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Ozelot (DayZ)

Auto-run button.

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Why are you people saying this would make the game too ez and adds realism to the game?


It DOESN'T add realism or game-play.    Please explain to me how holding the W button for a long period of time adds realism or enhances the game-play.  For me it just makes my thumb hurt on those long treks...  Autorun should be put in because it won't take away from the game and it would make long treks more convenient. 


People are starting to take dayz WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.  its still a game.  Holding down a button doesn't add difficulty or immersion.  We won't get that kind of immersion until virtual reality games when you actually have to move your legs to make your character run.  If you want your running to be realistic...go outside...and run.  (or play QWOP)    


This entire thread has been derailed and is now just people insulting each other.  This thread is dieing faster then my attempts in dayz to be friendly!



(Quick tip.  If you have steam enabled.  Hold the W button, then press the shift+tab button to open steam overlay.  Release W and close the overlay.  This is a common steam overlay glitch where if you enable it while doing a action the action will keep happening until pressed again.  To stop running just press w.)

Edited by harley001

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All for auto run, useful feature that does not change gameplay in anyway.


Already Exists with Steam versions or Arma II added to steam.


1. Press and hold " W "


2. Press your steam overlay button


3. Let go of " W "


4. Press your steam overlay button to return to the game.


5. Character is auto running.


6. Sit back and get sniped

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I only play vanilla, I do my very best to stay alive at all times and I wouldn't mind if there was an auto-run button.

How does that fit into your arrogant little theory?


And I play Epoch and Origins and wouldn't use an Auto-run button. I don't fit into his arrogant little theory either. :)

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I actually agree with this suggestion. What effort/realism/gameplay are you really compromising by having a cruise control button. You're just holding down the "W" key for extended periods of time anyway. It's not like that takes a lot of skill. As for realism, well it's not like your left middle finger has much of a role in walking/running IRL.


I for one have my "Run" key bound to a switch on my throttle. When flicked forward, it continuously runs and my left hand is now free to drink coffee, pick my nose or what have you. And if you think this function would enable people to just spawn on the coast, point themselves north, turn on cruise control and then walk away for 20 mins, I dare you to try that. Guaranteed, you'll come back and if you're lucky, you'll be hung up on a tree just a few hundred feet from where you started, but you'll more likely be dead at the bottom of a fence with zombies feasting on your entrails. I know, becuase I've tried blind auto-running and coming back later, and every time it ends up badly.


So even with a cruise control, people will still have to be in the driver's seat steering around trees, fences, villages etc.

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...Rocket just said he and everyone in the office autoruns and they each use their own methods to do it. Rocket jams something between the keys to hold the "W" down. But he cut himself off before saying what they were going to do for the SA. Sounded like a no because people would use an autorun key if it was implemented (i guess he meant use it too much?).

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For some reason said "if we put a dedicated button in, people will use it" and made that out to be a bad thing.... why? It's not like you're given an advantage, if you're auto running you're more likely to die as you cannot react as fast to danger. I always use that Steam overlay bug with the mod to auto run, I couldn't imagine the game without it, I tried playing ARMA 3 Breaking Point, but it becomes so tedious running everywhere and having to hold it down, this is why MMOs put an auto run button in. 


It is all well and good saying he jams a coin in his keyboard to do it, however I have a £130 Razer keyboard that I would like to not break. I would also like to not wear out W faster than any other key, especially since putting a new one in require a lot of effort and soldering. 


Please lets have a dedicated auto run button like num lock or something. 

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You are going to have to use a macro or wedge something in your keyboard, it's not something the devs want to encourage from my understanding so it's doubtful an auto run key will be implemented.

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Auto-run ruins the DayZ experience imo..Most of the people would rather autorun to NWAF for decent loot. Checking out websites while their char is running automaticly..Dean could just remove all the ''unimportant'' villages.

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I actually think you should have to hit the L and R buttons to make your left leg and right leg move.

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So far no compelling arguments have been made against an autorun key. I thought this would be a basic feature and noone would really question its "raison d'etre".


I understand that for many longterm players ("veterans") it feels like an attack on the sense of realism and the hardcore style that the game represents. But guys, is the autorun key really that threatening to you? So what if I want to press autorun and decide to chat with my friends on steam, or watch a youtube video while I am running to Cherno? Shame on me, because for one I'm probably just going to kill myself with that behaviour.


But in the end if anything, it only makes the game better, the movement more fluid and it really adds an option for some multitasking while running (using the voip and  looking around/switching views etc.). Besides, even if you don't want it, or like it, it still does Not affect you in any negative way.


So ask yourself the questions:  Is this a feature the game can benefit from? Yes. Does it make the movement more complex instead of easier? Yes. Is it easy the implement, use and is it resourceful? Yes, indeed!


So do we want it? Yes!


P.S.: Post was intended towards the standalone game. I should possibly create a topic there for the same subject.

Edited by Ruszli

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