TheRedScare 353 Posted November 16, 2013 I logged into my favourite server, it was roughly 3AM, I looked around the big shed next to Stary's military camp were I spawned back into just in case I could help another player by donating some bullets into the deposit box he calls a head! All clear. "This is too quiet for 30 players online" I thought to myself as I cracked open a can of Guinness.I positioned myself so I could get a nice clear view of the camp whilst still being concealed, checked to make sure my PKP was loaded and leant back in my chair. 20 minutes and 8 pints of Guinness later and I began to hear a low rumbling noise, "Definitely a car" I said to myself. I scanned the roads coming into Stary until I saw it. An armoured SUV."Fuck" I thought, "This is going to be tricky". One part of me wanted to just spray the car till it blew but at the same time the opportunity to snag an armoured SUV was within my partially inebriated grasp. I decided to wait and see if the driver was going to stop and get out to loot the tents, slowly but surely the car rolled to a stop outside the medical tent. I saw the driver in through the windscreen, I took aim at his head and prepared to fire when I realised it wasn't just him in the car, "Crap!" this is going to be tricky, I now had to take out the driver and also mow down his friend before he drove off with the precious! I decided to take the less elegant approach, I could tell his friend was in the middle of looting a medical box which would give me enough time to shoot the driver then him. I fired the first shot and it hit the driver right between his eyes, my heart began going crazy as the thought of owning an armoured SUV was driving me insane, I quickly moved my sights to the medical tent and began spraying like mad to cause it to collapse, finally it fell giving me a clear shot at the poor guy who had no clue as to what was going on. One well placed bullet later and he fell. Giving me full access to the car, I proudly swaggered over to my new prize and hopped in and started up the engine and drove off....into a tree which caused the car to explode because it's hull was nearly destroyed and tree's are the ultimate force of evil in DayZ. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Very Ape 748 Posted November 16, 2013 Trees serve justice. Bandit scum. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted November 16, 2013 I make salute for this system of bandit life :thumbsup: :ph34r: :beans: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 16, 2013 The luck of the Irish never applied to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NagsterTheGangster 388 Posted November 16, 2013 "within my partially inebriated grasp" LOL And 8 pints in 20 mins What are you drinking like this guy?P.s. Look at his buddys face in the background XD 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 16, 2013 I actually drink similarly to that guy, when playing DayZ I do not like to spent to long holding a can so I chug em. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted November 16, 2013 dont care if KoS or carebear, as someone who despises beer: 8 pints of guiness in 20 minutes is dedication. :beans: 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 16, 2013 Guinness is much more than beer my good sir. Tis' the drink of gods! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skat3rat 1633 Posted November 16, 2013 Plot twist, that tree was me. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 16, 2013 Plot twist, that tree was me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 19, 2013 I finally made it back to my camping spot earlier today. I was getting settled in for a long stay when suddenly some guy misjudged his landing abilities whilst flying a little bird and crashed into the warehouse blowing it up with me in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowolf (DayZ) 13 Posted November 20, 2013 i love bandits who sit and wait. Why because its so ovious if theirs a fire with tents or whatever bandits do to attect, just sneak around look for the first sign of scum life and fire. ahh what lovley loot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 20, 2013 I don't actively seek survivors, I wait at high risk areas, and often stalk them back to their camp. Its much more profitable than KoS'ing right away. Although certain situations call for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowolf (DayZ) 13 Posted November 20, 2013 I don't actively seek survivors, I wait at high risk areas, and often stalk them back to their camp. Its much more profitable than KoS'ing right away. Although certain situations call for it.a bandit who does not kos people all the time, mate I call you a man but then again I also agree sneaking around following people back to their camps, but mainly i only do it to bandits unless i'm in a bad mood then i can be that one type of bandit that nobody likes. Not even hardcore bandits Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ratsmon 131 Posted November 22, 2013 Job well done. Nothing like the thrill of obtaining fine loot. :3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedScare 353 Posted November 22, 2013 Job well done. Nothing like the thrill of obtaining fine loot. :3And then crashing it and killing yourself! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites