thats where the mil weapons came from.[/quote']I also said perhaps a shortage of ammunition for military weapons would be more appropriate.Players losing their tents is only a problem to compulsive hoarders and everybody wouldn't run to the woods , i listed the 3 cities and airfields but there are plenty small / medium sized towns i never mentioned to head to instead.Like continuity said , you should be struggling to survive and when an experienced player spends 30 mins in cherno and gets everything he needs he gets bored and starts killing , dies and repeats. Atleast making surviving difficulty would bring a bit of longevity to the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 Like continuity said ' date=' you should be struggling to survive and when an experienced player spends 30 mins in cherno and gets everything he needs he gets bored and starts killing , dies and repeats. Atleast making surviving difficulty would bring a bit of longevity to the game.[/quote']You can't cater to the easily bored in this genre. They'll go back to killing anyways. Live with em.So what if a guy gets bored and decides to PK for fun until he dies. There you go! You just added difficulty!I agree with 'struggling to survive' and the thing is, the people who aren't easily bored WILL eventually struggle one way or the next. The people who constantly respawn and live three days at most never will struggle after they get their good gear, get bored, and go PK.The longevity of the game is all about the player and their goals. I approach it as a 'second life' style experience where I'm playing a character whose body and life represents my own. My game will last as long as I last and my goals is the tenuous goal of, SURVIVE.A part of that SURVIVE goal is to have fun and not go crazy with "Forest/Cabin Fever" and that requires social contact, something which I do have.I don't mind about a little more difficulty to survival, but if you make it too hard the game could have the opposite effect and force away the 'long term survivors' due to difficulty and keep the 'short term flames' due to it being more fun to burn out quick than fight for survival tooth and nail rinse wash and repeating raids that turn little to nothing up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swag (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 Lol.. maybe if there was nothing but human flesh and infected water supply would make it harderbtw jus trollin' here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highwaystar 0 Posted June 21, 2012 The challenge in the game is PvP. The zombies, food and looting element is just a side element. If you say 'the game is boring because it's easy to find loot', then you're not experiencing the game as a whole. Start engaging in some PvP action and you'll soon see there's plenty challenge and difficulty.If looting and stuff becomes harder then I'm out of here because my focus is on getting kitted out quickly an then going player hunting. If I'm forced to spend more time on the PvE looting and survival part and less on the PvP part then it's a failed mod.You might as well make it a single player or PvE co-op mission at that point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 9 Posted June 21, 2012 The challenge in the game is PvP. The zombies' date=' food and looting element is just a side element. If you say 'the game is boring because it's easy to find loot', then you're not experiencing the game as a whole. Start engaging in some PvP action and you'll soon see there's plenty challenge and difficulty.[/quote']Well thats more "The Most Dangerous Game" (short story) territory than "Survival" territory.IDK, there isn't much difficulty in camping a location and killing randoms that pass by. Really the difficulty is when they get the drop on you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted June 21, 2012 If looting and stuff becomes harder then I'm out of here because my focus is on getting kitted out quickly an then going player hunting. If I'm forced to spend more time on the PvE looting and survival part and less on the PvP part then it's a failed mod.You might as well make it a single player or PvE co-op mission at that point.It's not just a PVP mod as you seem to think also. You will a much better atmosphere if people get nervous about losing gear knowing that it could take a while to get these precious things back. Players will think twice about shooting because ammo is so scarce. If all you want to do is kitted out quickly then kill people perhaps warfare or project reality would better suit you tastes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
highwaystar 0 Posted June 21, 2012 If looting and stuff becomes harder then I'm out of here because my focus is on getting kitted out quickly an then going player hunting. If I'm forced to spend more time on the PvE looting and survival part and less on the PvP part then it's a failed mod.You might as well make it a single player or PvE co-op mission at that point.It's not just a PVP mod as you seem to think also. You will a much better atmosphere if people get nervous about losing gear knowing that it could take a while to get these precious things back. Players will think twice about shooting because ammo is so scarce. If all you want to do is kitted out quickly then kill people perhaps warfare or project reality would better suit you tastes.The "go play [insert game name]" argument is moot in this situation. We just have different visions of what this mod is surposed to be. You clearly want a minecraft style of experience where you spend days trying to get that illusive diamond block. I prefer a more fun experience. Where death isn't gonig to ruin your evenings enjoyment and set you back a weeks effort.There's a way this mod can be both, further testing will hopefully find that balance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louis (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 I agree with the original thread, the game is too easy right now, although i just lost everything when came out, and i had basically nothing left, i very quickly managed to loot a medium sized city and got a weapon again and food and water. I like all the updates there have been until now, since almost every update have made the game harder, so i guess rocket is trying to make the game harder, (good job btw rocket) but a update, where there would be so many more zombies would be very appreciated. And to all the players who complain about how hard this mod is, remember:This is a zombie survival **SIMULATOR!** which means, yes it is suppost to be hard, go play another game if you like it the easy way. This mod isn't made for casual players, and yea, i know it's harsh, but it's suppost to be hard, if a real zombie outbrake happend, it wouldn't be easy to survive? would it? no? i thought so.More zombies, fewer guns, less ammo, the amount of food and water, and other equipment like bandages and stuff, is fine right now, since it's supposted to be realistic. It's just, right now it seems like every citizen in this mod, had atleast one gun, and enough ammo in their house to declare war with the rest of the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaidoon 19 Posted June 21, 2012 I think the game is way to easy it needs zombies that wore camo when they died so they can sneak up on you and have a 1 shot kill. They also always know where you are from a 100m radius and stalk you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PAiN512 10 Posted June 22, 2012 Yeah... while you're at it why not make the zombies all carry rocket launchers as well and be equipped with proximity mines so that upon running up on you they instantly explode.Increase their Line of Sight by 20 kilometers as well.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ipod732 1 Posted June 26, 2012 "Yeah... while you're at it why not make the zombies all carry rocket launchers as well and be equipped with proximity mines so that upon running up on you they instantly explode.Increase their Line of Sight by 20 kilometers as well.... "That's a bit too much lol. Very unrealistic. The mod is about realism. I fail at Arma...... I seriously suck. I'm a bit better at the mod though since I play it more, but it's extremely difficult for me, but hey I'm trying to live. Life is suppose to be tough. But if it gets out of hand that's where I put my foot down. Otherwise I agree. The amount of guns is fine(I rarely see one anyway), but the amounts of ammo is ridiculous. As for the zombies(they seem to make a meal out of me quite often) maybe could use a bit more in the larger cities(I have to walk about 30-50meters before I get to see one in Cherno). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites