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Easy to beat zombies

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Hey everybody,

Sorry if there has already been a major discussion of this but it is something I just noticed. Zombies are really easy to hide from now. All you have to do is run into a bush or pine tree and zombies chase you but can not hit you, then they wander off. Is this how it is supposed to be? It seems too easy. I thought I used to have to run until I was far off from the zombie and evntually got lost because of trees and bushes. Sorry again if this has already been talked about.



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It's always been like this, and no, it's not meant to be like this.


I think it's because of limitations in Arma's engine.

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It's always been like this, and no, it's not meant to be like this.


I think it's because of limitations in Arma's engine.

It's also been discussed quite a bit. Not much left to add to the topic.

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Hey everybody,

Sorry if there has already been a major discussion of this but it is something I just noticed. Zombies are really easy to hide from now. All you have to do is run into a bush or pine tree and zombies chase you but can not hit you, then they wander off. Is this how it is supposed to be? It seems too easy. I thought I used to have to run until I was far off from the zombie and evntually got lost because of trees and bushes. Sorry again if this has already been talked about.



Well I have noticed its kinda hard for me, I decide not to run into pine trees and whatnot when I fight the zombies. I just go in using stealth and my M4A3 SD.

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"Now"? It's always been like this, there's nothing they can do about it as far as I know.


If you ask me though, cheap little bullshit tactics like hiding in a pine tree are part of DayZ and if that was fixed the zombies would be such a nuisance, due to the way zombies behave.

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They need to be fixed before they make them harder, like they glitch around all over the place and aren't any fun to fight. 

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It may just be me but it seems like on the Vanilla server I play on (US3480) there are more zomies since one of the 1.8 patches.


It could just be because the server is highly populated and others are causng zombies to spawn close to my area too. But sometimes I will sneak into a smaller town like Zeleno with seemingly no one around (no zombies spawned in before I arrived), accidentally aggro a zombies and end up with like 15 or even more zombies all around me. For example if I run into the store to get away from them there will be like 10 zombies in the store and a sht load more still all around the store outside. And Ive even noticed more zombies throughout the woods.


They seem just to be a tad harder to deal with, especially in towns. Of course in a highly populated server this can be a pain in the ass to deal with (in a good way) and easily get you killed. Way better than easier zombies tho. We still need more zombies imo.


The change could have happened during my time mostly playing Origins or maybe even my short time on Epoch. Origins zombies arent like Vanilla. I havnt played Epoch in a while so I cant speak for that but it wasnt like this when I was playing it. I even played some Lingor and the zombies arent near what they are in Vanilla.


Maybe I just got used to Origins and Epoch zombies? Neither have zombies even close to Vanilla zombies. Anyone want to add some thoughts?


We still need more zombies imo.

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Yep, apart form the odd '..how the.. what the fuck?! oddity that ruins your day, they're just a rent-a-crowd o' retards.

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Well I guess since some people are still responding even though it has been discussed before might as well thank you all for continuing the conversation. At least the z's are a bit dangerous hitting you. Every time I get hit it seems I lose half my blood. I guess the reason I didn't notice the ease of hiding from zombies is I usually like to play stealthy and don't like getting spotted even once. I figure if in a real zombie apocalyse (yeah right) I wouldn't be running all over the place since I only have one life. Don't get me wrong. I still get killed ( a lot), usually by another player because I am too concentrated on the zombies. I used to crawl a lot but found, if spotted, I can't get up fast enough to run and get clobbered. I still try to play stealthy though. It is a game after all and I could survive forever in the forest, but how much fun would that be? This is still probably the only game though that makes my heart pound. Not realizing a zombie aggro'd from the distance or getting sniped there still are plenty of wtf? moments.

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If you take off running through the middle of a town on Vanilla you will end up with a sht load of zombies on your ass. They arent super hard to get away from or anything but it can get intense. And the added damage along with the chance of getting knocked down if they hit you doesnt make it a worry free experience. Ive been decked out with some of my favorite gear, got careless and ran thru towns thinking it was no big deal because the server was low pop at the time and ended up blind and close to death.


