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Dayz: Your Favourite moments

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Ok... Ok. I was in the middle of Elektro once. I was on the top of the hospital, when i heard footsteps.

I readied my Winny. The other players came up on the roof, screaming "friendly, friendly".


HE WAS FRIENDLY! That was a once in a life time for me.

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well me and a friend had been walking down the road when we came by a SUV, it had 3/4 fuel and a missing tire good thing i had a spare and we drove off before stopping to see what was inside. well lets just say i got some good wepons from that and plenty of food and driinks but we had one problem the car belonged to a clan that disarmed civies of milatary eqipment except for the aks, any way they were going on and on about how their car was stolen so i dd the right thing and told them that i saw the car right in the middle of elektro [note that early on some people were talkng about some jack in the hills KOS people in elektro] and as we drove to our camp the side chat came up with 3 dead people all the same clan. Well that was a good day B)

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Ok... Ok. I was in the middle of Elektro once. I was on the top of the hospital, when i heard footsteps.

I readied my Winny. The other players came up on the roof, screaming "friendly, friendly".


HE WAS FRIENDLY! That was a once in a life time for me.


same in stary shop! i was amazed for days...

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I got on a server the first time after fiddling around for 2 hours with the Steam version of Combined Ops.

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Back when I first started playing Arma used to crash on me every 20 minutes or so. So I found this random stranger, we teamed up and headed to NWAF. I must have crashed like 5 times during this session, and every single time this guy would wait patiently still where I got disconnected for me to rejoin. He also shared everything he had, bloodbags, bandages, food/drinks, etc.


Another time, I remember teaming up with some german guy in a bandit skin (he said it was on defence), found a car, picked him up, and we rode around the north looking for heli crashes. When I got tired and had to log off I told him to keep the car but he didn't want it.


About a month ago in stary some stranger gave me a gps he'd just found.

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Uh.. well.. Once I found a can of beans, and I ate it, and it was good. Oh boy, that was a good day!

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I once shot this guy in the face and he died and then I shot another guy.

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Made a trap. PKM and me. Ural was coming. YATATATATATATA(amazing shootout). Five kills and Ural full of stuff.

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I was walking through Cherno to look for gas. I arrived at a gas station, and I found a helicopter! Full working condition, gassed up! Mounted guns!


I knew something wasn't right and turned. This guy was running at me with a hatchet, and I pumped something like 20 rounds into him. He died, and his buddy came up firing his gun. He was such a bad shot I actually had time to climb into the heli, get on the mounted gun and empty an entire church roof of lead into him.

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I was walking through Cherno to look for gas. I arrived at a gas station, and I found a helicopter! Full working condition, gassed up! Mounted guns!


I knew something wasn't right and turned. This guy was running at me with a hatchet, and I pumped something like 20 rounds into him. He died, and his buddy came up firing his gun. He was such a bad shot I actually had time to climb into the heli, get on the mounted gun and empty an entire church roof of lead into him.

Sounds good aha any more?

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I have lots of crazy stories, but it seems the ones I enjoy the most are the times when someone holds me up or kidnaps me and leave me for dead.  Is there something wrong with me?

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was on teamspeak with other players, some I knew others I didn't


there was one particular chap who spouted continuous bullshit with the whiny nasal voice you'd expect from a 13 year old who's parents thought it wise buy a $2500 rig


except he was 23


towards the end of the session there were just the 2 of us left, looting for vehicle parts in berezino when I saw him crouched over a tool kit while he rattled on about why call of duty ghosts is the greatest game ever made.

I said something to the effect of 'stop talking shit you little turd' and shot him to death with my AKM


even the memory of it  was satisfying

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Shooting down my first chopper over Polana Factory. It was scouting out me and my buddies as we were approaching the factory. First shot I just barely missed, second shot nailed it in the main rotor.

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Alright, this happened some time ago, but still I remember it clearly.


A buddy of mine and me were scavenging the warehouses at the Berezino docks, we were trying to repair the newly introduced Little Bird we found at the North East airstrip (which we never managed to accomplish).


We heard gunshots and saw a guy with what seemed like a sniper rifle run towards the corner of a wall at the edge of the docks. My friend, who himself had a DMR at the time, tried shooting the guy, but he didn't manage to get him before he disappeared behind the wall.


In what can only be described as a flash decision, I grabbed my MK 48 Mod 0 and sprinted after that guy. I assumed he was going to bolt and I really wanted to take him down before he was gone. Unfortunately, when I reached the wall and ran around it, I looked at the guy, crouching only about 10 meters behind the wall and aiming right at me, and another guy right next to him doing the same. Before I was able to think "fuck it", I was generously emptying my mag in the rough direction of the two guys. Until this day I don't know how I managed to do it, but I actually killed one of them before I was perforated by bullets.


When the surviving guy tried to loot my corpse, my buddy easily got him with his sniper rifle.


So, I lost my Ghillie that day.

Totally worth it.

Edited by Tempus

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My best moments were my first moments.


Ain't that the truth.  I miss those days when I was brand new to the game, had no clue where I was at and a makarov was of value to me.

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more than likely the time we stole the ural after that kid on the bike tried it on down by the docks and beano slotted him with a crisp burst from the mk48

the ural was loaded with satchel charges and we spent the whole night blowing things up


driving through forests searching for camps to blow up we found 3, 2 of them had vehicles and we blew the lot up


after we'd blown up the hospitals in cherno and elektro and the churches including 2 noobs we blew up the ural

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When i shoot or witness the death of a combat logger on a private hive, the most stupid thing to do.

