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Can we have it so when parachutes deploy they don't go into the props of a helicopter.  having a helicopter explode in mid flight because of this is kinda lame

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You have to fly right to deploy one... Lol

You cannot be descending in altitude, or the chute will catch the props. What do you expect to happen?/

Edited by OfficerRaymond
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I was flying correctly.  I was flying in 3rd person and that's how I was able to see it go down.  I was not descending when this happened.  I was in the two seater when this went down

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Old bug and has always been there. When flying in a LB you should always remember not to parachute out - if you want to keep the heli.

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How about the ability to choose when our chute deploys instead of it doing automatically?  Would make high altitude drops faster. (and with less risk of being spotted)

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I would like to see you have to get an parachute before you take off from the heli or biplane and if you forget you should just full to your death, it would be funny for anyone who forgets to collect their parachute would be a bad way to die. And having a heli you think you would of been well set with gear

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Parachutes should defo be added to the loot tables. Not just magically appear as we jump from helis. Maybe a system where however many chutes are stored in the heli is how many times someone can para from it. So if me and my say 4 mates have a huey with 2 chutes in inv, then only 2 guys can para out.


Another nice touch could be to have an open chute spawn on the ground where you land, then you can pack it back up using the same animation used for....well....everything lol, the fixing a car type one.

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Well the heli doesn't really explode when a chute gets caught in the rotor. Kind of looks like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaEbpndntsU


Heli blades are a little bit faster though.

It definitely shouldn't explode maybe make the helicopter a bit shaky! loose a bit of altitude and eventually send the parachutist out without a chute.

I imagine I would wanna halo out of a heli though.

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