I guess I wouldnt call the zombies hard to deal with but they can definately f you up and on a high pop server they will get you KoS'ed.


One thing I will say about Origins zombies is they will KO you. And not just a normal quick KO but like 1-2 minute knockouts. There has been a couple times recently I have ran into a building with one zombie where it KO'd me and ate me until I died while I was knocked out.

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Well I guess since some people are still responding even though it has been discussed before might as well thank you all for continuing the conversation. At least the z's are a bit dangerous hitting you. Every time I get hit it seems I lose half my blood. I guess the reason I didn't notice the ease of hiding from zombies is I usually like to play stealthy and don't like getting spotted even once. I figure if in a real zombie apocalyse (yeah right) I wouldn't be running all over the place since I only have one life. Don't get me wrong. I still get killed ( a lot), usually by another player because I am too concentrated on the zombies. I used to crawl a lot but found, if spotted, I can't get up fast enough to run and get clobbered. I still try to play stealthy though. It is a game after all and I could survive forever in the forest, but how much fun would that be? This is still probably the only game though that makes my heart pound. Not realizing a zombie aggro'd from the distance or getting sniped there still are plenty of wtf? moments.


It just takes time to learn how to move about the zeds while still staying in cover.  You gotta stick close to walls and stay out of open areas, and when you have aggro go around as many corners as possible.  You also have to figure out where players will typically be and where snipers can see, and stay out of those locations as much as possible or just don't linger.


It is possible to stealth, even on high-pop, just takes practice, and lots of corpses.


Also, living in the forest isn't boring, just different.  It can be plenty challenging, especially if you don't do the initial coastal loot run and just dart right for the forest.  I find it plenty more interesting than making the same old run through the cities or NWAF.




Maybe I just got used to Origins and Epoch zombies? Neither have zombies even close to Vanilla zombies. Anyone want to add some thoughts?


I haven't had too many problems with Epoch zombies, and Origins are a different kind of hard, and they balance it out with far less of them (3 minutes in a town before I even see one).  As far as Lingor and whatnot, those are just running an older version of vanilla, maybe even pre, not sure but vanilla zombies and their spawn mechanics have gotten a buff in recent patches, and the other maps are typically a couple vanilla patches behind either by choice or just time to modify it for that map.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon
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It just takes time to learn how to move about the zeds while still staying in cover.  You gotta stick close to walls and stay out of open areas, and when you have aggro go around as many corners as possible.  You also have to figure out where players will typically be and where snipers can see, and stay out of those locations as much as possible or just don't linger.


It is possible to stealth, even on high-pop, just takes practice, and lots of corpses.


Also, living in the forest isn't boring, just different.  It can be plenty challenging, especially if you don't do the initial coastal loot run and just dart right for the forest.  I find it plenty more interesting than making the same old run through the cities or NWAF.





I haven't had too many problems with Epoch zombies, and Origins are a different kind of hard, and they balance it out with far less of them (3 minutes in a town before I even see one).  As far as Lingor and whatnot, those are just running an older version of vanilla, maybe even pre, not sure but vanilla zombies and their spawn mechanics have gotten a buff in recent patches, and the other maps are typically a couple vanilla patches behind either by choice or just time to modify it for that map.




That sounds about right. I do wish they would add more zombies on Origins tho, even more than whats on Vanilla. It would be awesome to have those huge cities packed with zombies. And with the layouts of the cities it is easier to stay out of sight lines so you dont have to worry quite as much about getting KoS'ed if you aggro zombies.

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It just takes time to learn how to move about the zeds while still staying in cover.  You gotta stick close to walls and stay out of open areas, and when you have aggro go around as many corners as possible.  You also have to figure out where players will typically be and where snipers can see, and stay out of those locations as much as possible or just don't linger.


It is possible to stealth, even on high-pop, just takes practice, and lots of corpses.