I shot one in the back then he went unconsious ( ... is losing connection ) what gives. Loggin back in ( ty player list ) only to get kicked due to create vehicle restriction #1, next attempt losing connection, last attempt stood up *bang* dead.

Second one was not better...tried to start his heli, i shot the rotor and engine. he ran away. ran back ( prolly with spare parts ) shot at him but it was too far with a holo sight. He ran away only to lose connection in a hangar. Multiple failed attempts ( losing connection x4 or so ) later my buddy decided to look for spare parts for the heli and found his avatar standing in a hangar during the logout timer...and shot him...

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Last night, when I finally found a backpack. have been searching for 4 hours. And it was an Alice pack! The moment was short-lived, however. In my excitement to get to the pack I ended up with like 4 zombies chacing me, and I only had about 1000 blood left. Died quickly and had to start over again lol.

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Using an AN2 as a weapon against some bandits in a heli.


Altitude + AN2s gliding + oblivious bandits gunning down fresh spawns in Cherno = A good waste of a biplane


I honestly don't think I've managed to top the speed I caught coming straight down on their heli in a biplane yet.

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I have lots of crazy stories, but it seems the ones I enjoy the most are the times when someone holds me up or kidnaps me and leave me for dead.  Is there something wrong with me?

no, you just like the way things happen i mean hey i've been kidnaped before and it was cool and funny when they were going on about tortureing me and all that.

P.S none of them survived

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So i'm chilling near Elektro , waltz into a barn and spot a cz550, Fuck me..i have not seen a cz in a barn for donkeys ! Now my mate and i have just hooked the pc up to a 60 inch screen and are basking in the wonderment of it all, scoping around and checking shit out ..looks madly brilliant. Settings pumped.  I hand over my char to him , long story short..he spilt a glass of rum on his pc , through the top casing fan and onto his power supply and gtx680..nice work, no pc for him for a few weeks. So anyway he is getting withdrawals and me being a generous sort of dude i give him a run.

Straight away he snipes guys in Elektro..he misses a bunch of dudes and then goes down for an Elektro loot run, picks up a double barrell and a mak at the school , grabs some food at the shops then dives into the fire station. Two axe dudes come waltzing past, one in a hero suit and one in standard spawn gear. BOOM! BOOM! i am like dude wtf , why you shooting fool ?? He just instantly pops away..and misses. From under 20 feet.

Dude in the hero suit is like..'woah back big fella..slow up there cowboy!'  The other axe dude gives chase. cue benny hill music.. I am like stop shooting you fool ! So he legs it headed to the train station, two axe guys in tow, all sprinting down the street. I figure we have enough of a lead that we can type quickly to them and make amends. Not a chance, the closest axe man gets a swing at us so we leg it agin bleeding.

Old mate Hero suit ends up being Sausages and Mash, who then takes out the dude axing my char. Lolz were had. To make sure he is dead my mate puts two more shottie shells into his face at .5 feet range.

So i ask Sausage if he can show my mate the ropes and take him for a run.

We have not been taking note of where are going (my mate and i anyway) as i am explaining to him my keyboard layout, i am an arrow guy not a wasd dude. So we end up near some trees , in a forest, under the sky, Thats the best i can pinpoint it. I ask old Sausage if he can blood me, we blood up.
Sausage then tells us he needs to be alone in the bush to die, he is too smashed to go any further and must be left to the woods..to spur him on we put a mak bullet in the side window of the hippie van and he gets a some life in him ' woah woah dudes ! dont shoot the fucking wheels man! ' So he calls it..'Lets head to the nw field ..take me there ..i'm to drunk to drive.'

  I jump in, i have now kicked my mate off my char and taken over, i notice Sausage's parking skillz..
To be fair, i have killed more cars than a hacker can spawn in standard 5 minute session. Just as i start to head out this dude appears in front of us and starts poppin' rounds at the front windscreen. i am like wtf man ! I head straight for him at about 1.8 kilometres an hour, if he goes to sleep now he is definitely dead ! But alas he avoids my rampaging madness by walking slowly to the side as we throttle past.

He gets off a few more shots as i am navigating the trees and slowly picking up some downhill speed, now i told you earlier of my l33t driving ability, this is where i prove that racing blood runs in my veins and my track skillz come to the fore..
I hit the tree full on. At about 7 k's an hour. Possibly slower. My passenger awakes,  no doubt surrounded by fire , and saying ' wtf dude ? Whats happenin' man..you trashed the car ! ' I can only assume he passed out as soon as he jumped in and missed the whole shootout deal , waking up only when his face started melting into the dashboard. I have already bailed and watched the shooter appear on my far left skirting through the bushes and heading for us. I keep my distance and run beside him seperated by about 100-150 odd metres. We exchange shots, both of us on the move and flitting from tree to tree. I end up getting behind one tree and observe him, knowing he has lost me as he is looking the wrong way , i start to flank and then get in close enough to nail him, but i only have my Mak, using all my shottie ammo earlier, trying to scare him away with the boomstick sound. I spy him looking around from his tree, if i had anything else but the mak he would be a goner...
I waste a couple of mags of Mak at him and forced him to flee , chasing him for about another minute then lost him in a bunch of firs so gave up and legged it back to check out my car parking action. Boss parking..
Thinking old mate might still be hanging around i shed a tear and hide Steaks corpse then leg it for Stary, hearing a chopper in the distance ..but that is a tale for another day..
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