Also, living in the forest isn't boring, just different.  It can be plenty challenging, especially if you don't do the initial coastal loot run and just dart right for the forest.  I find it plenty more interesting than making the same old run through the cities or NWAF.

Yeah, I actually do know about sticking close to walls and such. I just never knew you could run into a bush or tree. I used to run through these things to escape the z's view but never thought to stop in one. Also I didn't exactly mean not to camp out in forests but just not to stay in one for the whole game. You have to adventure out eventually. Just staying in the woods would be boring. After all have to search for the holy grail (nvg's/rangefinder). I have never found any of these items. Also don't tell me where to find them. I don't look at loot maps or any map for that matter until I find one in the game.

I don't do loot runs through the coastal areas either although I like to have at least one food and drink before I leave the coast.

This has been the only game I've ever played on multiplayer. I hate multiplayer (COD Types) games. But this game is fantastic. Can't wait for the SA.

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well before they can make them harder to get away from they need to stop them from walking through walls and stuff they are too glitchy at the moment and I think it was already said on this topic it is the limits of the arma game cause it is only a mod i think it should be a lot harder to do in the standalone.


Also the things you mentioned sometimes don't work and they can still hit you in the pine tree/bush it is really a 50/50 chance of it working and it not working after you have played the game for a while the zombies arnt really that much of a threat, the only threat to me personally is other players. 

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Yeah, I actually do know about sticking close to walls and such. I just never knew you could run into a bush or tree. I used to run through these things to escape the z's view but never thought to stop in one. Also I didn't exactly mean not to camp out in forests but just not to stay in one for the whole game. You have to adventure out eventually. Just staying in the woods would be boring. After all have to search for the holy grail (nvg's/rangefinder). I have never found any of these items. Also don't tell me where to find them. I don't look at loot maps or any map for that matter until I find one in the game.

I don't do loot runs through the coastal areas either although I like to have at least one food and drink before I leave the coast.

This has been the only game I've ever played on multiplayer. I hate multiplayer (COD Types) games. But this game is fantastic. Can't wait for the SA.

Just wondering how long have you been playing dayz?

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Just wondering how long have you been playing dayz?


Just before 1.7.7. How was it when zombies would follow you to the end of the world?

Edited by RAM-bo4250

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Just before 1.7.7. How was it when zombies would follow you to the end of the world?







From what I can tell from watching DayZ videos, right now the zombies are tougher to deal with than they have ever been. But Ive only been playing since like Feb of this year so I could be wrong. I doubt im wrong tho because zombies on older vids look nothing like current Vanilla zombies.

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Yeah the old zombies could beat you for a couple of minutes before you would die

I remember when dayz+ came our I compared it to normal dayz (old dayz zombies) and found that I could last at least a whole minutes worth of continous punches, now you last about 20 seconds if you stand there and get hit

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Yeah the old zombies could beat you for a couple of minutes before you would die

I remember when dayz+ came our I compared it to normal dayz (old dayz zombies) and found that I could last at least a whole minutes worth of continous punches, now you last about 20 seconds if you stand there and get hit

I like hard zombies. They should be a concern and not just an annoyance. I reaaly enjoy the survival part of it and it just keeps getting better.

After SA comes out do you think people will still play this mod?

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I like hard zombies. They should be a concern and not just an annoyance. I reaaly enjoy the survival part of it and it just keeps getting better.

After SA comes out do you think people will still play this mod?

Probably not vanilla, as most people playing vanilla now are the survival sim-nuts.  I'm sure Epoch and DayZero will still be plenty popular, and the other maps may still be played.

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From what I can tell from watching DayZ videos, right now the zombies are tougher to deal with than they have ever been. But Ive only been playing since like Feb of this year so I could be wrong. I doubt im wrong tho because zombies on older vids look nothing like current Vanilla zombies.

yea you are right they have made the zombies harder than they ever have been before 

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A lot of times I feel like a zombie, not much variety in my life...

Edited by Winston1984

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